Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Sadie visited us too!  It was good to see her!  She was a bit needy after her folks left for an evening out and we were in charge! 

"I cannot believe I am stuck here with you!"

"Maybe they will be back in a minute!" 

"I am sad sad sad and worried" 

We gave her lots of attention...when we went to bed....she jumped in bed with us...Far Guy said "It has been a long time since a dog joined us in bed!"  After a while she left to resume her vigil at the door.  Far Guy said she returned again...by that time I was fast asleep and even a dog has a hard time waking me up...however the next morning she visited me again and that time she was insistent that I wake up! 

Far Side


  1. Sweet Sadie! My daughter's 2 dogs came with them on Saturday. Her golden retriever is a "velcro" dog - attached at the hip constantly. Seemed like every time I sat down Samson would come lay his head in my lap with his sad face begging for attention. If I was standing still he would lean on me.

  2. Awww, Sadie got to get in bed with you! That's kind of nice to hear.

  3. What a funny girl! I can't imagine sleeping through a dog that size jumping on the bed. She's such a pretty dog.

  4. Oh, poor Sadie. But she's better off with you than left alone. We had Lizzie Friday & Saturday because Piper & family were at the fair all weekend. This week Piper has tennis camp and we're driving her to and from, so she's spending the night with us. Of course Lizzie has to come too. :-) Dennis said this morning that if this becomes a habit we need to get a king size bed. Those little dogs take up most of the bed!

  5. Oh, Sadie sure is pretty. She has that worried look in her eyes. :) They sure get stressed when their parents are away. I didn't know just how much until we left Eli and Ellie for our weekend in West Virginia. The vet said the stress would be bad for Ellie because of her Addison's Disease and upped her Predisone medication. Ellie was still in bad shape when we picked her up. The stress was almost too much for her. She is much better now.

  6. Guess she would make a good alarm clock.

  7. Nothing like a cold nose to nudge you awake in the morning! Sadie is a beautiful dog.

  8. Sadie is adorable! She reminds me of my grandpuppy Jack.

  9. Oh, sweet Sadie! I have missed her face. So nice she came for a visit! :) :)

  10. She is all dog. They get so attached to their people that they suffer. She is a wonderful dog.

  11. You have had some wonderful visitors lately: grands and great grands and even a grand dog!

  12. I like your captions for Sadie's expressions. She's a lovely dog.


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