Monday, July 1, 2024


 Lady Slippers...they are getting old...done for the season. 

This clump was behind some tall grasses. 

Doctors appointments... more scheduled....another medication added...still waiting for the newest RA injection to be approved by insurance. ..they are taking their sweet time.  Good news that my blood pressure is finally under control. 

 Far Guy saw his Doctor also...not much new there...continue on... one day at a time.  We were lucky to have the far away appointments on the same day...but had to leave home at o dark thirty so it was a long day. 

Only one planned medical appointment this week...Far Guys weekly infusion on Friday this week. 

Both automobiles have appointments in town.  The fun just never ends. 

Far Side


  1. Busy, busy, busy! But I am glad things are getting sorted for you :)

  2. How lovely the lady’s slippers are. And how lucky you are to have such pretty wild flowers where you live. Good luck with your various appointments and here’s hoping your insurance company pulls its finger out and makes a sensible decision.

  3. Yikes, it is one thing after another.
    We have appointments coming up too. They wanted to make an appt at 9am on the 3rd, I told them NO! Driving 2 hours one way for a 20 minute appt on the day before a holiday was not my cup of tea.
    Not only that I struggle to get the other half in the car for any appt on time anyway.
    There. That was my complaint.
    Sorry it is on your blog.

    I get it.
    I am sorry they are taking so long on your meds, but it must be nice to have your BP finally under control. Hopefully the new RA med won't mess with that again?

  4. Glad your blood pressure is under control, though I can understand why it would be high with the frustration dealing with the insurance company.
    Take care!

  5. Complicated life to exist. That’s how I feel about mine. I hope the new RA med works. Arthritis knows me too. Makes me wonder what does the future hold…

  6. So glad when you can get appointments on the same day like that.
    I hope the insurance comes through soon!
    The delicate lady slippers are so fleeting. :)

  7. Funny how when you're older all these things make for an overwhelming day.

  8. The first sign of aging is multiple medical appointments. Or so I think! The good news is your blood pressure is better. Now if the insurance company will get you approved.

  9. That is the color Lady Slipper I remember seeing. They are so delicate looking. Guess we're reaching that stage in life where doctor appointments are more frequent than partying. I'm glad your BP is under control again.

  10. Oh no such fun never seems to end we are stuck on a merry go round that won't let us off

  11. You sure are busy keeping up with all those appointments. Hope things slow down for you two some time so you can enjoy a little summer.

  12. Della has an important heart doctor appointment to see what steps will be taken towards her next surgery. It is in the middle of the month and she grows stronger weekly.

  13. I did any of us ever work full-time? I hope they get your medicine okayed soon!


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