Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Snow Chunks

The snow is falling off the steel roofs in huge chunks.

Maybe a squirrel was trapped...we won't know for sure til June. These huge chucks came off the woodshed.

Every day is an adventure to see what building will clear next.

My garage is next.

We still have 18 inches of snow at the snowstick...the snow is settling more everyday.

We had a nice day to go to town.  Far Guy went to Pulmonary Therapy and I ran errands.   It was 41 F or 5 C eh!  Really nice weather for February!

Far Side


  1. Wow...that is scary! We rarely get enough snow to plop like that but we do get ice from time to time and when it falls it sounds like broken glass. It's definitely a stay inside kind of day.

  2. Love those snow chunks! Ours come off the huge shed in thunderous sheets! It sounds like the earth is ending!
    Good day yesterday here too. I loved the weather and Charlie languished on the porch as the driveway turned to muck. ")

  3. Those snow chunks falling would scare me. Glad you had a nice day yesterday with warmer temps. Hoping we have seen the last of yucky weather.

  4. 41 degrees sounds good. We have some days coming that are colder than that.

  5. Glad you had a good day. Aldo glad no one was standing there when that snow came off the roof!

    1. You would have to be standing in a 2 foot snow drift...not likely:)

  6. Those are huge chunks. I hope the squirrels were not buried, even if they are a nuisance.

  7. I can imagine one of those feisty little squirrels riding the ice off of the roof.

  8. Hoping Far Guy had a good day at pulmonary therapy and they are getting his breathing under control. I finally updated my blog, thanks for the reminder. I always have such big plans . . . . Last weekend was my mother in law's 90th birthday and we were traveling two towns away. I had the cake which I decorated balanced on my lap. A big piece of ice and slow melted from the roof and smacked on the windshield. I thought someone had thrown a rock through the windshield and almost smashed the cake. I have only spent 63 winters with snow slapping on the windshield! LOL.

  9. Oh, I was hoping you'd show the roof chunks! Wow!
    It has been sunny and warm, that's for sure. Nice break. :)

  10. And the sun is trying to shine here today. Yay!! The river here is still flooded from last spring and they are predicting more flooding this year. How much will depend upon how much more snow and rain we see this spring.

  11. Is this early for a thaw for you? We often have snow in March here. I can just see that squirrel running!

    1. We will have snow until May...this is just a temporary thaw:)

  12. Metal roofs can give some interesting snow slides.

  13. Those ice chunks could do serious damage. I guess you know when to stay clear.

  14. Hope Far Guy is feeling better! Those chunks off the roof are impressive. I know Luna would be worried, hearing those come down. Maybe Jake too, if he could hear them ;-)

    1. Chance hated them. Once when he was a puppy he got caught in a snow slide Far Guy dug him out! He would hide when them came off the roof...it sounds like a train coming!

  15. Those are huge chunks! I wouldn't want to be under them! I'm glad Far Guy got to therapy and I hoped it helped him.

    1. Nope no luck with that Pulmonary Therapy doesn't treat you they just monitor your oxygen sats while you exercise:)

  16. My goodness that is a lot of snow to come off the roof. I hope a squirrel wasn't trapped, even if they are a nuisance.

    Hope Far Guy is feeling better after his appointment.

  17. You have some pretty interesting snow slides! I hope Far Guy's therapy gave him some relief.

  18. Interesting chunks of snow that came down off the roof! I can't really imagine how it would sound when they come down. Must be loud if you say they sound like a train coming. No wonder Chance was scared.

  19. We had snow chunks that fell off the steel roof of the last place, often with a loud bang on a lower roof!

  20. Those are big chunks that are falling off your roof! I hope that helped far guy being at pulmonary therapy! I had an appointment with a podiatrist today....she said there are so many things wrong with my feet, she was running out of room to make notes! Great! Especially neuropathy now from my chemo treatments. Life is just a bowl of cherries! Take good care you two!

  21. I would imagine there is a lot of weight in those chunks. They are rather scary!

  22. Lots of people have snow roofs up here and you can see the huge chunks sliding down, just like on your roof. It sounds so loud and can be scary when you hear it the first time. I was sure the roof was coming down!
    It's supposed to be almost 60 here on Friday! That's just crazy for February.

  23. Glad you had some nice-ish weather for your errands and such. Hope Far Guy is feeling better, and no squirrels got trapped under the snow.

  24. Oh my gosh that snow is amazing. I have never seen anything like that since I live in Texas.


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