Saturday, July 1, 2023

Busy Day

 Far Guy drove me around to do errands in town, whilst waiting for me he played with the new car finding out all about the features.  They have changed a few things in three years. 

2024 Buick Encore GX Avenir

We stopped by the Nursing Home, Wally World and DQ:)  Town was nuts with the Rodeo and the 4th coming up...every other car was  from a different state...lots of North Dakota people. 

After unloading groceries I went off on my lawn mower....came home later and had a nap.  I still have some more to mow here in our yard. 

The place we bought the vehicle is having their 45th Annual Catchup sale...relish a deal don't get caught in a pickle.  A bottle of catsup with a test drive and a case of catsup with the purchase of a vehicle.

Goodbye June...hello July.

Far Side


  1. What a nice looking car! Have you named it yet?

  2. Nice car! Whoo hoo!

    Yeah, I tried getting hubby to go for an updated 'Ru. He said no. I say, why not?

    LOL on the catsup. I doubt we'd ever go through a case! One bottle lasts for months here!

  3. you are so funny... catchup indeed. hehe. Don't get too hot out there mowing. I imagine it would be a relaxing chore if the sun wasn't too hot.

  4. Nice vehicle, and I love the color.
    I'm sure the mowing never ends.

  5. catsup is the funniest thing to get with a new car. Very sharp looking new vehicle!

  6. It is a wonderful car. I like the gray blue and the style/design is outstanding. I am taking my six year old car today for oil and tires at the Buick place and will look them all over. Wow!

  7. I like the color. It's a good looking vehicle.

  8. At least it is a very nice blue. ;)
    It's July 1st? Well, that snuck up on me. Glad you let me know. I swear when you are home 24/7 it is hard to know what day it is--lol!

  9. Buying new cars these days is an adventure. A case of ketchup is kind of an insult.

  10. I hope it was Heinz! 😉

  11. Well, you certainly did catch up to a new model! Beautiful car.
    Will there be burgers with that catsup?

  12. What a snazzy vehicle! Does it have the inboard GPS with the screen and all that? Backup cameras? My neighbor got a new car and it looks similar to yours but then I'm not good at cars. Congrats! 3 hours of mowing in this heat? You're a better woman than I am.

  13. That is one snazzy looking car. Loved the catsup idea! :)

  14. Bobi, Yes it is Heinz. Sam yes it has Back up cameras etc...

  15. That is a very nice looking car Connie. I really like the color. I can't believe 2024's are out already. I'm glad you like it so far.
    Pleae be careful in the heat. It can be so dangerous and creep up on you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. Very nice new car....the first 2024 I've seen.

  17. Nice car! It looks fierce. That's a nice shade of blue.

  18. Love the new car! Will it get a name? The Catsup Sale sounds adorable. What fun. And what a lot of catsup!

  19. I have a 2017 Encore. I absolutely love it. Enjoy your new vehicle


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