Sunday, July 24, 2011

Busy Week

It was a busy week at the museum. Lots of people in and out.  Only one demanding Grandmother who was fed up with her Grand' much so that she requested I give them a personal tour that lasted at least a half an hour.  They were older kids and fairly spoiled. Everything was either gross or weird. It was hard to get them interested in anything.

Most people like to wander on their own..I don’t mind giving tours and I enjoy giving them if the children are younger and curious.

I am ready for the meeting this next week.  I always have several things to prepare, the agenda and my report and my concerns.  Just what I want to do on my evening off ..attend a meeting. (Can you hear the joy in my voice?)

Lets see there are bats in the building, Tuesday and Wednesday there was a sewer smell that permeated even my clothing.  Wednesday it was like a Sauna in the building as temperatures soared to nearly one hundred..and yesterday a small child emptied an entire soap dispenser into the garbage can in the bathroom. ( Luckily only a small portion went on the floor.) Oh and a tree limb fell and took out one of our benches of the “Ethyl” benches.  Gus the Ghost has been active..he has been turning on lights at night…who knows all these incidents could be his mischief. 

Jen came in last weekend and changed the display case in the foyer.  She has quite an eye for combining items to come up with an attractive display.


This display is the first one that people see when they enter the building.  During August lots of women will be coming and going for the Quilt Exhibit.

I am trying very hard to get all the accessions out from under my desk..all the ones that people kept piling there last summer or the summer before that.  I am behind…I will probably never catch up.  Everything needs paperwork, numbers, photographs and a thank you letter and then it is entered into the computer..and it all takes time.  I am not so sure that I am cut out to do this museum work…I know that I need an extra day or two off soon…if nothing else I need a mental health day:)

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  1. It's only because you don't do anything halfway that you are so busy. I hope you take that day off soon, wasn't this supposed to be part time? :-)

    I'd hate to see you get burned out. Your posts about the museum are always interesting!

  2. That place is really shaping up! Thanks to you!

  3. Although there seems to be unending work... it sounds like you have your priorities in place. The stuff piling up has been there for a while. I know you'll get to the business end of dealing with that when you can - but as long as you have a place to sit, life is good! Could a volunteer help with that? Is there a local organization that helps locate and place volunteers? If I were there I'd come help ;-)

  4. The musuem has needed some loving hands for long just need to be careful you don't work them to the bone:) The display case looks really nice.

  5. Days off really do help. Is there someone who can sub for you on a consistant basis.

    You really are what they needed. I hope they are seeing it.


  6. At least ya cant say theres a dull moment in your Musium ! It sounds all quite entertaining to me something you miss when retired ! Have a great day !

  7. I was really hopin' for a photo of the lovely children that you had to tour around.

  8. I enjoyed this. I am finishing my MA in History next year, and should I live long enough, I hope to volunteer at a local museum. Dianne

  9. That is a lovely display!

    Make sure you get that day off - and soon!

  10. Looks like someone's been in my kitchen...looks much better in the display.

    I believe this job was tailored for you, your love of history, your talent of design and your quest for knowledge, makes it perfect for you...minus the hot, the sewer, the bats and the brats, of course.

  11. You certainly EARN whatever you are getting paid. Good for you for taking on the full job and not just sitting among all those pieces of history to watch them collect dust. And doing it with a the heat...and also babysitting disinterested children. Yes, good for you.

  12. I hope you get your time off soon, Far Side. If I were closer I'd be glad to help.
    Love your photos and your stories.

  13. Asking for you to babysit/tour older children because the Grand was done with them was rude. Havinf been in a profession that dealt with the public, I sympathize.

  14. By the way, I keep getting kicked back to the Blogger sign in for your Forgotten Photos, and no matter how many times I do, nothing works. I haen't been able to leave comments for a few days.

  15. The museum is lucky to have you. I hope they appreciate all your hard work and effort. As you can see I am back - sort of. I am unable to undelete my old blog and have started a new one. I need a swift kick in the a$$ for my stupidity. If you get a chance stop by It's kinda lonely on my new blog. I could use some company.

  16. I like Jen's display - quite appropriate for this time of year. Good for her keeping it rotated. People notice change but stop seeing sameness after a while.
    Your job is like the library's work---never done. Focus on what got accomplished...not what's left....but I feel your stress. Right now I am behind in letter-writing and that bothers me a LOT!

  17. No matter what job I ever had I never did anything half-a$$ed, either. I could see myself rolling up my sleeves and digging in like you have been. They are lucky to have you--and the place will never be the same--but you have to take care of yourself, too. You and Far Guy need some down time to just chill (and turn your museum brain off)--LOL! Just remember it took many years for them to let things go like they did. ;)

    I'm praying you will get some volunteers! Maybe contact the local paper to see if they could write up an article. The ghost would be an interesting twist to add to the story. Maybe a "can you help us? what is this?" picture or two. And then a plea for volunteers...maybe a picture of Chance sitting someplace at the museum...he wants to help, but I need somebody with hands... ;)

  18. That is a neat display. It will make the female and maybe the male quilters be excited to enter the building.

  19. Sounds like they have the right woman for the job, but I hope they don't end up scaring you off.
    I'll bet that demanding grandmother didn't even make a donation to the museum.


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