Monday, October 16, 2023

Old Quilting Bee Photos

 I had a bunch of old photos to take to Mom for her to look at.  We got them kinda sorted out.  

If you were married 25 years "The Aunts" used to send out instructions for a cotton quilt square with embroidery on it that included your name.   Then they would get together and sew the top together and have a quilting bee. 

This was my parents quilt, Mom said they got it when they were married about 35 years...because they had lots of catching up to do when they started the project.

The "Quilting Bee" was held at my cousin Art and Kathy's home on the lake. 

Mom still has her quilt, I packed it at her apartment and it went to storage. 

You can see the squares were all different pastel colors of cotton material....each design unique. 

Far Guy and I have two quilts...two double size quilts because by the time our anniversary rolled around I had many cousins participating!

It was a great family tradition.  Many thanks to the Aunts that started the tradition! 

Far Side


  1. Quilting is wonderful family time together & traditions. Kevin's mother quilted in bees many years ago, wish she had of included me in those such things through the years.

  2. This is a wonderful tradition.

  3. What a fabulous family tradition and photos to record it happening. What special treasures!! I remember making a quilt square for one of my husband's aunt and uncles for their 50th. The quilt was displayed at the reception after her funeral a few years ago. She was 96 when she passed. And I can remember seeing the quilt on the bed in her guest room for many years.

  4. That was definitely a wonderful tradition and what a keepsake!

    I recall mom quilting in our farm house. My mom loved to quilt, and she'd set up the frame in the living room. The local ladies would spend afternoons visiting and stitching. When we got from school, we kids would lie on the floor under the quilt to watch televsion.

  5. I love everything about this post — the Aunts, the tradition, and the quilts!

  6. Now that is a fabulous family tradition! Wow!
    So great to see the photos of all the ladies working together. :)

  7. Great tradition and lovely quilts that were created and handed down for future generations. I'm sure your Mom enjoyed looking at the old photos.

  8. What a wonder tradition and an art that is being forgotten

  9. I see the clamps and one by fours making the frame for the quilt. What I remember is that one of us were under the quilt to shove the needle up. I think this was a different kind of quilting.

  10. Oh what a wonderful tradition you have in your family. I love the pictures. So cool.

  11. Oh I love quilts! I have two from my mother and one in tatters from my grandmother that I wish I had tried earlier to piece it back in some form or fashion, but alas, I was newly married and my kids took up all my time.

  12. My mom belonged to a local farm ladies club. Sometime she would have them help here quilt on a plaing block quilt.

  13. That is definitely a tradition worth keeping. The photos are priceless. Blessings,

  14. A fabulous family tradition! I had seen signature quilts, mostly in pictures. I always wanted one of my own. When my oldest daughter was expecting my first grandchild, I sent out white squares with the invitations - a stamped RSVP card and envelope and instructions. A lot of people didn't get it but most at least sent back a piece of paper with their signature that I then traced on fabric. The quilt is a one of a kind as most of our older family members passed before the next grandchild. Your quilts are the best family keepsakes.

  15. what a wonderful tradition. Do people still have quilting bees?


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