Tuesday, August 8, 2023


 I scrubbed some more of the tile floors.  I am almost done with that project...one small area to do yet. 

Far Guy did some woodcarving on the Christmas Ornaments.  My hands hurt so bad while woodcarving it is not a very comfortable hobby for me right now. 

We had a car club meeting so we went to A & W, to the meeting and to the gas station.  Date night!

A car at the car show last year.  

Far Side  


  1. Hope your hands get back to normal soon! You are definitely a resilient person, friend.

  2. A&W - definitely a piece of my childhood. We would have supper (summer treat) at the A&W in Redwood Falls because my folks loved the root beer served in chilled mugs. After that we would go to the drive-in movie. It was only a half hour from home, and Renville didn't have a drive-in movie. We did have a little drive-in restaurant with car hops though.

  3. I am impressed with you, I know you have pain and yet, scrubbing floors! I love that car.

  4. Sara, my husband is from Sacred Heart, his brother had an accounting practice in Redwood Falls and they went to church in Renville!

  5. I'm sure scrubbing the floor didn't help your hands either. I returned the one knee pad I got and now I need to order 2 in a larger size....who knew I had LARGE knees? Love that Thunderbird....snazzy!

  6. That is a beautiful car. I miss A & W. The one we would stop at in Chamberlain, SD is now a bank.
    I think I've caught up on your last few posts that I missed. I'm so sorry to hear about the RA. Mom has it too and I know how painful especially her hands are. I'll be praying that the medicine works well for you and there are NO side effects.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Date nights are so necessary to break up the routines

  8. That TBird sure is shiny! I’ve never ridden in one but admired plenty from afar.

  9. Take care of your hands.
    I only have problems with my thumbs… so far. Don’t spend too much time scrubbing floors.

  10. Thunderbird started in 1955! They could fly, too.

  11. The scrubbing the floors would hurt my hands...and back, too. I hope you will be able to paint Christmas ornaments since the carving is a bit too much. You two make the cutest ornaments. I love seeing what you've decided on each year.

    Been so long I can't remember when I was to the A&W. Always a fun place to go!
    Love their root beer floats in the frosty mug on a hot day! Take it easy and stay cool!

  12. Scrubbing with painful hands must be so much fun...not. However, you show fortitude in doing them!

    Oh what I'd do for a date night to do a drive up and just even eat with hubby in the parking lot!


    Nice looking T-bird.

  13. I like old-style cars and old-style houses. I'm just not a fan of a lot of the newer styles.

  14. I am impressed with you scrubbing floors too. You are a trooper.

  15. Your date night sounds like a lot of fun. (Especially if there were onion rings. :p)

  16. That looks like a beautiful car!

  17. Sounds like the perfect date night!!!!

  18. The first Thunderbird that I ever saw was one at a football game. It was a light blue and the field lights made it glow. I thought the styling was so amazing.


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