Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bluebird Houses

Far Guy just finished making some Bluebird Houses..we had two last year..this year we are adding six new houses..we spread them through out our property.  Last year we had one nesting pair near the house and one nesting pair along the driveway in a tree..so this year that set can have it's own new house if they so desire.  They should be here in a week or two..perhaps this year I will be able to witness the fledging young.  I read where Bluebirds will come back to the same area they were born in..and since we know that our pair last year raised two sets of young..we wanted to be ready!
Far Guy did a great job with the houses. I just supervised.  Chance kept him company.  The nice thing about Bluebirds is that they appreciate a plain jane house, nothing fancy,  they can be allergic to paint and varnishes.

The inside of the panel with the hole is roughed up on the inside..so that the little ones can get out of the nest successfully in case the parents don't build a tall nest.

The Bluebirds that visit here are the Eastern Bluebirds.  They eat small berries and bugs.  Both sets of parents tend to the young together as a team...some people could learn much about parenting from the bluebirds.
I have to prune the Chokecherry bush that is right behind the nest box that they used last year.  It is on my to do list for today.
Last year the Bluebirds arrived on April13.  This year is anyone's guess..the deer ticks woke up a whole month early this year on March 16 compared to 2009's April 15.  There were a few little bugs in the air one evening..so the food supply is waking up..they could show up any day..their new houses are ready for them:)


  1. I did not know they return to where they were born....keep us posted on how many show up. Clever thing you did there roughing that bird house up.

  2. Those houses look nice. Thanks for the reminder. I need to go check my bird houses and see if they need some cleaning out.

  3. Oh my, I didn't get mine made. I am probably too late for this year down here. I wanted to build many for along the farmers field fence line across our street. Far Guy looks like he is doing a great job.

  4. Great houses. Mine are all occupied already. I have one on a light-pole just outside my bedroom window. I get tickled on summer evenings they congregate in my birdbath for a community bath. It's a hoot to watch.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day Connie!!!

  5. I am envious of you. I have never seen a bluebird and have always wanted to. They are beautiful birds. I certainly have ample amounts of Cardinals though. They are really busy building their nests now.

  6. Love the bluebirds. Good job Far Guy!

  7. It sounds like you will have lot's of pretty birds arriving soon. They are probably already chirping about the vacation resort that awaits them at Farside's Bluebird Paradise! Lucky birds :) The Duke forgets about the poor things until they start nagging him.
    The mention of Chokecherries sent me back to my childhood. My grandparents had a cabin in the mountains where we vacationed every summer. And every year my Nana had us little ones out picking those berries with her so she could make jam. :( Wow I miss her.

    Emma sends kisses for Chance.
    The Duchess

  8. Fantastic!! I await your pictures of the little ones! I wish we had those kind of birds here.

  9. Ditto! I also wish we had bluebirds here, I haven't seen one yet. That said, I sure have lots of other birds, and I notice that the goldfinch are beginning to turn gold! I love the bird houses and look forward to the pictures.


  11. You may wish to google Ellis Bird Farm. It's an organization that studies and manages habitat for blue birds near Red Deer Alberta. Come to think of it , it would be a good place for you to visit!

  12. Wow - spring has come quickly to your neck of the woods.

    Love the humble yet pretty houses.

  13. I love bluebirds. I think about making houses every year, but I don't do it because of the cats. We have two and people dump them out so we have a huge population of ferals, that I can never catch.

    I am also not sure if the bluebirds live here, we get really hot.

    Maybe they go to you, if so I am glad.


  14. This makes me want a bird house!! Hope you get some great pictures!!


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