Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Other Stuff

 I attempted to kill the lawn mower.   The drive train belt came off and stranded me over by a  trail between properties that I mow.  Far Guy came to the rescue and after we got it hooked up with a strap we towed it home with Ranger Blue.  We watched some videos and the next day Far Guy attached the drive train belt that had come wasn't busted in pieces...but he took off to town to get a new part.  In the meantime it worked just fine and I mulched all the leaves in the yard and began the mowing of the wildflower gardens.   It is just a matter of time before the drive train belt comes completely apart in pieces...Far Guy says it is really chewed up.  The mower is 11 years old.  We are contemplating what to the mower...we have the a new mower?  Will they be more expensive in the spring?   Will they even be available in the Spring?  Decisions...

Far Guy finished the mowing of the wildflower gardens...I may be done with the lawn mower for this year  I mulched 9 1/2 times.  We will see how many leaves end up in our yard from the woods.

Far Guy fixed my floor had a bad switch...Far Guy jiggled it around and now it is as good as new.  I turn the lamp on for extra light when I crochet while watching TV. 

We took Tilly for a ride to a different Auto Body Shop who say they can do the body work and paint her this winter and get it out by the summer...waiting on that bid. 

I have been painting up a storm...I have 66 ornaments painted now.  Yeah me! 

Our weather is cold 48 F for a high or 9 C and very windy and we have rain forecast for the next few days.  Next week we get even colder.  I would like what we call "Indian Summer" for the entire month of November! 

South of here there are still some pretty leaves.  This road was under construction all summer, nice to see it finished. 

Far Side


  1. It is coming up on that season where even I start to think about staying indoors and doing crafts!
    That is an accomplishment on painting your ornaments.
    I love the layers of colors in this road.

  2. I really need to mow/mulch our yard, but with all the rain and higher humidity it is really too wet. Hope you get the belt replaced soon. All this uncertainty with getting parts, products, etc is driving me crazy. Keep warm and safe.

  3. Wow, you are really pumping those ornaments out! I say fix the lawnmower if you have the parts, and go look at new ones too. Then you can decide if you want to buy it and store both of them all winter.

  4. Yes the colour-fest is winding down here too. The last 2 days the leaves have been dropping, as we are getting hit with a rainstorm that is battering the west coast- fortunately we aren't getting the winds though.

  5. We are colder than you, 44 degrees F for my morning walk. The sun is out though and that will quickly change things. I’m glad your mower waited until the end of the season to give out. Maybe it just knew it’s duties were done!

  6. It is great that Far Guy can do repairs for you. I gave my lawn mower to my granddaughter after Tom died. Like yours, it was old. She has a companion who is good at repairs.

  7. Sorry about your mower. It's like it knew the season was over and done with. It's really good that Far Guy is great with repairs. That saves SO much in money and time. Great job on the ornaments. Lots of grateful recipients waiting for them. :-)

  8. An extended Indian Summer would be nice and welcomed for the entire month of November.

  9. It's been pretty cold and rainy here too. No hard frost yet, but soon.
    I bought my very first lawn mower when we moved here (just a push mower, lawn isn't big enough for a riding mower). I'm surprised how much I enjoy mowing the lawn. I'm sure it will wear off.
    I have to do one more mow this weekend to run the gas out of it, then clean and oil her blades and put her away until next spring.

  10. Hope the mower lasts a little longer. Awesome job on the painting progress. And glad your floor lamp is working properly now.

  11. I killed our lawnmower this summer. Made me sick. We tried to get parts....not available for 6 months. We tried to buy and new mower, LOL the salesman said, they haven't had mowers for 6 months and don't expect to have any until November. (Who mows the lawn in November here in Colorado?) I could pre-order one and hope it comes. To pre-order that means you pre-pay.
    So Terry and I drug Terry's Mom's out of the bone pile and using parts from our old one he created me a new lawn mower that was ready in three days.
    I feel so grateful for a husband who knows how to fix stuff.

  12. I vote for a new one, but then again who knows when you might actually receive it? And glad to hear your extra light is fixed.

  13. My husband has bagged leaves with the mower twice a week for the past 3 weeks, and we cleaned out all of the rain gutters on Monday. And today, with the rain and wind, it looks like it's never been done. All of the ash trees are now naked. But the maples are just beginning to turn so we'll be repeating that work several more times. We have SO MANY big trees in our yard. We enjoy them in the summer, but come fall they create a lot of work.

  14. Oh man, it's always something, isn't it! Blue Ranger to the rescue!!!

  15. Hopefully you won't need to mow any more this season and Far Guy can fix it until you decide to buy another. My mower has been packed away for a few weeks now. The lawn probably could use a mow but I'll leave it long for the bugs.

    We're going to be cold through the first week in November. It won't be as much fun for the kids at Halloween, but at least there will be no snow.

    Take care, stay well.

  16. I just bought a lawnmower an hour ago. According to them, it should arrive in February. So you may want to think ahead if you aren't getting something in stock.

  17. My hubby always opts to "repair" until the thing is absolutely unrepairable... or it costs more to repair than replace. Whatever decision you make about the lawnmower, it will be the right one for you. ~Andrea XOXOXO

  18. I have never used a lawnmower in my life, no I don't think it is a man's job I just never had to do it........

  19. I hope that Body Shop's estimate is reasonable so Far Guy can get Tilly back before Summer.

  20. Sorry about your mower but at least it's the end of the season, if that helps. I miss the midwest at this time of year....such beautiful colors and trees. That will be great if Tilly can be ready by summer. I have 2 lamps that need fixing. It will be a winter project. My lawn gut came last evening and mowed and weed whacked. He does a better job than I could! Best decision I ever made although I always enjoyed mowing.

  21. Oh, pretty blue sky! Don't know when we'll see that again. Hopefully this weekend.
    Our washing machine broke. It wont spin. We went on line to try to find a DIT fix, but nothing fit our issue. We decided since it is 22 years old to buy a new one. Delivery is Monday.

  22. Thank goodness for Far Guy and Ranger Blue to the rescue. It sounds like you've got more than enough mulching done with 9 1/2 times. Great job on painting ornaments. I know they look beautiful and festive! Your photo is beautiful and that road looks like a nice place for a drive.

  23. Garden equipment ca be a nuisance when it falls apart and needs repair.

  24. That finished road of yours look pretty nice. You guys are good at fixing things when they break. I'm impressed! Good job on all the painting you're getting done. We're having 50's this week so that feels good. Next week colder.

  25. I like the names of your vehicles. Happy for you that your mowing and leaf mulching is done for this year. I'm afraid all that is on hold here until after Thanksgiving...if all goes well. I'm dying to rake up a tarp load of leaves for the garden.

  26. Can't say I have ever killed a lawnmower - but I have killed a 1946 Buick (boiled it dry and seized the motor, oh dear, I was not popular).

  27. It sounds like Far Guy is feeling better! If you are keeping the mower, I would suggest getting the parts now. I’ve heard supply chains are only supposed to get worse. Who knows what the future holds. Nice pic.


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