Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 We have new blooms.  Pin Cherries are in full bloom. 

Fun to watch the blooms in the woods. 

Baby...My baby brother and his bride welcomed their 11th Grandchild.  Bjorn is here safe and sound, he lives in New Jersey and his Grandma is there to snuggle him...he weighed 10 pounds and 2 ounces...uffda!   We may get to meet him in person in August...that is their usual time to visit!   Bjorn joins his two sisters and two brothers at home. 

Far Side


  1. Congratulations to your baby brother on his new grandchild. That sure is a big baby.

  2. Congratulations on a new family member!

    My middle child was 10 lbs., 8 oz.!

    I love the blooms.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. Welcome to the world, sweet Bjorn!! May you live a long life, bringing much honor to your family name. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. A baby! Welcome baby Bjorn. I know Grandma is enjoying those snuggles. I sure did. The blooms are very pretty too!

  5. When my 5th child was born, the nurse said 6 06 and I said, well that's a nice size. She said, no honey, that's the time. The baby is 9lb 5 oz. I am glad I had children before they told you birth weights ahead of time!

  6. Congrats to Bjorn's parents, grandparents, and extended family. He's a big boy!
    I've got blooms on my bergenia. Not as pretty as the pincherries but it's nice to see some color in the garden.

  7. My goodness, what a big boy! Such a nice strong Minnesota name for this newest member of your family.

  8. It is always great to have a new baby in the family. Bjorn is a fine name. I did know a guy with that name when I was in college. Pin cherry time is coming.

  9. Glad that baby arrived safely. He's a good size! Our oldest son was over 10 lbs at 10 days when we got him. He never did fit into newborn size clothes.

  10. New babies in the family - always brings a smile to my face. One of my niece's is having a new baby early this summer. I can't wait to meet him.

  11. Pretty shot & blooms! We have a couple different trees with small white Spring blooms right now. No clue what they are.

    That is a good sized baby and family for this day and age. Babies are such a sweet blessing.

  12. Congrats on the new baby in the family, and on cherry blossoms!

  13. What great Bs! Especially the new baby. :)

  14. Wow, he was a hefty boy. Congrats

  15. Spring and flowering trees, so pretty. Congratulations on a new baby. I wonder how many Bjorns are in New Jersey?

  16. Pretty blooms and congrats on the new addition to the family!

  17. Wow, that is one big baby! Congratulations to all, and glad to know you'll see him in August.

  18. Welcome to the world, Bjorn. Hope you do get to meet this little guy come August! Maybe we'll get to see a picture of him then!

  19. That is a big kid! Congrats! I think I was 11 lbs... 2 months overdue. ( no fancy medical contraptions back then...) Not sure, but I'm thinking c section for Mom.

  20. Congratulations to your baby brother! Bjorn sounds like one big boy and a blessing to all the family!

  21. Congratulations on the new baby! I love the name, Bjorn.


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