Monday, November 15, 2021

More stupid sNOw

 Yup it snowed again overnight on Saturday night/early Sunday morning...  

It must have been about four maybe five inches...and it was good heavy wet snow like you make a snowman with.   I was tired after shoveling so no snowmen were made. 

The glass flowers were all covered with snow. 

I rescued the bird feeder, it had lots of ice in the tray...poor birds were struggling to find seeds.  Then I shoveled in front of the garages. 

Then I went to the couch and sat with my feet up feeling sorry for myself because I have fever blisters inside and outside of my mouth....I suppose there could be worse side effects from the booster shot. 

Far Side


  1. So sorry to hear about the fever blisters. Hope you get better fast. We had snow yesterday but nothing stuck to the ground. I am getting ready to hibernate for the Winter, hahaha! Sure wish I could. Take care and get better soon.

  2. I am so sorry about your reactions. I rather worry about mine.
    We only had about 2 cm snow! We had more rain.

  3. It looks pretty but I'm glad we are out of the snow belt now. I sure felt bad for a week or so after my booster but it was just a lethargic feeling. I finally feel good now. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Yikes! I never heard of someone getting fever blisters from the covid shot before. I'm so sorry you are suffering like that.

  5. Yikes, blisters & in such a tender place. The snow is pretty but not fun to have to shovel. Karen

  6. OH NO - not fever blisters!!! You poor thing! Today is a day I am glad we are retired. Our town didn't get as much snow, but it turns out the roads are all black ice. We have a police scanner and it has been a nightmare. Luckily we have not heard of serious injuries to persons, but vehicles are in ditches, rolling over and skidding into everything. And we saw one of our neighbors leave for work on a motorcycle. Feel better soon!

  7. Yikes, the fever blisters do not sound like fun. I hope they disappear quickly.

    We've had a wee bit more snow, but last evening and today we're getting rain but the temperatures won't be warm enough to melt the snow so everything is going to be frozen mess by tomorrow. Not my favorite way to start winter.

  8. You can keep your snow for awhile longer. We had some evidently fall down here while I was down south but it didn't stick or accumulate.

  9. You are a trooper! I love the snow but I'm not the one doing the shoveling! Shoveling is hard work....I'd trade in the Ranger for a snow blower! Take it easy and so sorry you have fever blisters. I've never had them but it doesn't sound like fun. I won't tell you what the weather is like would be salt in the wound. But trust me, If I could trade placed with you I would....except for the fever can keep them.

  10. It appears that you have enough snow now that your ground will stay white until spring. Ours has melted again - for now. Hope those fever blisters go away quickly!

  11. WHEW! All that and not feeling well on top it! WOW

  12. Oh no! Fever blisters! Rest and get better quickly.

  13. Sounds like you have snow.................but I may be

  14. Well, you must be superwoman! That is a lot of work on tip of not feeling up to par.
    Are snow just melted into the grass in spots it is white but only on logs.

  15. We got our first snow yesterday. It wasn't much - and it was pretty wet and sloppy so it all melted away by this morning.

  16. I hope the snow melts and that you get a nice Indian Summer.

  17. Like DJan. I have never heard of fever blister reactions to vaccinations! Not fun at all.

  18. I don't like wet snow in Nov as it freezes and we have a nasty ice condition.

  19. That booster doesn't sound like fun. I am not envious of your snow. I am not liking the cold that encourages that snow.

  20. Wet heavy snow is no fun to shovel. I hope there is something you can do for the fever blisters that helps somewhat. Salve? or cold spoon? I don't recall ever having any, but I do get cold sores on my lips. They are no fun either. You have every right to put your feet up & rest.

  21. Ugh. I think I know what you are talking about with those sores in your mouth. I never had anything like that until I caught that stupid Covid. A side effect of the Virus? It has been over a year now and I have not had one in a long time. But they were very annoying. Hope the snow does not move south.. ( knock on wood..)

  22. Get my booster tomorrow. Don’t want blisters in and outside my mouth. Ouch. My Moderna.

  23. You sure have more snow than we do! Hope we don't catch up to you soon. Sorry to hear about your shot after-effects....Hope they are gone very soon!

  24. And it's supposed to be 73F here tomorrow! It's amazing what a couple of hundred miles will do isn't it? I'm sorry you had to take care of all of that snow when you're not feeling well. Fever blisters can be so painful and it's awful that the booster did that to you. I'll be praying for you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  25. We had some snow/rain mix yesterday, but supposed to hit low 60s today. Crazy weather...

  26. Good golly you guys have had a lot of snow lately! Usually by Thanksgiving we have a few flakes but looks like not for a while yet. Hope you don't have to keep taking care of things and can do some resting!! Take care of yourself!! Hugs!

  27. You can send me the snow if you don't want it.


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