Friday, September 29, 2023

Two or three vehicles and a flu shot

 We were in a pinch.  My Mom ( Dental appointment) and Far Guy ( Infusion) both had appointments at about the same time.  There was no way I could accomplish both.  I should be two people sometimes.   We worked it out.  Far Guy took Tilly to town so he could get his infusion and I took our car.

I joined Far Guy at the clinic for a bit...long enough to get a flu shot.  Cross something off the vaccination down two to go.  (RSV and the Covid booster)

If we lived on the outskirts of town Far Guy could have taken Ranger Blue but 14 miles is a bit much. 

We use Ranger Blue to travel country roads to visit neighbors, trail rides, garbage to the County Transfer Station and to recycle. 

So far I am doing okay with this years flu shot...a bit warm and sore, but nothing to complain about ...yet.

My Mom is getting very forgetful.  Her short term memory is not good.  She has to take the City Bus to appointments and someone must ride with her.  She uses a wheel chair to go to appointments.

Far Side


  1. I got my Covid booster but still need to get RSV and flu. So many vaccines these days. Glad you got your flu shot already.

  2. It's nice to have options, when one needs to be in two places at once.

    Does the place that your mom lives in provide Handi-van rides for appointments? Most of the senior living options here have a specified van that is capable of carrying multiple wheelchair bound indivdulas as well as walkers and such. There is also a privately owned operation - they actually pick up a young woman who lives across the street from me.

  3. I know you love your Ranger. My Mule is old but still goes. I use it every day. If it goes kaput I’ll get a new one. Old Tillie saved the day, I’d say! Old but sure.

  4. We need to get our flu shot and RSV. Still thinking about the next covid booster since I got so sick with the last one. I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. We're in the same boat with Dennis's Mom except she is still using her walker. We took her out to lunch yesterday and had the exact same conversation about 20 times. But she had a great time and we'll do it again in a few days. We're so glad we got this condo. It's only 3-5 minutes from her facility and we're there 3-4 times a day most days for one thing or another.

  5. I'm glad you made all your appointments. It is good somebody rides with your mom. Really difficult to just make a bus trip in a wheelchair in the first place--let alone if you forget where you are going.

  6. Maebeme, The bus can only carry one wheel chair at a time.

  7. Tilly to the rescue! I need the Cover booster, RSV and flu shot. I'm sorry about your mom.

  8. I'm so glad you didn't have a reaction. Very glad

  9. Some days are just plane busy.

  10. Nice that you figured out a way to get things done.
    I hope you continue to feel okay ( after your flu shot).

  11. Our 25 year old mini van serves as our back up vehicle. It still serves us well.
    I'm glad your mother is where she can stay safe, what with her forgetfulness.

  12. COVID vaccines haven’t made it this far West - no vaccines available in town. Flu shot clinic on the 9th. I’m going to get the RSV, too.

  13. Good work. Sometimes I wish we'd a second car again.

  14. We tend to end up having appointments that end up on the same day and that won't work. I get on the computer and reschedule. Tilly comes in handy. A guy in the area auctioned off his 100 car collection today. I saw a Tilly in the lineup.

  15. I haven't gotten my shots yet, October 10th is when i get them. I heard you can get the flu shot and the Covid booster at the same time. My cousin had her covid shot and she was down for a day. I plan on being the same way. Every time I get one I can hardly keep my eyes open the next day. I have to make sure I have meals and clean!
    Sorry to hear about your Mom but she is a trooper and so are you for taking care of her.


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