Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Fun lunch with Susie!

 I met one of my very old friends for lunch yesterday.  Old as in known for many years....since our kids were little.   We celebrate our birthdays and Christmas with lunch and girl talk and a bit of gambling at a place deep in the woods that is about half way from where we each live. 

We have to make appointments with each other to get it done!  Sometimes we invite our husbands...sometimes not!  

It is good to have a very old friend! 

Far Side


  1. Long-time friends are a treasure!!

  2. It surely IS good to have old friends. I don't think I make enough effort to stay in touch with mine lately.

  3. It's always wonderful to visit with someone who has known you for many years. So many memories and I'm guessing, starting off where you left off the last visit.

  4. We are rich if we have long-time friends indeed.

  5. I miss my long time friend. Lucky you. You are blessed.

  6. Old friends are gold. New ones are nice too! Far away friends like you brighten my days as my life is very boring.

  7. I have friends like that. You can go years without an in-person visit and pick up like nothing happened. I am trying to be better about keeping up with those in-person events, like a lunch!

  8. Long-time friends are irreplaceable. So nice that you were able to get together.

  9. How much fun to have an old friend like that!

  10. Old friends can be good friends, not that I really have any I am not a sociable person generally keeping to myself

  11. Beautiful begonia with great color.

  12. Oh, I love this post. It's nice to know you had this time to just be "old friends".

  13. Keeping friendships for years is hard work. My friend Sue and I made a date to see each other once a month, but since I moved, we visit a couple of times a year.

  14. How great for you and your "very old friend" to get together for lunch and fun. Glad you had the chance to do that before you head to your winter home.

  15. Sweet! I got a text from my 3 times ago neighbor yesterday morning while I was looking at this post. I'd been thinking of her and she texted so we can meet next week for coffee and chatting!

    We've been friends for over 14 yrs. How can that be? I've watched her kids grow up and we still make time for each other.



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