Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Wow I got a package in the mail! 

Such beautiful work and so many butterflies! 

I know how much time is put into the is beautiful handwork.  These came from my long time blog friend Linda in Colorado!   I shall treasure the pillowcases...they are almost too beautiful to use...but I will use them!  Thank you Linda! 

Far Side


  1. Oh wow! Those are so beautiful! That would be a fun thing to learn I think. Sort of like making art on a blank canvas with vibrant colors.

  2. How sweet! You got a gift from someone who loves you and your blog as much as I do! :-)

  3. Those pillow cases are just wonderful! My mother was an embroiderer and those stitches are all just amazing! My mom would make us much more simple pillow cases for the Christmas season, with little elves or trees or angels. I still have one slightly yellowed one. Great memories and a great friend to gift you something so special!

  4. You are so special to me. I enjoy each and every day with you, Gene and your family on your blog. Thank you ever so much for being an inspiration to all of us. Love You!

  5. These are so beautiful!!! I remember doing embroidery when I was a kid, but nothing as stunning as these!

  6. Ooooooh, how simply beautiful, Connie! I'm so glad you were remembered in such a beautiful way, by your friend. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  7. Oh lucky you! when I was a kid, I got several hand embroidered pillow cases from a great aunt who passed away. I thought they were just the most beautiful things ever!

  8. Hand embroidered pillowcases are a treasure. I often use the ones my Mom embroidered.

  9. Oh, they are beautiful! What a sweet gift. :)

  10. How beautiful they are! Amazing amount of handwork! What a gift from a dear friend....they will be cherished!

  11. You are such a giver that is wonderful that someone gives back to you.
    These are a treasure.

  12. Lots of fine people in this world. Often kindness goes unnoticed. Evil always finds a voice. These are special treasures.

  13. Aren't you lucky! What a beautiful gift. That Linda is quite the so hard with her hubby on the farm and still has time to do something beautiful like this. You are blessed!

  14. That is a beautiful, beautiful gift! I used to do a lot of embroidery but not so much any more. That was a lot of work and I know you'll be grateful every time you lay your head down.

  15. Wow, they are lovely! You have a good friend in Linda.

  16. What a beautiful gift. Glad you are going to use them because you'll think of your friend each time you see them. I've used a set of embroidered pillowcases that both of my grandmothers worked on, and I think of my grandmas every time. My mother was one of those folks who always saved things like these for special occasions, and she had a fit when she saw them on the guest bed (over 40 years ago). But I've used them and enjoyed them.

  17. So beautiful! It reminds me of the embroidery my childhood best friend did. I tried some embroidery and crewel work in my late teens and early 20's,so I have a good idea how challenging this craft can be. Alana


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