Thursday, July 13, 2023

Take along project

 I usually have about three take along projects to work on while waiting. 

I am almost done with this more short wait and it will be done.   

It is a shawl.  I love working with variegated yarn watching the patterns of color appear.

It has been rainy off and on...and cool.  It was 42 F or 5 C  here the other morning, yesterday it struggled to get to 67 F or 19 C.  Believe it or not we turned the furnace on for a bit of heat!  I have also used the oven the past two days...Roast Beef one night and Apple Pancake last night.

Far Guy has been huge improvements in his respiratory infection...I have one eye on him.   His Doctor is aware that he is not well.

Far Side


  1. So sorry to hear that Far Guy is battling the infection. I do hope he feels better soon.
    The shawl colors are pretty.

  2. I LOVE the colors in that yarn. Also your polka dot crochet hook.
    Thinking of FG and hoping the infection improves with the best nurse keeping her eye on things!

  3. Wishing FG gets better soon. I sure would like to see rain. It's so dry.

  4. That cooler weather isn't really very good for Far Guy's infection. I'm glad you turned the heat up. Us old folks can't handle too much cool and being sick it is even harder. Hugs to you and to Far Guy

  5. Lovely colours in the shawl.
    Prayers for Far Guy to get over the infection.

  6. Pretty colors!
    Yes, was even chilly out. They turn the heat off in apartment extra layers were in order.
    Hope FarGuy is feeling better soon.

  7. I take along a cross word puzzle.

  8. You have had your share of worries lately. I hope sitting and crocheting helps.

  9. Beautiful color combo! Hope FG feels better soon.

  10. I hope FG gets some help from the doctor. Love your ya!
    That shawl looks so pretty. I love variegated yarn too. Even your hook and your basket match your project. You are one stylish lady!

  11. I almost used your phrase yesterday on my blog but then I didn't. Sometimes things just get out of control and one seems to be a bystander. I hope Far Guy can get ahead of the infection. The air quality doesn't help because it is summer.

  12. My two neighbors stopped today and watched me work. The 80 year old guy asked what was my next project. I said I didn't have one but I wasn't thinking about all these concrete rectangles that I am going to put down else where. I like the colors that are in the basket.

  13. Your weather hardly seems like July!
    I hope Far Guy starts to feel better soon.

  14. What lovely colors! Your shawl will be beautiful! Prayers for improvement.

  15. diane in northern wisJuly 13, 2023 at 10:02 PM

    Oh Dear, praying for far guy to get well very soon. Love the shawl you're working on. Yes it's been cooler here too. We still need rain.

  16. I like working with variegated yarn too. It's so pretty. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Far Guys's health to improve.


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