Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Mission

 We left on a mission with Ranger Blue to deliver a couple of ornaments to my cousin.  

We were not sure how the trails would be...but they were good. 

The Ornaments were delivered.  I still have one for a cranky neighbor...he hates 4 wheelers or anything that is not a we didn't dare drive in his yard.  

The skies were blue and the sunshine warm. 

The river has ice along the edges.    It was good to get out and about. 

Back at home I made Rhubarb - Raspberry Jam.  Trying to clear out the big really needs to sit and completely defrost for a few days.  Far Guy did some odds and ends outside....before we knew was dark.

Far Side


  1. What a beautiful day to drive in the Blue Ranger! And your jam sounds delicious.

  2. Oh my. Good you know not to bother the neighbour! You never know what will happen these days.

  3. Dark comes early here these days and we don't change over as most everywhere else does.

    Nice of you to make an ornament for the cranky neighbour.

  4. "Before we knew it... it was dark." Isn't that the truth, Connie?!! We just blink & it's time to shut the curtains already. UGH!! Your ride sounds wonderful and the scenery in these pictures is magical. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. It's startling to see everything so frozen already there. we are in 37 degree fog at the moment. Brrr. Hopefully we'll get blue sky later, the last for a while I think.
    I like the look of your Ranger Blue excursions.

  6. Sometimes, around here, we close our eyes for a nap and when we wake up it is getting dark already.
    I bet ol' cranky would like a strawberry / rhubarb jam. ;)

  7. It's so nice you can get out and ride around...makes the soul a happy thing

  8. Those are beautiful winter photos. It sure does get dark before you know it these days!

  9. Looks like it was a gorgeous day to be out on Ranger Blue. :)

  10. What a stunning day to be out and about. There is so much beauty to be seen in the world around us, if we only stop and look. Good luck with the cranky neighbour! :) xx

  11. It's nice to get out on trails.

  12. That blue sky sure does look nice. We've got some, too, before the rain returns tomorrow. :-(

  13. You are putting those new wheels to good use, love it!!!

  14. Before we knew it.. it was dark here as well. The days are simply too shor in the Winter months..

  15. So nice to be out on a sunny day when the darkness comes way too soon!

  16. The dark comes so early now that it seems like the there's no time at all in a day!

  17. What a fun outing, delivering ornaments! Glad the trails were good. I love that haystack turkey on your header with the always makes me smile! I have a few ancient pilgrims in my family!!! Your jam sounds delish!

  18. We took a drive today too. To pick up snowmen! I found some really nice ones on FaceBook marketplace for a really good price so we took a drive under gorgeous blue skies and picked them up in a town about 30 miles north of us. It was good to get out and drive! We miss our drives through the mountains.
    The ranger is definitely putting itself to good use isn't it? All you have to do is blink and the day seems to be over. One more month and then it will begin getting lighter again. Yay!

  19. I also made jam today...Strawberry/rhubarb. I wasn't careful and it boiled over making a big mess.
    It's very kind of you to bring cranky neighbour one of your ornaments.

  20. Glad your mission was successful. Nice of you to make an ornament for the cranky neighbour... Hopefully you can manage to deliver it without making him more cranky in the process.

  21. My husband is known as the cranky neighbor. He just is not comfortable with unexpected visits at first. Looks like the trails were enjoyable as well as the scenery.

  22. A great adventure again. I remember helping with the freezer thawing when I was a kid on the farm. Our first freezer was actually an Inernational Harvestor.

  23. Ranger and your trails through the woods is the bees knees! Enjoy!


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