Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Computer Cookbook Woes

I finally got my Laptop out of the repair shop.  The problem I was having is weird.  Nothing seemed to fix it.  The computer gurus were baffled.  Now it is partially fixed.  My laptop does not recognize SanDisk Flash Drives ( It used to…but not anymore)…only HP or PNY devices so far…recognizing something is an improvement!

The Virus Software (Avira) I was running was blocking updates and driver software and not doing what it was supposed to do.  Now I am back to AVG as a Virus Software.  That is what we have on the other computers.

I wanted the Flash Drive to work so I could copy the cookbook I have been working on and give it to cousin Kathy so she could print it out to proof read it.  Instead I ended up emailing copies and three of us proof read it.  Talk about time consuming.  The corrections have been made but now I am waiting for a gluten free section to be added.  Just when you think a project can be put behind you…it stalls.

The Cousins would like to print out the cookbook and sell it for a nominal fee next summer.  I have spent many hours on the project.  I am tired of it and I just want it to be over. Good thing I like to read recipes or it could drive you to drink.

Connie's Vodka Slush

7 Cups of Water

2 cups of Sugar

Cook until sugar is dissolved

Cool. Put it in an ice cream pail.


4 Cups Vodka

12 ounce can of Frozen Lemonade

12 ounce can of Frozen Orange Juice

Stir Well and Freeze.

Mix equal parts of slush and 7UP for a slushy summer drink.

Recently I was told by one of my children that this is great straight out of the freezer…they just needed to remember to grab a spoon.

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  1. Anything concerning computers is so far over my head I can't even comment. :) Amazing that you have written a cookbook! You really get a lot done!

  2. I was always under the false assumption that computers were supposed to be user friendly. Not any more. I think they were invented to frustrate us in to continuously upgrading and buying new. Mine is over 5 years old and has had it share of odd failures but I've managed to mutter thru. When something that always worked refuses to work again I want to throw this thing out the door. I admire you for deciding to email the book and have people help you proof read it. Good luck with the cookbook and hope you make a little money with it.

  3. You cookbook sounds very timely - it seems everywhere I go, someone has gluten free needs.
    I love my laptop and live in fear that it will turn on me. Just the other day I realized that a process I had used in the past now - for some completely inexplicable reason- now needs several more steps.

  4. I entrust my computer issues to the Geek Squad from Best Buy. Good luck with your cookbook. My mother and I published a cookbook (on Amazon and B & N in digital) including her memoirs. It was great fun, and a real family treasure.

  5. All that vodka! It must be quite a cookbook to include drinks like this one. :-)

  6. That must be SOME slush with all that Vodka! An intriguing drink recipe.

    Shirley H.

  7. Morning, wow, that is a lot of vodka, have you doing the Russian dance in no time.Blessings Francine.

  8. I have been having a time with malware attacks. I would stop using a computer if I was not so addicted!

    That recipe book is almost finished. That is a big accomplishment.

  9. We grew up with a slo gin variation of the slush. YUM but summer is when I crave them! Glad the cookbook is almost done and that is the way of most big projects like that. I feel you pain as I go back to working part time on my ancestry stuff. Reminds me I still have photos to get scanned -- sigh....Dark winter projects!

  10. I hope you get through the project with no more computer glitches. I'm currently doing everything on my ipad since my computer guru closed shop and I have a problem with my laptop. It's a challenge.

  11. Remind me to stop by your house when you have a batch in the freezer! ;o)

  12. It's been hot enough in AZ that the slush sounds refreshing.

  13. So did your children do this when they were young and still at home or am I only letting on what I would have done as a kid.

  14. Yummy. Sounds very similar to Mrs. T's "green slush". Just add some mint from the garden...:)

  15. What a great cookbook project!

  16. Hope you get that project completed soon! That slush sounds like it might take the edge off the frustrations the computer is causing. :)

  17. I know what you mean about projects and just when you think you're heading towards the finish line...Bam! Another detail pops up. My virus software just sent me an email that it's time to renew. There have been way too many surprises this month in the financial area. I think I have them all written down now so that won't happen next year.
    I could have have used that recipe this summer! It got cold last night and we have switched from ac to heat now. That's how it is here....although hopefully it warms during the day and I can turn everything off and open the windows...and maybe even wash a few.
    I have a good winter drink for you! It's my Black Bart drink. When I was still working and after the "help" all left (husband and kids) I would get home in the dark and cold but needed to feed the animals out in the barn so I would change my clothes and fix a Black Bart before going out.
    1 mug of hot cocoa
    1/2 jigger/shot of spiced rum
    1 tablespoon of grand maurnier (sp?) or an orange liqueur
    you can also add chocolate shavings and whipped cream on top (nice for a first timer)
    I never got cold out in that barn whether it was 20 below or a blizzard.....that drink kept me from freezing to death many a time! You should only have one though...2 and I might not have found my way back to the house and then I could have frozen to death. LOL!

  18. My computer is both my best friend and worst enemy. Probably because my computer considers me a fair-weather-friend, and I totally am. Something goes wrong and I am basically useless--abandoning my BFF until help arrives and times are good again. ;)

    Your recipe book sounds like a lot of work. Hope it all turns out well and you can sell some copies this coming summer.


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