Friday, June 4, 2021

Sheep Tank

 Our latest gardening adventure began with the purchase of a watering tank for sheep.   Way last winter I noticed that there was one for sale at the local Farm Store.  I wrote down the numbers, went inside paid for it and it even fit in the vehicle. 

Far Guy built a stand for it when he was feeling better.  We located it behind my garage where it gets full sun and it is protected from the north west winds.  We gathered a few rocks to put in the bottom to help with drainage. 

We had plans to start our own tomatoes but that just didn't work I did the next best thing and we shall see what we get.  

How can you resist a tomato that is already flowering? 

It is an unknown tomato it could be anything...I was just sold on the it is a surprise tomato! 

We both like Yellow Pear tomatoes.  Who knew a yellow tomato could have such great flavor!

This one is a will be red...and I hope it tastes good! 

I bet y'all are curious to see the sheep tank?

Far  Guy chose wood that was available.  Red Green would be proud. 

We have a fence that will be set up soon as we get some extra help...cause the deer will be interested.

Far Side


  1. Tell Far Guy he did a terrific job. Yes, Red Green would be proud of him. Love a the variety of tomato plants. Have a great weekend.

  2. I love it! I have an old stock tank that I have been begging to do the same thing to. I'm tired of trying to get someone to till the garden and I only want a few things. I have a leaky 300 gallon tank that would fit all of my veggies. It would self drain !
    I may do that yet.

    Love the stand too. I'm guessing you could use some chicken wire to keep deer out? Or chunks of sheep panel to keep in with the sheep tank theme.

    The Red Green look is what I do around here. Love it.

  3. I was expecting it to be much bigger. What a cute set up. I have taken Mom's many geranium plants outside for the summer. They are old and spindly but I have hopes they will perk up. 💖

  4. Good idea to keep the rabbits from eating them.

  5. Surprise tomato, fun! Your tomato plants look so healthy. I failed to cover mine during some late season frost, they look pathetic. Hoping they pull through for Tanks sake.

  6. I love the sheep tank raised garden! Nothing like a fresh tomato. I have you beat - we bought plants at our Amish nursery that were already 2 feet tall and staked. And had some tiny tomatoes. The first one grew to a little more than a fist and we sliced it yesterday - it was - okay - but we have higher hopes for the rest of the summer.

  7. It made a wonderful raised bed! Best of luck on the tomatoes!
    Have a blessed day!

  8. The sheep tank is a great idea. Tom would have been impressed.

  9. But no duct tape? Red Green would have used duct tape. :-) I like the rustic look, and the sheep tank itself should make a great tomato bed. I decided again this year NOT to plant any tomato plants. I'll just have to get my fresh ones at the farmers market.

  10. Love it! I always like to see things that are used for projects other than their original purpose.

  11. Great idea! I hope you can keep the deer away from them. :)

  12. It's great and perfect for keeping critters away. Now for the deer... I like Far Guy's stand and Red Green would have approved except for the lack of duct tape! Duct tape is appropriate everywhere.

  13. Great use of old wood. There are no flowers on my tomatoes yet but I'm hopeful I'll see some soon.

  14. My nephew uses stock tanks for his garden, too. They work great. I hope you get a nice harvest.

  15. I didn't plant any tomatoes this year, but you are making me rethink the idea of planting some. I look forward to seeing what the mystery tomato turns out to be.

  16. I could sink that into the ground and make a fish pond out of it. I really didn't know what to expect as we don't have many sheep here in the state. I suspect there are plastic versions of these. You have good looking tomato plants. The wooden stand is perfect. I hope you can keep the deer away from it.

  17. The sheep tank isn't as big as I expected but a cool idea

  18. Well, that's fun.
    Our seed raised tomatoes are growing and started to bloom. Tom tickles the flowers often, since bees are not so busy here.

  19. Nice raised bed! And those look like some healthy tomato plants. Nothing better than tomatoes ripened in the sun.

  20. That's going to be a lovely little garden!

  21. Using that sheep tank as a raised garden is a good idea. So is a fence to keep the deer away!!

  22. Thanks for including the photo. My daughter had the same idea when she broke her collar bone right before time to start the seedlings...but we couldn't find a decently priced tank, so we made do with plastic pots on an old table. Worked out just fine...we're keeping our eye on the blossoms right now, too!

  23. Such a great idea and it will be interesting to see what kind of tomatoes you get.

  24. That is so cute!!! Red Green? I used to watch him faithfully every Saturday night! I miss that guy! LOL! I had to buy plants too and one of my tomates is getting red! I can't believe it! I've never tried the yellow pear tomatoes...I will next year!


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