Saturday, November 19, 2022

Beginning, middle and end

 I buy small cloth bags with zippers at Hobby Lobby and cover them with yarn.  

Beginning...small stitches all around the top of the bag to anchor the stitches  



More finished

I use Sheepjes yarn, these are crocheted with a pattern called Apache Tears.  It is a mindless pattern that I can do while watching TV.   I worked on bags most of the week...building up my stash again as they make nice gifts! 

I also use plain zippers to make bags...more on that some other day.

We have the Christmas cards all ready to mail...and will get them in the mail right after Thanksgiving.  Yeah us!

We had some snow in the air again yesterday.  

Far Side


  1. It was pretty snowy and blow-yyy here yesterday. I took a very very very long nap with Charlie piled under blankets.
    My batteries must have run out!

  2. They are beautiful. You are apparently in endless motion! Never resting for very long, it seems. :-)

  3. What a great idea. They are beautiful. You dress them up nicely.

  4. I like those bags. Clever! It's cold down here but will twice as warm tomorrow.

  5. Those bags are a brilliant idea. The pattern is perfect for them. I mailed overseas cards yesterday at the post office. The others are sitting all stamped and ready to go with rubber bands around them. All 103 of them! Our church does a box with mail slots in the foyer to slip cards into. I haven't done those yet. Plenty of thime for them. It's a great way to save stamp money and still share greetings with each other.

  6. Thanks for sharing your methodology. I think even I could figure that out...though I'd better get some UFO's done first. :)

    More snow here today, hopefully not too much accumulation as I need to drive back to the city tomorrow.

  7. I had no clue how you made those. They're very pretty.
    You are always busy making something. :)

  8. Another great project you've come up with!

  9. Those bags are very cute! Putting this idea on my someday list. Thanks!

  10. I’m going to look at my hobby lobby and try this.

  11. Making those bags is a great idea for easy gifts. Everyone needs a cute bag for odds and ends.

  12. I am always so impressed with your talent, your creativity, and your work ethic!

  13. I had no idea how....thank you for sharing how you create those bags.

  14. You sure do keep busy. Good for you. i"m sure the many things you make are greatly appreciated, wherever they go.

  15. They are so very fancy. I could see things being stowed in them by colors so they would help to find things.

  16. Those are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your work with us.

  17. Love those bags, you keep so busy, great crocheting. Xx


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