Sunday, October 15, 2023


 We had a gathering at my baby brothers lake home for our Mother's birthday.  My sister and sister in law did most of the cooking,  some of the cousins brought food to share.  I made vegetable beef soup.

The women sewed and worked on crafts and the men talked.  My baby brother and his wife have a perfect room to set up tables for sewing machines for everyone who wants to sew.  They can sew and watch the birds out the windows.

It was a good gathering to celebrate Mom's 94th birthday on Friday and then again on Saturday.

Mom at her sewing machine.  She still has a bad cough. She was sewing together quilts squares made from my Dad's shirts.

Here are some of the other projects the gals were working on.

Christmas ornaments out of buttons.

A blueberry quilt.

Another quilt.

Donation blanket for Gillette Children's Hospital....fleece blanket with crochet edge. 


I did not get a photo of one of the gals potholders or the gal who was working on a baby blanket. 

 It was a very nice gathering.  My Mom enjoyed visiting with everyone.

I worked on some embroidery and helped a gal rediscover knitting. 

Far Side


  1. It was a day your mother appreciated with everyone sewing. The home in the woods sounds like a great one with all the windows. It sounds like a family gathering of great conversations and bonding.

  2. What a wonderful time you all had together - - doing things you enjoy with the people you love. As always, we enjoy being part of your fun activities! I am glad your mom was able to participate in another family gathering. My heart hurts for her with her ailments. Aging can be so very, very hard.

  3. Your mom looks good at 94. Sorry she doesn't feel good. I looks like everyone had an enjoyable day.

  4. What a great idea and gathering to celebrate her birthday! I'm sure she enjoyed seeing everyone!

  5. That's a wonderful family gathering to celebrate your mom. Lots of visiting, as well as sharing your creative projects.

    Here's hoping her cough is overcome soon.

  6. I've never seen a blueberry quilt before. Kinda cool! Your mom sure doesn't show her age. Thanks for all the pictures. :-)

  7. I think my comment went to Word Heaven. Anyway, I was fascinated by the blueberry quilt. Your mom looks great! :-)

  8. I'm guessing that was just the perfect kind of gathering your mom wanted too - her family around her, and working with creative things together. Happy birthday to your mom!

  9. What a wonderful birthday gathering!! That was a brilliant idea. All that love and creativity. Just wonderful! :)

  10. Sounds like a bloody good time was had, I can't crochet or knit and wish I could

  11. A few friends and I used to get together once a month to work on whatever craft we had in the works and visit. I loved it, but alas, we don't do it anymore. And I really miss it. When I first retired I joined the local Senior Citizens Group and went once a week to knit and visit. But then COVID came a long and the center closed and I've not gone back. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  12. Sounds like a really nice time, and how cool that your mom was able to enjoy it too! My mom made a quilt a long long time ago, before I can remember actually, made out of dad's wool plaid shirts. It's very sturdy and pretty and it's been around my whole life.

  13. What a perfect way to celebrate your Mom!

  14. What a wonderful crafty family you have! So glad your mom had a good time at her Birthday celebrations. You are very thoughtful and it's always fun to read about and see what's happening with you and your family! Thanks Connie!

  15. Working on various projects while chatting sounds like a great idea and no doubt your Mom enjoyed listening to and seeing everyone.

  16. Perfect way to honor your mother. Instead of “come as you are” the invitation read “ bring your own sewing project”.

  17. Your mom looks great at 94! I hope she's feeling better. I'm sure that birthday gathering pleased her greatly.
    Sew much creativity! (pun intended. )

  18. I love how you all enjoy getting together often and to have a place for everyone to sew is perfect.

  19. Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! Now that is the type of birthday party I would enjoy! All kinds of good food and crafting going on! I thought those were real blueberry muffins! LOL!


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