Saturday, October 23, 2021


 I made some headway on my Mosaic Crochet Afghan this week.  

Here is week two of seven.

Making progress, I am now working on week three... five weeks have been I am a bit behind but I shall catch up!    Look off to the left...Mosaic Crochet is pretty from the reverse side also!   My next colors are a bit adventurous and there is a mistake at the bottom of the pink for some reason I went brain dead and didn't get all the brown and orange stripe in there...oh well all works of art have mistakes. 

I  finished 6 Christmas Ornaments yesterday.   I have 36 done now.   Slow but sure!  

I tried those Midknight Oranges from South Africa...they are juice oranges.   Next time I order Cara Cara Oranges I will write extra notes that I don't want substitutions AT ALL for oranges.  I wonder if they will get the message? 

We got a new "smart thermostat"  we have been waiting on some kind of special resistor most of the summer.  The part finally came in and the electricians did their thing.  Happy to have it checked off the list! 

Far Guy worked on Tilly's was real is better now...I think it gets four radio stations. 

We had another hard frost, the ground was white with frost yesterday morning.  The high yesterday was 45 F  or 7 C the spring we would call it warm, in the Fall we call it cold. 

Far Side


  1. Your Afghan is all kinds of pretty! No one will notice the “mistake” but you, beside it just adds character. We had our second frost last night. Our flowering pots are still blooming away for now, and some ground flowers. My veggie garden is toast. Let the cleanup begin. Have a good weekend!

  2. I think I made that very same comment to my husband when I came in from doing chores in the morning with my hat, gloves, and coveralls...regarding how we would consider the mid 30's warm in the spring and right now it felt cold.
    That crochet project looks like intricate weaving! Wow, it is beautiful.

  3. Connie & all, have any of you heard how Mildred at Laurel Wood is doing? Her blog has closed down.

  4. We are still waiting for our first frost. I sure do like that mosaic, and the mistake adds to the beauty of the afghan, to my mind. :-)

  5. Our weather is cooling down but we haven't had frost yet. The crochet patterns are beautiful.

  6. Your Afghan is beautiful, I miss crocheting and cross stitch so much, wow, a frost ,ours will probably come in November. I haven't heard of the Midnight oranges, mostly what we get are navel oranges! Have a great weekend!

  7. Love the design and your color choices on the crochet project. It will be a beauty! We haven't had frost yet, although we did get a little snow on Wednesday. My geranium on the porch is still blooming in spite of the chilly temps. It's only 39 degrees here at 9:30 in the morning. And the leaves are drifting down every so gently.

  8. Yes, isn't it funny the different meanings of "warm" and "cold" depending on the season? I love how you brought attention to that fact! Oh my, the ground white with frost!! It's hit you hard indeed already, Connie. Your afghan is EXACTLY that.... a work of art! It's soooo beautiful. On both sides! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. Gorgeous crochet! I had to chuckle at your observation about Spring and Fall temperatures: it’s so true.

  10. Gosh that pattern is amazing! The rumor around here is that the Amish always make a small mistake (on purpose) in every quilt to show humility. Accidentally on purpose (smile). It is strange what comes up missing at the grocery stores anymore. We live in an area surrounded by farms and apple orchards. But most orchards drive the apples from up here along the lake to Cincinnati (the southern point of the state) to go out on boats across the east. And our stores keep having apple shortages LOL. Don't get me started on my husband's decision to cut down my apple trees. Well, okay, we were inundated with bees from the ground falls.

  11. That is stunning! You do very nice work.

  12. Imperfections are a thing of beauty.
    How true about the 45 degree days--lol!

  13. Oh, the mosaic crochet is gorgeous. And I'll be honest I wouldn't have a clue there was something missing if you didn't say anything...and even now I can't tell. :)

    Isn't that the truth, temperature is relative to the time of year. I'm wearing light gloves when I walk to the mailbox these days. That horrid 4 letter word is in our forecast for tomorrow, though it won't last thankfully!

    Take care, stay well.

  14. Your afghan is so beautiful! I love the stitch but it looks difficult. In quilting I always heard you should have a mistake somewhere in the quilt as the "humility block". So you just have a "humility stitch" and it gives character to your work!

  15. So bloody nice better then anything I could do

  16. Your temperatures have changed so quickly! Ours are much more gradual, but I do know what you mean about the same temperature feeling colder in autumn than in spring.
    Love your new crochet project :)

  17. Connie, that is stunning crochet work! I would love how to do something like that someday. We had a hard frost a couple of days ago and the leaves are now changing quickly. The furnace had to come on and doesn't sound right so we have a repairman coming out Monday.
    Glad Tilly can sing again.

  18. Ha! You're so right! In the Fall we call those temps COLD but we are happy to call them WARM when Spring comes around. Sounds like you're making good progress on those ornaments. Too bad you didn't like the substitute oranges. Glad you got your thermostat part. Sounds like we may end up needing a whole new furnace. Yikes!

  19. Nice that Tilly's radio works now. I hope it only plays golden oldies from her era. They were the best.

  20. It is beautiful! I cannot do it, but I'm happy to see your work!

  21. Your afghan is stunning! I'll have to try it maybe after Christmas...I have Christmas ornaments to make now! No frost here yet and 60's during the kind of weather. Tilly and Ranger were good purchases!

  22. That’s going to be a beautiful Afghan. I think reading the pattern would be too much for my eyes!

  23. In my monthly craft group the other day we were discussing the fact it's those imperfections in handmade items that make them extra special. That will be the case for this blanket too.


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