Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 We attended a neighborhood picnic last night...great food and company!  Pot luck...with many great cooks...the cajun cooks are here so the fresh shrimp they brought with them was awesome.  Far Guy said the egg rolls and jambalaya were both to die for!  I did not cook...a couple of containers of strawberries was the best I could do. 

It sprinkled a bit ...just a few drops...but enough for a rainbow that was double at times. 

 Photo by my baby brother's bride...she had her phone...I did not.  

Yesterday one vehicle got an oil change and a car wash and the other ( Tilly) is still in the shop for a diagnosis. 

Far Side


  1. I needed to see a rainbow, and you delivered! Thanks for the smiles.

  2. The rainbow is spectacular. Oh, I love egg rolls. Sounds so good.

  3. Wow...a beautiful rainbow. Everything looks so green in this picture, and how pretty are those blue skies. So neat for you all to be able to enjoy a neighborhood picnic. I rarely see any of my most of them stay inside all the time. Cajun food is definitely a favorite around here, especially corn crab bisque. (((Hugs))) and have a super great day.

  4. She got a great pic and it sounds like a good time for those attending!

  5. A neighborhood potluck sounds like so much fun. My daughter in Sioux Falls lives in a neighborhood that does a "street party" every summer. Our neighborhood isn't friendly enough for that to happen. LOL

  6. Great to get the neighbors together for a picnic.

  7. Always fun to watch rainbows transform. Fresh seafood sounds scrumptious. Totally okay not cooking. Hope you feel better soon!

  8. I bet the strawberries were a welcome dessert after all that rich seafood. Sometimes simple s best!

  9. Strawberries are always my favourite part of a picnic!

    Beautiful rainbow - we've seen a few good ones here this year.

  10. Sounds like a fun gathering!
    The rainbow shot is really beautiful. :)

  11. Potluck dinners are always impressive with the variety and sheer volume of food.
    The rainbow is spectacular too!

  12. That sounds like a really good time! I would like to see a rainbow, it's been awhile. I hope you are feeling better and strawberries are enough.

  13. Sounds like a good time was had, like the photo of the rainbow

  14. Glad you guys got to go to a neighborhood picnic. Have a great 4th. We're home taking it easy and making BBQ Ribs and baked potatoes!

  15. She got a good photo of that rainbow!

  16. Fresh fruit is always welcome at a potluck! One of my neighbors recently hosted a potluck gathering, too. Fun time, lots of food, and good conversation.

  17. I wish I could eat all those yummy foods but alas those days are done for me. Love the rainbow and I hope Tilly is alright.


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