Thursday, October 3, 2013


The woods are getting more colorful.  We still have not had a hard freeze.  In my opinion the best Fall color happens after a freeze.  It rained a bit yesterday.  There might be some snow in the air on Saturday…it should melt when it hits the ground.

I have taken to napping in the afternoon with an alarm clock, so I don’t sleep for hours. I am feeling less tired which is an great improvement from the total exhaustion I have been feeling for months.  Lyme’s can kick your butt.  My cold is better too, not totally gone but much better.


One of these days I might wake up and feel like a real person again.  I am hopeful.

I put some things on the calendar that were totally me, one evening next door neighbor Jo and I went out looking for colorful trees. Girl time, we took Chance along ..he loves Jo.  We saw 18 deer.  

Minnesota backroads

Yesterday I met fellow blogger Judy who is a volunteer over at Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge… we had a nice lunch at Ice Cracking Lodge.  It is always good to meet fellow bloggers!  Soon she will be headed to a warmer climate in Louisiana and then Texas before heading back north again next spring.  She is kinda stuck in limbo right now waiting for a repairman to fix her fridge.  She wants to escape the snow…I can’t blame her I want to escape it too.

Today I have more museum business to take care of, it seems never ending.  I will set up my office upstairs later in the day and after that we will probably look for more pretty trees:)



  1. Happy to hear you are able to catch up on rest and that you feel better. How nice to meet a blogger. Not much color here yet but the mornings are cooler. Your new header is gorgeous

  2. Your photos are so pretty, Fall is just beautiful isn't it?

  3. Morning, beautiful pictures of the trees, so pretty.....hope you kick that bad ole cold soon.......Love the name of that lodge you had lunch, fun to meet a fellow blogger.....Blessings Francine.

  4. Those are some beautiful Fall colors. Glad you are napping and feeling a little better.

  5. Our fall colors are coming out too. I hope to see some nice colors on my hike today. I love your new fall header.

  6. I am glad you are getting rested up and feel better! Lovely fall foliage.

  7. Your colors are beautiful! That was one of the few things I enjoyed on my visit to Seattle (some day maybe I'll have a moment and the inclination to blog about it). There were a few trees that were bright and cheerful in the gloom and rain of the northwest!
    Happy Museum Ending!

  8. You may get your wish for a frost this weekend. Brrr! Thanks again for an enjoyable lunch. :)

  9. Pretty falls colors you have there. They are starting to get better here.
    I'm glad you are taking time for naps and beginning to feel better! Enjoy your day!

  10. Beautiful colors in your trees...I was sad to see this morning that many of ours have just gone and lost their leaves...too much rain? Snow already? Sigh...hello winter.


  11. Wonderful photos . I do like your new header to ! The colours here are changing a bit faster every week . I have been taking photos to . Sounds like you have had a good time off from the Museum . Glad to hear your getting better . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  12. Minnesota is beautiful in fall. Your photos are wonderful. Wish the colors stayed a little longer. The season is too short.

  13. Lyme's disease is a real bummer. Fatigue is hard to live with. Resistance is lowered. I hope this thing comes to an end.
    Now I'm just watching to see who gets snow or me!

  14. I am sorry to hear about your Lyme disease. I love afternoon naps and fall colors. Love the new photos in your header. We had our first snow fall but thankfully it has melted and believe it or not I still have some geraniums blooming!

  15. This time of the year is beautiful...and can be restful...lyme is nasty, I've heard the herb "cats claw" is suppose to help...

  16. Me time is so nice...I really don't get it much anymore. I'm also glad you are about over the cold, that should help in the getting better for the lyme thing to disappear!!


  17. You really did find some pretty trees. I love that picture of Chance in your header, BTW. :)


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