Saturday, October 14, 2023

Osage Boat Works

 When my baby brother and I were little my Dad worked Road Construction and was only home on weekends.  Our Mom got a job at the Osage Boat Works.   Her clothing was spotted with white and green paint and pieces of fiberglass. My baby brother and I were too little to stay by ourselves so we went to "Arvilla Care" Arvilla was a much loved neighbor lady, we loved her and going to her house when our Mom went to work.  Arvilla was a really good cook!

Boats loaded and ready to be sold taken about 1956.

Far Side


  1. Your mom lived an interesting life. I'm sure it wasn't easy managing a couple of kids, a household, and a job while your dad was away all week. Arvilla sounds like a lovely woman.

  2. Great to have a photo that sparks memories!

  3. I'm so glad you had someone you really like care for you while your Mom worked. Arvilla sounds great and what an unusual name!

  4. I didn't realize that Arvilla took care of you two. Yes she was a terrific cook. I think Carla would have been little then. Bet she enjoyed playing with you. Love the picture.

  5. How lucky you were to have such a neighbor to care for you!

  6. Mom really juggled things around.
    Sometimes I wished my mom worked and we went to someone who was kind and fun!

    1956. That was when I was born!

  7. Love to hear your history. Not too many moms worked then. Your mom was a modern woman.

  8. Sounds like you really had a nice lady to take care of you kids. What good memories! Our parents did what they had to do. It is nice to hear some of your family history. :)

  9. It says a lot that you remember Arvilla and time spent with her. I'm sure you meant a lot to her too. And I had to grin, as kids we always remember the fun and food, didn't we? 🥰

  10. You and your little brother were so fortunate to have a caring person to watch you while your Mom worked.

  11. Our mothers lived much different lives than we do. I don't think I could manage what mine had to endure. It's good that you had such a loving care giver as a young child.

  12. My late father-in-law on my late wife's side owned a speed boat just like the one on the far left of the row. The boys talked about sinking it int the Lake Pokegama as a memorial.

  13. I saw some loads of new boats like this a number of times as a kid. Always found it fascinating how they stood them up in the trailer.

  14. How interesting. She had her hands full with your Dad gone and a job and kids to care for. It's amazing how we got it all done back in the day. I can't do half of what I used to do and I only have myself to take care of.


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