Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 Yesterday the warmest it got was 97 F or 36 C eh.  Sunday it was 100 F  or 37 C. 

I took a photo of the temperature and the time. 

Yesterday we ran errands in the morning when it was cooler; Post Office, Eye Doctor, Budget Auto and Wally World. 

Far Guy worked on Christmas woodcarvings and I worked on some greeting cards....then we had a nap.  Ever thankful for Air Conditioning!

Storms will be coming in and the weather should cool off some by Tuesday.  

Far Side


  1. When I left Mobility Class at 11am, my car registered 98 in the parking lot but cooler once I got moving.
    In the afternoon I think the local temps were something like 96 and over night it stayed in the 80's.

    Sounds like you found good activities for a hot hot day.
    We are supposed to get ran Tuesday night perhaps and cool off to the 80's?

  2. We hit 98 degrees. Supposed to hit 102 today. Yes, thank you Lord for A/C Happy First day of Summer.

  3. And it is supposed to be a scorcher here today.

  4. We are definitely in the same hot weather pattern. It's supposed to be a bit better by Thursday. I sure hope so as it's impossible for me to be outside right now and the garden desperately needs weeding.

  5. I feel your pain.... I hate the heat! And, yes, thank God for air conditioning! When I got up this morning it was 58 degrees where I am but the heat is on it's way.

  6. Similar temps here. I ran errands in the morning too, but then my husband decided he needed to go to Runnings and Walmart. So I went along at the hottest time of day. Today is much nicer so far.

  7. We had a couple days like that last week, then a nice cool weekend. Now it's back up to scorching (with lots of gross humidity). Hard to say how long it will stick around for.
    We do what we can outside in the morning and evenings, and hide inside with the a/c during the day

  8. Anything over 90 is miserable for me, and that’s without humidity. Thankfully, it’s been very pleasant with temperatures in the high 70s all week. I’m glad you have air conditioning.

  9. I love summer weather but low to mid 80s is my threshold for comfort. Like you, I am ever thankful for air conditioning! Hope that by the time you get this you will be enjoying cooler weather.

  10. Oh my word! You're hotter than we are! We have not reached 100...yet....97 is the highest so far but they say it feels like 107....I wish they wouldn't tell the "feels like" temperature or the wind chill in the winter...it just makes it worse! LOL!

  11. We had our hot on Saturday, and then the weather blew into Manitoba and we dropped back to the 70's. Stay cool!

  12. Crazy hot here and crazy early in the year.

  13. I think I prefer our chilly weather to your excessive heat. A happy medium would be a wonderful improvement. Very wise to do any errands in the cool of the morning.

  14. Yes, I can tell when it is still hot outside because the air just doesn't really ever shut down to rest. Our nights have stayed hot cooling down by four in the morning to 75°.

  15. I'd be grateful for air conditioning in that kind of heat too. I don't deal with heat well. Also, we don't have air conditioning, so even getting well in to the 70s F is a bit much for me.

  16. Not fair that it’s 100 degrees in Northern Minnesota when you have such dramatically cold temps in the winter. The good thing is, in Minnesota those temps don’t last long.


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