Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wistful Wednesday: 1958

This was my first day of school in 1958.  I was in second grade.

First day of school 1958 Second Grade

A wonderful neighbor lady by the name of Minnie Zauche was my second grade teacher.  I adored her.  I loved reading..learning to read opened a whole new world to me.  I was a good reader.  Mrs. Zauche said I talked too much in the lunch room but I still had a fairly good year in the second grade.  Sometime during the year I had my tonsils removed and got to have soup in the kitchen with Arvilla until my throat was all better.  Arvilla was the school cook, I loved being sick enough to get special care in the kitchen.

This is the step that faced east in the old farm house.  Through the door was a porch that was cold and drafty. Another door in the porch led into the kitchen.  I think this was the year that the Christmas tree was out in the porch.

I think my coat was Robin’s Egg Blue, and my Mother sewed it for me.  The house was white..weren’t all farm houses white back then? :)


  1. I love all your old pictures. Thanks for sharing :-).

  2. Ahh! The days when little girls had to wear a dress to school. I remember them well. Especially in the winter when we had to wear snowpants under our dresses and had to carry our shoes to school so we could wear out boots in the snow.

    I loved to read, too!! Whole new world--yes! Reading was my favorite thing to do back then--back when there was one black and white console TV that the parents controlled most of the time--except for Saturday morning--LOL!

    Pastel and white coats were big back then.. Robin's egg blue--I bet it was gorgeous!

  3. I can't remember anything about my year in second grade. You amaze me. I also remember that removing your tonsils was done as a matter of course. They don't do that any more, do they?

  4. I remember learning to write cursive in 2nd grade. Miss Hogan made me stay in from recess (!!) once because I wrote too small. I reminded her of that many years later; she laughingly apologized and said she remembered me as a model student. Funny how time does that! :) You were such a cute little girl, and that coat must have been gorgeous!

  5. Great memories of second grade. I thought I was the only one who wore home-sewn coats. Mine was gold!!!

  6. You seem to have pretty good memories of your childhood and I enjoy reading yours. As a rule, I'm not nostalgic but if someone has a good story to tell about the past I'm willing to sit and listen. Thanks.

  7. I love the little white socks and probably your Sunday shoes for the first day of school, along with the coat and your dress with such a full skirt. Yes, times were different then!

  8. I do like your old photos you post . I don't remember to much of the 2nd grade but I do have photos of when I went to kinder garden by school bus for the first time ! Lovely memories . Have a good day !

  9. Don't see girls wearing scarves on their heads anymore. I'm sure I wore them until I was in high school - some cotton, some wool, and some slick ones made from nylon or silk. They sure did help since the wind was always howling as I waited at the side of the road for the school bus.

  10. I remember my second grade teacher, Miss Hawn. I adored her (and she did not return the favor, I'm sure, as I was a royal brat).

  11. I have a photo of myself on the back step of our old house and it looked just like yours. I wil have to dig for it. I think I am wearing a cowboy hat petting a black cat.

  12. I seem to recall that my second-grade teacher was kind of cold, and I was disappointed after having such warm and lovely k'garten and first-grade teachers. I remember that the newspapers often carried photos of a whole family of kids--the more the merrier, as it were--who all had their tonsils out together. Usually they were shown eating ice cream. I asked my mom when we were getting our tonsils out and she said she didn't believe in doing that unless there was a good reason.

  13. I remember when scarves were popular, too. What a great photo. So many of us have pictures on the steps of our homes. I had a very loving teacher in 2nd grade. Late in life, she became mayor of a pretty big town in GA! I had my tonsils out in 7th grade. John had his out 6 mos. after we married - he had just turned 40 and I nearly divorced him!!!!!!!!!!

  14. This is so sweet. I have a fascination with the 50s and this pic is just perfect. I can just imagine that coat!

  15. You were so adorable. I have a cousin who looks exactly like you did then...same coat, same scarf.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  16. What an adorable picture of you!

  17. Lovely post - you take an old photograph and peel layer after layer of memory from it.

  18. those who could afford to paint .... yes white.
    I know that our house was two houses shoved together and for many years they weren't the same color.


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