Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wistful Wednesday: A Flower Picker

I guess I used to pick my Mother’s flowers.  She took a picture to prove it.


My Mom took this photo and she wrote “Pickin my flowers again.”  Apparently I was a repeat offender. It also looks like I might have a dirty face in this photo. This was more than likely taken during the summer of 1954..I would have been  almost three years old.

Mom picked one of the lousiest places for a flower bed..the earth was hard there and hardly grew grass.  She moved the flower bed eventually..near the grew really good over there.

My Mom still grows flowers that I would like to pick.

This is one of my favorites from her garden last week.


A Large Bearded favorite flower color yellow!  I resisted temptation..and did not pick any of her flowers, however I did take some photos of them:)

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  1. I love flowers too but yes take a picture of them :)

  2. How wonderful and what a cute picture.

    You are very fortunate to still have your Mom. Enjoy.

  3. Haha. Kids do love to pick flowers.
    And what a beautiful iris! Thanks for sharing the picture with us, Far Side. :)

  4. What a cute photo !
    Very fortunate to still have your mum. Cherish every moment !

  5. What Country Gal said. And yes that beautiful yellow iris is just perfection!

  6. What a cheery bright yellow that Iris is.
    I have a picture of Meredith, about 18 months, sat on the step with some marigolds that had just been planted, laid out all nicely in a row next to her:)

  7. Such a cute little girl you were (and still are). You started early on your love of flowers.

  8. Moving the flowers gave them lots of fertilizer!

  9. Bearded iris and lilacs are by far my favorite flowers. My mother loved to grow iris and had multiple varieties and colors in the garden and around the house.

  10. You had/have the prettiest hair. Such a cute photo. That yellow iris is a beauty. I love bright yellow pansies in the fall too.

  11. When I see that dirty little face, I see big summer fun. Play dirt is the best kind of dirt.

    That iris is gorgeous. So vivid. I agree with Country Gal, that you are very fortunate to have your mom. Hug her for me OK?

  12. Your Mother should be happy you weren't a nose picker instead.


    The tiger and day lilies are going bonkers here... I think this years crop is the best I can recall.

  13. The yellow iris is what I have been trying to grow to bloom. No luck yet.
    You were so cute and better to pick mothers then like I did and pick the neighbors.

  14. I am not the least bit surprised that you picked your mother's flowers--hehe! ;)

  15. Oh - you are such a cutie pie in that shot!

  16. I am going to have to find out more about Irises. I did not know there were yellow Irises. So pretty. We have a white house and we painted the trim yellow. I would like a few yellow flowers among the multi colors.

  17. I was thinking how the soil looked hard and rocky before I even read your post.


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