Thursday, May 12, 2022

Mostly Brown

 The grass is greening up nicely but the woods are mostly brown.

Shell River is up a tad, I suppose the suckers are running....that was practically a Holiday in years past. 

A Indigo Bunting visited yesterday, some times they stick around most of the Summer hanging out at the edge of the woods.   We have a Blue Jay that irritates a Robin every morning....not sure if they are fighting for food, space or territory.   I put out the Humming Bird Feeder and low and behold a hummer visited! We also have a male Bluebird.  

Far Side


  1. Blue Jays are the main songbird here on our land. They come by the dozen when they see me spreading seed every morning....squawking as they fly in. We have Robins too but they don't both each other very often because both prefer different food... the jays like seed, the robins prefer worms & bugs. The one bird I'm missing this year are Cardinals. Oh, I see a few here and there but not by the dozen, as I used to see them. Perhaps they were most affected in this area by that songbird virus from last year. Of course there's plenty of other birds too. Hubby just saw a couple Yellow Warblers the other day. He had to look them up to know what they were. Enjoy your land, Connie... it's such a wonderful time of year. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. You are so fortunate! It is greening up, though!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. Hummingbirds already! I'm going to put up ours and see if we have a visit. Robins have been around for months since we had such a mild winter. It was 98F in the shade on our deck yesterday! What?! Today is supposed to be hotter. Mandy tells us the furnace was running on Sunday. How crazy is this? Still no flowers in our yard but the iris are up, just no blooms yet.

  4. Wow! We saw Indigo Buntings yesterday and I did take some shots but just haven't pulled them off the camera.
    Our blue birds are nesting somewhere and I am so overjoyed to see that we have at least two nesting pairs!

    The bird music this morning was wonderful.

  5. Our trees are just starting to leaf out. Soon all the light in my office will be blocked by my Norway Maple.

  6. I had Indigo Buntings too. I love seeing them. The Towhee was here too. Do you see them? Plus, I had some shy Yellow Finch.

  7. We had a Brown Thrasher a couple of days ago. I had to check with my neighbor who is a birder, and professional photographer. He has posted photos of other less common birds lately. The cardinals have been loud and bossy!

  8. This is such a wonderful time of the year when all the birds and other creatures begin to return. I just put out my Humming Bird Feeder yesterday and like yours it quickly had visitors. I also have been seeing a colorful variety of other birds. Enjoy your visitors!

  9. Mostly brown is part of nature it will change to green in its own good time, having birds around is so lovely

  10. Blue jays can be so annoying... they are beautiful but they are big bullies! I put my hummer feeder out last week but we haven't seen and hummers yet. Have a great weekend!

  11. The woods will soon green up quickly, and be full of bird song!

  12. You have some special birds visiting.

  13. I have only ever seen an indigo bunting once in my life. I thought it was someone's lost parakeet. Our woods are leafing out, lots of little green leaves, so bright and pretty at this stage before things totally grow out. Hope you get to that stage soon!

  14. Indigo buntings are some of my very favorite birds. One summer we had 3 that stayed around all summer. I also love Baltimore orioles and hummers! And of course robins! Things are greening up here too since our loud, long, thunderstorm of last night. Take care you two!

  15. Was fishing for Spring suckers a thing in Minnesota? Years ago, we used to fish for them as kids in our local creek. Up north, the "Swedes" would dip net for them along with Smelt. They used to smoke them in large batches, I guess. I think that is a lost tradition now, though. I have not heard of anyone doing that for a long long time.

  16. I hope your male bluebird finds a female and they raise a lovely bunch of babies.
    I once saw an Indigo Bunting. It was a 5 second glimpse but I've never seen one again. We don't have them here but the place where I saw it was a couple of hundred miles east.

  17. Our trees just burst out in green last week. It was so slow. I am amazed how fast it did change from bare branches to green. My first iris bloom this morning and also fern leaf bloom.

  18. So far we've only had one hummingbird (New York State) a male ruby throated and what a beautiful sight he was with his gorget sparkling in the late afternoon sun. Took my breath away. Connie, I also want to let you know that I checked my blog spam comment folder this morning and there was a comment purporting to be from you telling me I had won the "June contest" and to send my home address to a "captainconnie2001" . I doubt this was from you and I know this is beyond your control but wanted you to let you know so you can warn your other blogging friends in case this person is targeting your readers for some reason.

  19. Alana, Yes the message was from me!


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