Saturday, November 5, 2022

Ornaments anyone?

It has turned cool here, it rained a bit late Thursday.   It was frosty in the early morning Friday.   I did not get up in time to see the frost but Far Guy assured me it was there.  

We are finished with woodcarved Christmas Ornaments!  Yeah us!  I have a few that I will give away here on the blog.  Please share something to be about sharing what your favorite Christmas Movie or Program was/is. 

My favorite movie is A Christmas Story...where Ralphie almost shot his eye out!  Share your favorite to be entered in the ornament giveaway.   I will mail to the United States and enter away until Monday night when I will draw some winners. 

Here is a snowy old photo...that looks like my Dad and I think that is his car on the left...looks like he had a bunch of snow to shovel...and they had a really long drive way too!  Photo taken at my paternal grandparents farm.

  Far Side


  1. My favorite movie is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

  2. My favorite program was at Christmas when we'd travel to our grandparents in NW Minnesota. On Christmas Eve, we went to the small country church and all the children would put on a Christmas Program. Nearly half of the children were my cousins. At the end of the service, every child, including us visitors, received a small paper bag with treats. There was always fruit - either an apple or an orange. Old fashioned hard candy, peanuts and what we called haystacks (a chocolate covered minty nougat)

  3. My favorite would be a Christmas Story which I suppose is why I am looking forward to the sequel of Ralphie as an adult wanting his children to have the best Christmas ever. I just hope it is better than Christmas Story 2 which I didn't enjoy nearly as much.

  4. I guess my favorite movie/book is A Christmas Carol. I suppose mainly because momma always read to us before supper time every night & she would start a week or so before Christmas reading the book to us.

  5. My favorite is White Christmas, because I enjoy the music in it.

  6. I am a fan of "It's a Wonderful Life."

  7. I love the movie, White Christmas. It's my all time favorite Christmas movie and I've been known to watch it several times through out the year.

  8. Definitely Christmas Story! We made watching it our family tradition every winter. Our kids have now carried on this tradition with their children.

  9. My favorite since childhood is Holiday Inn where White Christmas was introduced!

  10. Hard to decide. Miracle on 34th st wins.

  11. As a child my favorite was Dr. Seuss, Grinch who Stole Christmas. I still love watching the original. All the Christmas classics are nice to re-watch. I like the good feeling they evoke.

  12. My favorite Christmas Movie has always been, "It's a Wonderful Life". it reminds us how much our lives are like ripples in the water that touch many other lives - - - hopefully all in a positive way.
    You do not need to enter me in the giveaway because I have one of your ornaments I bought years ago. It's one of the cute little houses. Also, I am in the process of "lessening" tangible "stuff" at this point.
    I do admire the extraordinary work you and your husband do each year with the ornaments and cards for those you love.

  13. My favorite is the "Christmas Story" too... looking forward to seeing the update movie with some of the same actors!!

  14. Yikes! That's a lot of snow. With all the vehicles there I hope there were other drivers to help with the shoveling.

  15. My favorite movie is Christmas Vacation featuring Chevy Chase. Reminds me of my own extended family celebrations - lol! Always love hearing of your life up north- here in Alabama I can only dream of the snowy weather you have. Also enjoy your craft adventures and plant identifications.. Thank you for sharing your life!

  16. The favorite movie is the Miracle on Fourth Street

  17. My favorite Christmas story is The Bishops Wife, with Loretta Young and David Niven, WHat a beautiful woman she was, and so endearing.

  18. I also especially love the Christmas programs at our small country church. My 6 children were in them being either angels, shepherds, wise men, or it was really special to be Mary or Joseph. Wonderful memories! Sandy Berglind

  19. I love the movie Desk Set with Tracy and Hepburn

  20. I enjoy a variety of old holiday movies: Holiday Inn, It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street and I'll even watch A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Frosty the Snowman - special moments in each.

  21. My favorite Christmas movie is also A Christmas Story. Once a long time ago, a local TV channel showed the movie continuously for 24 hours. So I could tune in at various times of the day to see some of my favorite scenes over and over.

  22. My favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Memory, a short story by Truman Capote, "A Christmas Memory" was adapted for television for ABC Stage 67 by Truman Capote and Eleanor Perry. The production starred Geraldine Page and Donnie Melvin and narrated by Mr. Capote.
    This is from wiki
    The largely autobiographical story, which takes place in the 1930s, describes a period in the lives of the seven-year-old narrator and an elderly woman who is his distant cousin and best friend.

  23. I know this sounds silly, but when I was growing up, and after we actually got a TV when I was in the 3rd grade...every year at Christmas was the Wizard of OZ. I loved it. We decorated the tree while we watched. One of my favorite memories of all times. Christmas tree and Oz.

  24. It's a tie between "A Christmas Story" and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."

  25. I have always liked A Christmas Carol.


  26. I guess my favorite Christmas film is the original version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", the Dr. Suess version. It would be nice if everyone's heart could grow a few sizes that day.
    I am impressed that you have all of your ornaments done already! Congratulations.

  27. My favorite Christmas movie is It’s a wonderful life! I love your blog .I read all the time but don’t always comment .

  28. I love Christmas in Connecticut. Lots of old time fun.

  29. Christmas Story is one of my favorite Christmas movies, that and the musical Scrooge. When we lived in Indiana, I worked at a nature center just a few blocks from Warren Harding School - THE Warren Harding School Gene Shepherd talks about in Christmas Story. We had a special science program for them, they'd bring the 3rd and 4th graders in every 6 weeks.

    When my co-workers found out how much I loved the movie, they gave me the Grand Christmas Story Tour. It was filmed in Cleveland but set in Hammond. Bully Scut Farkelson's (sp) Dad had a bar that was still in business at least until 2000; we drove by, didn't go in. And even when my co-workers were kids, the Christmas Parade in Hammond was still a Very Big Deal. It was great fun.

    In Florida now, but I miss a lot about Indiana and the MidWest. Used to say it was like living in a Hallmark card. At Halloween, you had the leaves blowing off the trees; Thanksgiving, there were pumpkins, and frost really was on them; Christmas, it would be snowing while you decorated your tree. Here, poor old Santa would get heat prostration assuming a gator didn't grab Rudolph.

  30. Oh how exciting...the chance to win one of your beautiful Christmas ornaments. Well, I have a lot of favorites, movie-wise it is probably one of the many Christmas Carol "Scrooge" movies. I have seen so many versions of it and have loved them all.

    For programs on TV, I love "The Gathering" with Ed Asner and also loved the Walton's first program ever and it was a Christmas Special called "The Homecoming"....we watch those every year. Thanks for asking, Connie!

  31. My favorite program was Emmet Otter's Jug Band. I can't find it anymore. I like the old cars in your photo. Coupes were very cool cars.

  32. I fondly remember my own sisters and I singing “Sisters”
    along with Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen in “White Christmas.”
    A favorite tradition!

  33. I am partial to any version of “A Christmas Carol” - I can binge watch them every year

  34. My favorite Christmas Movie is Desk Set with Spencer Tracey and Kathrine Hepbutn, with Christmas in Connecticut with Barbara Stanwyck and White Christmas as runners up. I like the oldies.

  35. My favorite Christmas is the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Christmas Vacation a close second.

  36. My favorite Christmas program is the childrens nativity at virtually any Christian church. It always brings tears to my eyes and often laughter too. Once I saw one where a little angel took her wings off and was flapping them up and down the center aisle, trying to fly. :-)
    Favorite movie is "White Christmas".
    I have everything I can think of crossed to be a winner!

  37. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer in 1967. I cried when they got lost and when Rudolph ran away.
    I was happy that he finally got his due also and saved Christmas.

    It was the first time I'd seen Clay-animation and was fascinated by it.

    In 5th grade, I fought a kid on the play ground just after Christmas when he told me there was no Santa.

    Of course I knew HE was real:

  38. Watching Home Alone with my kids was a tradition and we had a lot of laughs.

  39. I'm surprised they didn't the tractor out. My favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life. I had some Christmas sock yarn maned "Be careful or you'll shoot your eye out!".

  40. My favorite movie is "A Wonderful Life." It is a must watch for me every year - never gets old!
    Sanda Berglind

  41. Every year I watch "A Christmas Story" and "It's a Wonderful Life". Every year. If I had to choose one to be my favorite it would be difficult because I like them for very different reasons...but I would have to say "It's a Wonderful Life" because of the hope and joy and how it makes you believe that maybe your life is worthwhile even if it feels so small and insignificant. I have watched that movie much longer because A"A Christmas Story" didn't come out until the early 80s I don't think.
    Love the photo, too! :)

  42. Oh, and HBO has A Christmas Story 2022 coming out with Peter Billingsly playing Ralphie again--all grown up and going home for Christmas!! I will definitely be watching that this year, too.

  43. I love your ornaments and thank you for the chance to receive one. Frosty the Snowman is a favorite of mine.

  44. As I kid I always like Noel and the Rudolph the red nose reindeer(well mostly the Bumble).

  45. I like rewatching so many of the Christmas movies. I especially like White Christmas and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with the grandkids. Also, love the church Christmas programs every year.


  46. And the winners are
    The people who guessed Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer: Val, Gemma's person and Jessica.

    Also Sonja who sent me an email and Phyllis P are winners also!!

    Send me your address to captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom

  47. THANK YOU....SO MUCH.....AND MERRY CHRISTMAS . What a wonderful gift!!!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie