Saturday, May 8, 2021

Oh Deer

 Can you find the hidden deer?  

They were on the edge of the woods.   Eating what ever tasty new growth on the brush they could find. 

Can you see the deer butt?   Soon after this two more came through the yard...running...and they all took off together...must have been late for a herd meeting.

It was a quiet day getting a few projects done.  Far Guy worked on his new old car...the back door that had all the broken glass in the door could only be opened from the is all fixed now and can be opened from the outside!!

My other baby brother and his bride along with Baxter came by to visit.  It was a very chilly day.  High of 54 F and windy.  It will freeze the next few nights maybe way into next week.

Far Side


  1. We have a frost going on this morning here too. It is 32 right now and will dip before the sun comes up. I was waiting until after next week to get some outdoor plants. Glad I waited!
    Love the deer shots. What is on the posts?

    1. The one post has a platform on it, sometimes I put oranges on it for the Orioles, other times a bird feeder:) Nothing on it right now

  2. I love seeing the pretty deer. Sorry the weather is still getting so cold there!

  3. I see the deer. Our weather has been cooler and yesterday was very windy. I am happy that FG enjoys working on Bertha! I wish you a happy Mother’s Day.

  4. We are having similar weather and dipping into the upper 20F tonight. Guess I will have to bring my annuals in the garage, again. So far the plants have done okay tucked against the house, but 20's is too cold for tender toes. Brr! Hoping I can plant them soon. May 10 is suppose to be our last frost date. I was having trouble finding the camouflaged deer butt, until I enlarge your photo.

  5. I had to enlarge the photo to see the deer butt. They're beautiful animals but they sure can do some damage.
    Today is cool, but we're expecting some lovely weather next week. I'm holding off heading to the garden centers just yet though. I'm certainly not in the mood to bring things in and out of the house.
    Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Mother's Day!

  6. To me 54 degrees is cold when the wind is blowing. I am glad Far Guy can now open his door. There were always problems with the doors of older cars. We are not freezing but my tomatoes are yellow from the cold.

  7. I forgot to mention how happy that Far Guy beat off that lung thing.

  8. No deer butt found by me... only the full deer. Camouflage indeed! :) I love deer and can't wait to see the babies later on. ~Andrea xoxo

  9. I could easily see the deer in the first picture but never did find the butt in the second even though I enlarged the pic. How nice to have them visit.

  10. I enjoyed playing "find the deer". I found the two in the first picture and one in the second picture but did not find the deer butt! They enjoy your beautiful yard. I'm happy to hear that Far Guy has his car back to work on. I know these guys love playing with and fixing up their cars. Have a good weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

  11. Funny the things that spook deer and set them running.

  12. I didn't find the deer butt either, I blamed it on my old eyes! You have such and active backyard!

  13. I see the Butt! I had to enlarge the picture though. Those deer sure do blend in whenever I try to get them along the trail.

  14. Our weather is similar: 55 degrees and very windy makes it feel even colder. At least the sun is shining. I didn't see the deer butt and I looked for quite awhile. :-)

  15. Left center of the photo look at the two blue lawn ornaments:)

  16. We have more deer than room around our town. That leads to a lot of accidents. My husband is a champion deer spotter - he can point them out along the woods lining the roads from far away. He is always saying "deer" and than spending lots of time pointing them out until I see them. The other day we had our newly five year old granddaughter in the car and drove by some fields. She yelled "deer" and had spotted one on the other side of the field, away from the road! She has her grandfather's deer-radar!!!

  17. your yard is greening up nicely and the visiting deer are beautiful. Sounds like far guy is having some fun tinkering around that new old car. And you seem to keep busy with a zillion cool things! Have a great rest of your weekend.

  18. I did find the deer butt even without the hint. :-) We're having a humdinger of a thunderstorm right now. The entire house is shaking from the thunder. Whoa!
    Dennis is in Hardin, MT right now, hoping to get to Sheridan, WY before stopping. I think he's pushing himself but do men listen? Nope.
    Take care my friend.

  19. Yup! See those hungry deer. I'm sure they are thrilled it is trying to be spring so there are some sprouts and shoots and such to nibble on.
    Nice to have some company stop by. Should have felt warmer if it wasn't so windy. Have a nice Sunday. :)

  20. You had dear visitors of several kinds.

  21. Well, looks like everyone in the deer community has read the memo!

  22. Your grass looks nice! Mine's been mowed 3 times now. It was 80 here yesterday....not humid though....yet. YOu have a lot of dear/deer friends.


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