Monday, March 1, 2010

Marching in like sheep

March is finally here, one month closer to unfrozen. Yesterday we stopped by the fishing derby for lunch.
There was so much flooding on the ice that we didn't stay long, the wind was brisk out on the lake..even though it looked warm it was cold. Lunch was a hot dog and a homemade brownie. Far Guy had to wade to the concession stand..he had waterproof boots on.. I did not.
They should have had a "Wadetress" and they should have had two windows open..instead they fumbled around with just one window open...if the line had been longer we wouldn't have waited. They don't seem to "get" it ..they have two hours to sell as much as they can..and they would sell more if people didn't have to wade in water and wait in line. It is the area Sportsman's Club that puts on this fishing derby every year the last Sunday In February. It is their main source of income. No, I am not joining this club..I don't like meetings. If you ask me there are way to many meetings in this world..we need less talk and more action.
Well I guess March is coming in like a sheep..for your viewing enjoyment I give you a glimpse of my sisters sheep..and a photo taken last June, when the grass was all green!
Here is a crack in the ice on the lake..for those of you who live in warmer parts of the USA and can't believe that we actually walk, drive and fish out on a frozen lake. Today it is way above zero ( 20 degrees!! headed for the mid 30's..yes this is cause for great excitement!) ..a rather pleasant March like day in Minnesota..not baaaad at all:)


  1. Funny isn't it? Here I am waaay down south and we are in the mid~thirties today. Go figure!

    I saw the title and knew you were heading your grandkiddos like little sheep. It is March 1!!!! Heehehehe!

    Have a great one!

  2. Of all your pictures, I liked the sheep the best. I suppose we will eventually think back and wonder why we suffered so, but I don't think so. I think I would have drug that stand into the snow somewhere else.

  3. Was that someone fishing? I am of course from the south and I see this in movies - but people really do fish in the frozen lakes. I am sorry your weather isn't any warmer than that. Wish I could send you some warm sun.

  4. It is unbelievable that the ice supports that much weight without cracking. Even solidly frozen and thick it seems impossible to be able to drive on it. Ours is thawing with open areas seen and there are a few idiots still out on it. I can't believe their stupidity. I'm with L.D., I like the sheep photo and all that green.

  5. Being out on the ice always makes me nervous. I definitely don't think I could drive on it.

  6. Loved the sheep photo!!! We are supposed to get to 40 degrees this week here in the U.P. Yay! Trust me, there will be kids out in shorts, I would bet money on it...the first warmer day here...they get nuts!

  7. Becca, Yes the lady is is her daughter with the hood up, the little gal in the pink hat was making snowballs..this lady had four little girls. If you click on the photo it will enlarge for you! :)
    Thanks everyone for your comments:)

  8. Sheep??? SHEEP!!!! Chance has been holding out on me. Does he get to chase them? They are lovely and I sooooo wish I had my own!

    Hope your days get warmer :)

    Emma Rose

  9. Connie, of course it will warm up, but you already know that. Wow, almost above freezing today! And I too love that sheep photo although it looks REALLY out of place...

  10. When they ice fish out here, it is just amazing what they will put on the ice. Further north of us they even have car races on the ice, on the lake. No thank you!

  11. They best time of winter....sun and fun. Cracks like that mean good ice! Just don't be standing on or near one when the ice's your own personal ice quake and scares my pants brown.

  12. I just cannot imagine ice that thick. We, once in a blue moon, get to walk on the ponds but stay close to the end and listen for cracking.

  13. Flooding on ice and cracks would make me very nervous but you all know what you are doing since you have lived there so many years.

    It's funny how people down here are impatient for spring. I reminded them if they were up north, they would still be looking at snow most of this month.

  14. I didn't see you there but then again there were soooo many people! We walked and visited -- a social gathering for many!

  15. Could spring be on its way where you are? We've just had a Class 1 Snow Storm with gale force winds and snow.. more on its way. Oh, and temps still well below zero...;-)

  16. Nice sheep! Hope March stays lamb like for you and you get out from under the snow and ice soon and onward to green. But nice to see that you make the best of the snow and ice and have fun with it.



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