Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Train Show

A few weeks ago we went to a Train Show.  It actually had lots of old toys and tractors and some trains.   I have a blast looking at all the old tin toys.  The art work is wonderful.

Old Toys 

I did see a Lionel Train that was interesting.

Train Show

The boxes were there and everything.   I was tempted.  Instead I bought some dice and some marbles.  My jars are full again..guess I need more jars.

I started collecting dice and marbles because they were small and would hardly take up any space at all…anyways that is not working so well anymore.  I guess I must be a dice/marble hoarder.

I made two rounds of all the exhibitors in the Crystal Ballroom.  Then I headed to the hallway to people watch.

Train Show in the Crystal Ballroom

Every little kid that came by had to play in the water.  Can you imagine how germy that water is?  I watched two sisters about 7 years old lounge on the edge…I was certain that one or both would be going for a dip.  One Mom gave her kids pennies to throw in the fountain and told them to “Make a Wish.” 

I played around with my camera.

Crystal Chandelier

Far Guy made about six trips around the exhibit hall.   He was happy…he said he had seen it all.  What did he buy?  A red truck, a figurine and an airplane..not a train car in the bunch:)

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  1. Sounds like fun. My mother remembered having a tin Popeye toy.

  2. Looks like fun ! Oh my I haven't seen old toys like that for years . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  3. I was surprised to hear that Far Guy didn't buy a train car. Just shows you can't ever tell what will appeal to a person from one day to the next. I remember having marbles when I was a kid but haven't actually looked at them in a long time. :-)

  4. It is fun just to look at all the old toys and reminisce about childhood.

  5. Hey you haven't told us yet what yesterday's mystery object is! Shirley H.

    1. Hi Shirley, I updated the mystery item yesterday..check it out! :)

  6. That toy table made a great photo as well and the light. I am glad Far Guy did buy some things anyway. His collection must be at the picky stage where only just the right train or car will do. It looked like fun and I would have to leave my money at home.

  7. Sounds like fun seeing all those old tin toys! Love your photo of the chandelier.

  8. How I wish I had saved my cat-eye marbles. Sigh!

  9. Love that Lionel train! The people watching sounds like fun to me!

  10. Are the jars you use for your collection "special" ones or just "any old jar"?

  11. It's amazing to me how large some of these shows are. Where does all this stuff come from. I guess from someone who was rough on toys and destroyed them it's surprising to see things survive kids.

  12. You've given me an idea....If I buy marbles for the grandkids I should look for old ones.

  13. I love going to shows like that.

  14. Great photos, Connie. I need to look for a train show. I'd like to find one with old toys.
    Have a great Wednesday!

  15. Looks like a fun outing ~ the tin toys look pretty neat!

  16. "...because they were small and would hardly take up any space at all..." That's what my husband says about all the files he adds, every time he buys a new computer...

  17. Hmmm ... I wonder if my grandsons will be going to shows like this of plastic monsters, dinosaurs, and super hero toys! Can't imagine that they will ever be valuable or quaint like our toys now are.


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