Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I am not certain what they are calling this Winter Storm with the one two punch.  We got 2 1/2 inches of snow in the first part.

12 inches of snow

The second part of the storm remains to be seen.  I hear that there will be some wind…so it can blow around.

Yard Jan 02 2016

We have no place to go so we will stay at home for the duration.  I have enough projects to keep me busy for days!

We made the run to town for fresh fruit and vegetables before the snow began.  The roads have been icy since the Christmas rain.  I am not sure they will get better before spring.

We took down the downstairs Christmas tree…Chance was happy to have his Love Seat back in it’s rightful spot.  The upstairs Shiny Brite tree can stay up awhile longer.

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  1. Good Morning! Glad you were able to stock up on fruit and vegetables. Georgia is receiving a lot of rain/wind with a prediction for snow/ice this weekend. Like you, we stocked up on fruit and dog and cat food! lol Keep us posted on the projects that are keeping you busy.

  2. Good morning, I woke up to a very dense fog today with a temp 0f 35 degrees. We may see rain or freezing rain today then the temps will start to drop. Stocked up over the weekend as I don't like going out in this kind of weather. Just stay safe and warm.

  3. 51 degrees and rain this morning. Cold weather is supposed to be heading our way. So far January has been unseasonably warm.

  4. Dreary and bitter cold this morning and will likely be that way all day. I haven't driven anywhere in nearly a week, but with the 6" of snow we got yesterday on top of the snow packed and icy streets, I'm sure driving will be tricky. I just hate to have someone in an SUV on my tail thinking they have better traction than everyone else and can drive like a bat out of hell.

  5. Sounds like good hunker down and stay home weather!

  6. UGH... the long gray days of winter. But I suppose it is what it is.


  7. Yup--the wind blew the rest of the snow that arrived and probably the first round, too, around quuite a bit. It's still really blowing today and cold. I've got the most beautiful sparkly drift around the patio--hate to go out and shovel it away. I might leave it for today. Must have been quite a storm as I had no little footprints of seed searchers at all this morning. I think they're hunkered down because it's 3 degrees with -18 wind chill. I don't blame them. I am hunkered down myself--LOL! Stay warm!!

  8. We woke up to streets and sidewalks that are dangerously icy, and the temperature is dropping from 30 above to below zero by tonight. We stopped at the hardware store for more ice-melt, and it seemed everyone had the same idea. But the sun is out right now--not warm but definitely cheerful.

  9. glad you are all stocked up! Stay safe and warm!

  10. Good luck weathering the second storm!

  11. Your snow pictures are beautiful! We have snow forecast tomorrow night and Thursday so we are doing a little stock up today. This is when I really appreciate that we are both retired now and we can stay in when the weather is bad!

  12. Well eventually something will show up. We had blizzard conditions on Sunday but they do keep upping the temps here so that makes me happy. I think we will have snow here for quite a while - especially where it drifted. Out to bust through the driveway this afternoon!

  13. Yes, it's after Christmas to you might as well take it down. I hope the rest of the winter is not as miserable as this part.

  14. We have 19 mph winds right now that seem to be blowing everything around. I saw some light snow but we are still just very cold and dead grass, no real snow. Went out for an errand and got it done but we are glad to be home. Your snow looks familiar and I am sure we can look like that again.

  15. Oh you got snow again?! We are green here again with the odd patch of snow and even less patches as it has been mild and raining all day today but it may all freeze as the temps drop over night . Yup all our Christmas decor inside and out are down now and now I am thinking and planning for SPRING ! Thanks for sharing stay safe and cozy and have a good day !

  16. You're resigned to having bad roads until Spring!! Guess that's a better attitude than griping about it.
    It's nice to take down Christmas decorations in stages. I'm planning on starting on Friday.

  17. Well, hopefully you won't get a lot of wind with Part Two of your snowstorm! The wind out this way tonight knocked over the top portion of a birch tree and it landed on our front porch. It's a wonder it didn't come crashing through the window above our door. Those gusts of wind are pretty powerful--giving yet another reason to just keep put inside and stay safe.

  18. I hope punch #2 is a softy.
    Our slowly melting snow has left us with icy patches to watch out for, especially when walking.

  19. We are in some of the coldest and driest air I can remember. It's Day Three now, and I am finally feeling better (caught a cold) and will venture out in it, with the 20- to 30-mph wind. Yecch! Your snow is pretty, though. I don't think I could ever spend a winter in Minnesota. :-)

  20. Cozy weather for sure! Stay warm, dry and keep the power on! I need to stock up for flu & cold as there is no one here to run to the store for me but hopefully I won't get sick. I haven't been sick really since the grands were little and brought me their flu germs one year. I'm sure the fact that I'm a recluse helps a lot too! LOL! Glad you were able to get out before it hit. People here so the same for rain..although I can't blame them as rains here are torrential. Take care...good thing you 2 get along! LOL!

  21. They are saying we could get snow here. Not even sure what day. But I will try to have some food on hand, and a fire in the fireplace. :)


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