Monday, May 23, 2016


The Trillium are in full bloom.  There are areas in Northern Minnesota where they brighten the forest this time of year.  We have a few in our area.

Trillium near Lake George

We saw them up near Lake George.  They had city wide garage sales last Friday.  Far Guy didn’t buy a thing and me well I bought more glass for flowers.

Trillium in our yard

Trillium grandiflorum

When we got home we checked out our Trillium and sure enough she was blooming….just one plant and one bloom.  The seeds are said to be dispersed by insects…maybe someday we will have more plants.

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  1. So elegant and beautiful, and wonderful to have your own personal trillium.

  2. Such a delicate looking flower.

  3. I just love trillium, and your pretty fancy one is a delight. :-)

  4. Wild flowers make me smile whenever I see them.

  5. Trilliam is a protected flower here in the Pacific North West. (As it should be!)

  6. You have one more trillium than I do! LOL! Lovely flower and I wish I could go garage saling but not until after I move...I made a promise to myself.

  7. Love the trillium although haven't seen them here (okay so maybe I've not looked very hard). Have you seen the little solar glass angel light made out of the glassware??

    1. Yes I have and I thought of getting one for the cemetery:)

  8. They are lovely flowers. We have them here in our back bush, but with our early start to summer, they are long gone.

  9. We don't have trillium but something that looks very similar.

  10. Simple and elegant as flowers should be.

  11. They are a lovely flower. Our provincial flower is the dogwood.

  12. Delicate! And your glass flowers will look delicate, too. I am always amazed they survive the wind and storms. :)

  13. I had forgotten that the woods at the NalleyValley house were full of these little beauties. The sale sounds fun and I'm happy you found some more glass to create flowers.

  14. I love trilliums! They've been blooming here since April. You got some nice photos of them.

  15. I am learning so much by reading your blog!

  16. Gorgeous! Beautiful flower. I spotted one last week. ai had to step carefully over it to peek at the Jack-in-The-Pulpit. Hurray for the glass for flowers you found!

  17. Lovely wildflower!
    I saw on some ones blog they were making glass trees to hang.
    Some looked like Christmas trees.

  18. I don't know that I've ever seen a Trillium but I know we do have them in the area. I should see if the plant shops sell them and get one to enjoy.

  19. Trillium are such wonderful harbingers of spring. I love them. We are fortunate to have the native ones growing in our yard. We transplanted them from the wild many years ago.

  20. That second shot brings out the details of the flower so nicely!


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