Sunday, February 9, 2020


We cleaned up our file mess and shredded everything.  We resorted to cutting off names and account numbers and just shredded those parts.   Our shredder got a work out and overheated a few times.  Far Guy has a system he puts the shredder in reverse when he leaves it to cool off, then when it makes noise you know you can go back to work.

We took nine bags of shred and three bags of non shred paper to recycle.

I missed a couple of years of cleaning out I was behind.  I still have more to file cabinet at a time.

I guess I keep lots of stuff I shouldn't .

Far Side


  1. We just bought a new shredder. We wore out the old one.

  2. I used to take my stuff to the office to shred and then I used the bags of shredded paper for bedding for my horse...many years ago. I think the funny thing about it was no one would try to look for info after the horses had used it! I composted it and had nice soil out of it eventually.
    Sounds like you guys are really doing a lot of sorting and cleaning!

  3. My dad used to love his shredder. It was his favorite toy. I was surprised to find he had two of them in use and a new one in the box when I cleaned out his house.

  4. I have a box full of paper in the garage that I need to shred. I keep too much paper,too.

  5. Same here but we kept a lot of stuff that didn't have to be kept. We plug our shredder from time to time because we don't reverse it once in a while.

  6. We've worn out a few shredders and the one we have now doesn't like to turn on so I think we need a new one again. I should shred papers again too. i don't know why I put it off and I keep things much longer than I need to. I usually spend a few days in both spring and fall, going through our active files and shredding loads of paper. Such a waste of trees.

  7. We have never owned a shredder. Usually we remove any identifying info and recycle the rest. Whatever needs to be destroyed gets burned in the wood stove. Might as well provide us with some heat!

  8. You remind me that I need to go through my files again. Been a couple of years and it is getting way too tightly packed in there. I probably keep too much too--LOL! :)
    Love your squirrel!

  9. O! Great Idea...Now instead of masses of shred I will have only names and addresses! Great idea!

  10. there's a sore point with me. We keep every piece of paper even remotely related to our farm, so the files just keep getting bigger! Shredding sounds heavenly!

  11. I rarely shred anymore as it seems to take so much time so I burn instead and I bought a backyard fire pit thing that has a screen over it so nothing flies about. I wait until a nice day and sit outside and do handwork while the burn pile burns. I probably had more than you did!

  12. That is a lot of shredding! We have a shredder for every day mail and such but it is difficult to do a large amount at once because it will overheat. The small town we live in has a shredder truck come once a year and it is free for residents to use. Last year I went through old tax forms and papers that we no longer needed to keep and took several boxes down to the shredder truck. Knowing that the truck comes once a year gives me the push I need to go through papers every year now. It's just the other forty-five years plus of collected things I need to go through now!

  13. We have a shredder but it sure doesn't get the kind of workout it would from you. Yikes! :-)

  14. I try to do it as we go along, too, but it always piles up. I rip up the name and address parts of everything by hand as we don’t have a shredder, or I put them in a metal pail and light ‘em up.

  15. Yeah shred those important parts years ago we had so much that Tim burnt the paperwork in an old container down the backyard

  16. Around here the shredding is my DH's job. He tends to leave it for a long while then gives the shredder a good work-out.

  17. oh the shredding job (I have that to do too) - where does it all come from.

  18. Good job shredding all those files. Sounds like you're getting a lot accomplished. Good jobs for these winter days.

  19. Our recycler doesn't want shredded paper anymore, so we put it in the yard waste bin, as recommended.


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