Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wildlife and Warm Weather

We were out for one of our Sunday drives on a Tuesday..or maybe it was Wednesday…it was one of those really hot evenings. Every day this week has been hot and humid.

I did not sweat to death at work…I thought I might be overtaken by my sweat glands and drown..but I survived. ( I didn’t smell real great..but I was alive.)

Chance was bored and wanted to go for a ride and hang his head out the window.  He hunkered down in the AC all day long and was feeling perky.

Ducks looking for cover

These baby ducks looked like they were cool. I am not sure what kind of ducks they were but they all huddled together and swam away from me.  Momma and Daddy Duck were not in the area. 

We went to look at the horses…one of my favorite fields in the area.  The horses were too far away for good photographs.  We saw this in the pasture instead.


A very beautiful coyote.  He or she looked at us for a long time..then Chance couldn’t stand it anymore, he had to bark and the coyote ran off.

We came home to cool off and saw a mama deer and a really tiny spotted fawn in our driveway.  Far Guy had been seeing the tiny tracks for a few days.

The Deer Flies are just terrible, I am sure they are chasing the deer out of the woods. I am a tad allergic to them and swell up from their bites.  They sometimes bite me so hard that they draw blood and I say bad word, bad word:)

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  1. Beautiful "Sunday" drive. Many people do not realize the beauty they miss surrounded by buildings to the sky.

  2. Now if we could just get this weather to even out a bit across the continent....we could take a bit of your heat, and you could have some of our cool. You can keep the humidity though:) That said, it is actually forecast to be summery today and tomorrow.
    Love seeing wildlife when we're out and about, and sounds like you got your share that day.

  3. Glad you are staying cool enough. I feel almost guilty being in our naturally air conditioned coolness, but of course we have to put up with the rain. I'm reading "Last Dog on the Hill" about a really smart dog and he reminds me of Chance...

  4. What a lovely drive. The deer flys here are bad to they drive me nuts, I am sure everyone must think I am retarted seeing me flaping my arms around my head to get rid of them lol ! Awesome post and photos !

  5. Lovely pictures. Ducklings are so cute!
    Deer flies are the scourge from Hell! They know how to make a person/animal miserable in short order. I guess you do have to admire their stealth... they hover, find and opening and move in, and nail you before you realize they are even there! But... they are a bit slow on the departure - so I get some sort of satisfaction in squashing them!!!

  6. Bad words huh? Like what? Liberal? Debt? Lawyer? ;-)

  7. What cute ducks. Keep your cool if you can!

  8. I react the same way to deer fly and horse fly bites. I get huge welts that take weeks to disappear.

  9. Our ducks are about the same size now as yours.......we've got bulldog or horseflies instead of the deer flies though:(

  10. It was nice of you to let Chance hang his head out the window.
    I do hope the deer flies stay away from you!

  11. You really have a lot of wildlife in your area. I have rabits. Boring rabit that eat my flowers.

    We're all tired of the heat. My Michigan daughters are getting down right grumpie about it. I remind them to remember what that awfully long winter felt like. They don't care to hear that.

  12. I'm glad you carry that camera everywhere. You've come back with some super photos. Sorry to hear about all the heat and humidity that's smothering your part of the world. Hoping for a break for you and your neighbors. Thanks again for the photos. Watch out for those deer flies and stay cool.

  13. I was in flower beds this afternoon pulling weeds, and got bit several times, even with having sprayed Cutters on myself. Those bites really hurt, and I swell up for a little while. have a great sunday!

  14. Hope you get some cool and wet weather soon. If it is still a heatwave next week, let me know and I will send some miserable weather over : we have plenty to spare.

  15. Deer flies... hate 'em ow. They really seem to attack me when I go for a horse ride with Bet, but I still love to ride. Nice coyote, need some more?

  16. You live in a nature preserve that some people would pay just to visit! The coyote is pretty even if he is not something you probably want hanging around. Insects of any kind do not make me smile much at all.


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