Sunday, May 2, 2021

Be a Helper

 We had a few frustrating days, with medical appointments changed and cancelled.  The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and they are not consulting each other.  They are not helpers...well we had one helper who scheduled everything and later in the day a different nurse (Nurse Ratched type) called and cancelled everything...she was a real bitch non helper.

My eye doctor called I have a wrinkle in my retina, he says he is not concerned at this time however I have to do the test over again in six months.  Should my vision change I should call him immediately.   He is a helper. 

We went for a ride on the trails yesterday and while we were gone our patio table exploded...the glass top shattered into many pieces...Far Guy says a million pieces.  We were getting it cleaned up when my other baby brother and she who sees robins first stopped by.  She who sees robins first helped me sweep up the glass.  My other baby brother said we could put the steel frame in his bin that will get recycled someday.  Their Grand Ava was along...she helped by carrying a vacuum cleaner from the garage.  They were all helpers.  It took a while to vacuum all the cracks and crevices between the pavers.   We were tired had a nap and after supper we vacuumed some more...we are reasonably sure we have that huge mess cleaned up.

Even Baxter can be a helper! 

Our area has a number of anti vax people...I have relatives that are against vaccinations.  How are they helping vulnerable transplant patients or children that are immune compromised.  Of course none of them have Polio, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Measles, Mumps,  Ruebella or Small Pox...why are they protected from the diseases that could take their lives...because they had mothers (helpers) who cared about them!  Yet they choose to play the Covid lottery...I guess that is their choice.  Sadly they are not helpers.

Far Side


  1. I get that totally. Just spoke via messenger with an anti vaxxer who said he couldn't take it b/c his doctor said he has an immunocompromised system and I linked him to an NIH article that specifically stated that he should have been one of the first ones vaccinated.
    Truly there will always be those who do not believe in modern vaccines.

    My only statement to anti vaccine folks is to ask if they vaccinate their pets and they say yes. Our dogs actually get a type of coronavirus vaccination, along with rabies which is mostly unheard of in pets! Protect our pets but not ourselves? Oh wait. Big bad government makes a person vaccinate their pets.

    I am no medical expert but I worried like you for a year in being a danger to my husband.

    Lastly. Love the photo of Baxter and wow on the table. Why did the glass shatter do you know?

    Stay well.

    1. No idea why the glass top shattered, heat? The table was very old...about 30 years old. We were gone when it happened.

  2. It’s wonderful that people wearing masks during Covid have made Far Guy’s life much better.I don’t understand all those folks not taking the vaccine either. As you say, they are not helpers and they are depending on the rest of us to get the vaccine that then gives them and their children some protection. Wonder what caused your patio table to burst into a million pieces. What a mess to clean up. Have a good Sunday!

  3. Anti-vaxers make me so angry. My mother went deaf in one ear after measles, my father’s mother struggled to walk for 60 years after polio. They both could quite easily have died. Why would you avoid a simple jab (or my polio vaccine came on a sugar lump) designed to stop you getting ill? And of course passing your germs on to others. There is no logic to it. It’s very selfish.
    Well done Baxter!

  4. I have learned in my area, the anti vaxxers got their medical degrees from Facebook or Twitter. Makes me so sad.

  5. Why did your table explode? Did something fall on it? Or was it's warrenty up? :)

    People should not be playing Covid lottery, because they're playing with our lives too. I am now fully vacinated, my 2 weeks after my 2nd shot was last Wednesday. On Friday my neighbor (also fully vacinated) and I went for a drive! It was so wonderful!

    1. It was 30 years old...nothing different was in the is a mystery to us too...perhaps it was just too old.

  6. The anti-virus people anger me, too. Tom spent almost his whole life with a lame leg because he was infected with polio before there was a vaccine. Later in life he had post polio syndrome. Because he had polio he had reactions that continually weakened him from about the age 30 onward. I pray that those who have had Covid don't have something similar happen to them. No one knew there would be after effects because of polio until they started showing up years after the person was stricken. Those who are anti vaccine are harming themselves and everyone they meet.

  7. Yay for the helpers in the world!

  8. What a day you have had. I agree that sometimes it seems that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing when you're dealing with medical personell. I hope it is all straightened out again.
    I'm sorry to hear about your patio table top. I wonder what makes that happen? I amm so grateful to the Lord that no one was near to sustain major injurities.

  9. We have folks with similar views around here too. And I totally agree with you, they aren't helping the situation at all. I avoided downtown all day yesterday as the MyPillow guy came here - because he loves our governor - to announce his new social media platform. I'm surprised that our governor hasn't had all liberals deported to Minnesota. That's my rant for the day! Sorry!

  10. I'm glad you have some wonderful helpers in your life. I wonder why the table top shattered. A few years ago, one of the panes of glass in the sunroom shattered. I learned from the company that replaced it, that it was likely due to the stress from the shifting of the ground below the room.

    As for Nurse Ratched, she sounds like a real winner. Hope you are able to get your appointments sorted soon. Don't get me started on the anti-vaxxers - my feelings are as strong as yours. What happened to caring for your neighbours?

  11. I sure hope that you reported the medical non-helpers. There's no excuse for being rude and bitchy! I left a medical practice many years ago because of incompetent and rude staff. The doctor was good but the staff was intolerable. So glad you had good helpers with the broken glass, what a mess that must have been. Don't you love naps? Hope you have a good week ahead.

  12. This is a good post, Connie. You are so right about being a helper. So far I have had the good fortune to have helpers on my medical team who make it easy to get the attention I need. Fortunately my conditions aren't life threatening.
    I too have relatives who are anti vaxers. They of course are not considering others in their decisions. Then there are others who say they are just confused, or don't trust the vaccine. I say "Get educated"!
    Thanks for this "awareness" post.

  13. That glass table top would have been horrid to come home to AND to have to clean up!

  14. Thankfully, you weren’t home when the tabletop exploded. I can’t imagine the mess it made, but happy that you had help cleaning up the glass shards. Some in my family refuse to get the COVID vaccine and also refuse to wear masks. Anti-vaxers will certainly extend the pandemic, but they don’t understand that.

  15. You ask a question that has been bothering me as well. What creates an anti-vaxxer ? Why do they continue with their delusions? You make a great analogy of helpers.

  16. The table top is a mystery--wow!
    So many non-helpers. Glad you have some good helpers in the family, though.
    I had a macular pucker or wrinkle in the retina before my cataract surgery and the surgery made it worse. Glad you have a good eye doctor.
    Have a good week. :)

  17. What a shame about the table. That picture of Baxter is too cute! ❤️

  18. I had a wonderful breakfast inside today (socially distanced) with my friend Lily and a couple others. We are all either fully vaccinated or halfway there. That exploding table prodded a memory of someone else having had the same thing, but I don't remember who it was or why it happened.

  19. I'm sorry to hear about your appointment problems. Sometimes I just don't understand people that seem to try and make things more difficult. Yay for the helpers in the world, bless them all! I also was told I have a wrinkle in my retina and either it or the coming cataracts have sure given me more vision problems. If the table was going to explode it might be good it did it when you were not home. Hearing that would really be scary and dangerous if you were near it.

  20. We went to church in person for the first time since March 2020. 80% of the people were wearing a mask. About 15% had a mask on their chin and 5% had no mask at all, including the parish manager. I guess we are back to Facebook Mass. Our county has had a few more vaccines, but last I knew only 28% of the eligible population has gotten one. I am just livid about it.

    My daughter came home from work one day to find the glass top on her patio table had shattered into a million pieces. She had pavers, too. Fun times. Once I left the house an hour before my husband got home. He called and asked what happened to the hutch. In that hour one of the glass doors had shattered. It was a newer hutch and the glass broke in pellets that fortunately did not harm anything in the cabinet.

  21. I sure get the contrast between helpers and non-helpers, people who actually make things worse! Sometimes I think the medical system is set up to make your life more difficult rather than better!

  22. There are some natural helper people to which helping comes natural, other are the opposite and so frustrating

  23. I truly hope your eyeball wrinkle does not become problematic. Good vision is super important!! At least you know what is going on, and that your doc in not concerned. Sorry for the scheduling woes :/ No words about your glass table, other than you have an amazing family of helpers!

  24. ugh, our patio table exploded a couple of years ago too. Just bang and it was gone. What a mess. we bought basically the same set again. If this one goes kaboom I'm going to put a piece of plywood in the frame and just cover it with a nice plastic table cloth.

  25. The non helpers can be such jerks. I did get a call to get my repaired hearing aid picked up. It took me half the conservation to figure out what she was saying but then I was asked when I could come in. I told her when and she then said no. So I told her to tell me when to come in. I guess I need to watch my table for that kind of behavior. I have not heard of that before now.

  26. I've seen more than one of those tables after they have shattered. No idea as to the why of it but they certainly are a pain to clean up.

  27. Sorry about the messing about with the appointments. Glad some people were helpers though. Hope the eye wrinkle doesn't get worse.


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