Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Car appointment

 I left early in the morning for the car appointment for an oil change and a tire rotation.  I crocheted while waiting.   They have two waiting with a TV and one without.  The TV room has the coffee pots...the salesmen go in and out filling their said "Good Morning"  the others were silent.  I was there just about two hours. Cross something off my list!

Like I told Far Guy...waiting room patrons are held hostage until their car is done.  If I were a car salesman I would be talking to people and handing out business cards.  I think a few cars could be sold that way...but what do I know. 

Far Guy told me not to buy a car while I was I didn't.    Oil change/new car they kinda go together.

1958 Ford Retractable

Far Side


  1. I did that too 5 years ago! But we'd beat up our little Subaru between long drives to the cancer clinic and my long drives to work. I had to start toting my MIL and her wheelchair around so I traded up for a larger Subaru. I let hubby pick out the color.

    I have been eyeing a replacement though.

    The car in this photo is beautiful!

  2. I just wrote a post after an experience of sitting in a waiting room while my vehicle was getting the oil changed and tired rotated. I think it will be published next week. I wish ours had a room without a television in it which would have made me a much happier camper and saved me from coming home and writing a post about things other people do without considering those around them.

  3. That was a big check on the list.
    Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  4. It's always good to get things on the to-do list checked off. I'm grateful that I can crochet/knit or read when I have to sit in a waiting room. The last place I used to have work done was about 15-20 minute walk to my house so if the weather was good, I'd just walk home and come back later.

    That car is gorgeous! Some has done a great job of caring for it.

  5. I'm sure my car dealership would be selling cars out of the waiting room if it was a viable idea. Actually, they are quite proud of their waiting room Free coffee, free bags of snacks, free small bottles of water. At least their hostages are treated well. Oh, and that vintage car is beautiful!

  6. I do the same thing when I take my car in. I carry crochet and a book. I try to stay away from tv room as it’s usually on a channel that upsets me—Fox!

  7. Yeah we all have had these types of appointments that see us sitting in a waiting room for a couple of hours

  8. LOL. I am not the one here who gets the car serviced, but so far Tom hasn't come home with a new one.

  9. That's too going for an oil change and buying a different car. Must have been just what you wanted. That '58 Ford is a beauty ❤❤❤
    Granny M

  10. Beautiful car. Years ago my Dad had a black one like that. We loved watching the top go up and down; though one time while camping it got stuck half way and my Dad had to do some work on it, as it was about to rain. You brought back memories with that picture. We kids called it the flip top box.

    Once my husband went to get an oil change and change of tires and came back with a new I relate, lol.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  11. You have to wait for service to be done but I hate it.

  12. Ha....that reminds me of one time I had my Jeep in for service and while I waited I noticed 3 beautiful little red sports car in the when I got home, I told my husband about one of them that really caught my eye. He ended up buying it and we still have it, although he only drives it in the summer. Glad you could cross another item off your list!

  13. Hahaha my dear sister had been suckered in by the sales people a time or two. She loves her latest vehicle and intends it to be her last. Yeah, famous last words.hahaha


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