Saturday, June 5, 2021

Minnesota Snowball

 Ha!  The Minnesota Snowball is blooming on a day when it was 98F (36C  eh!) was a tad warm.   I did a few things outside in the morning.  The bulk of the day I spent inside...laundry, cleaning a bathroom, playing 52 pick up and put away....started a new crochet project...and I had a nap. 

The Snowball blooms are small this year...probably because it is so dry. 

We sat outside in the evening...Far Guy kept me company while I watered the new flowers.

 Today we are supposed to have another scorcher.  The house is cool, the Air Conditioner is working just fine. 

Far Side


  1. Glad your air conditioner is working fine. 98 degrees sounds awfully hot. It is not even officially summer!

  2. Beautiful snow ball flower! I hope you guys get some rain after this scorching heat. I was comfortable in the Forest Garden as we had a nice breeze and it is so well shaded.

  3. I was wondering what a scorcher would be in Minnesota? I think we got all your rain. It has rained and rained and then rained again. Supposed to rain today.

  4. It sure is pretty! Stay inside and keep cool today. Have a great weekend. :)

  5. Pretty snowball. It's HOT here too. Supposed to be 96F today. I usually spend some time outside, but not when it's this hot. Some of my medications make me extra sensitive to the heat and so I'm just trying to avoid it.

  6. I like that our snowball tree blooms right after the lilacs are done.
    I saw the long term forecast for here- a hot and dry summer. I anticipate forest fires and smoky air this summer.

  7. Wow, when you warm up there you REALLY warm up!❤️

  8. 102 yesterday just west of you ver here in Fargo. We rarely get that even in August. And they have a fire watch because it's so dry. The grass is turning brown in places. Could be a long hot summer.

  9. Ha. Those Minnesota snowballs would bloom when it's hot, of course.
    Our snowballs melted away in our heat, which was only 85. Now it's cooler again, but still not much rain in the forecast. Wild fire season has already started.

  10. Beautiful flowers! Our snowball blooms here in Mississippi seemed to be smaller than usual this year too.
    Have a blessed day!

  11. I love your snowballs! We went from freezing to AC pretty quickly too. I can remember when we did not put the air conditioners in until July 3. I liked to have all my windows open so I could hear the kids in the yard. But I would have a lot of baking before the 4th, so in they went. This year we put them in mid-May when we had some 90 degree days (before the below freezing nights a week later when I was shuffling plants into the garage for safety).

  12. A scorcher here today too. And for the next week if we can believe the forecast. We’ll just be more desperate for rain. The deer have torn down and stomped a second bird feeder overnight. They must be trying to tell us something.

  13. Pretty flowers! It's been hot here too, but we're expecting a cool down overnight and back to normal temperatures next week.

  14. At first glance I thought it said Minnesota Snowfall.
    Good thing your A/C is in good working order.

  15. We are a good 15 degrees above our average temps for early June. The high heat is hard on so many things, especially animals. I was busy opening/closing windows & shades, but now it is too hot to open windows. Our air is definitely on at night, I can't sleep when it is hot. Your snowballs arrived just in time to cool you off ;)

  16. Almost as hot here, outside. Downright uncomfortable!

  17. I'm sending much cooler air and some rain! We've had some rain the last two days.

  18. "Praise the Lord for central heat & central air-conditioning!" is what I always say on days that are particularly hot or cold. The value of those two things is never lost on me. It's really warm here too, by the way. I do whatever outside chores must be done & then I'm back inside, where it's nice & cool. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  19. Isn't it amazing....seems like we just got rid of the snow ....and now it's sooo hot. Glad you two are staying cool. I remember days like this many years ago, when we didn't have air conditioning....yikes.

  20. Mother had a snowball bush many years ago. Hard to imagine the heat you are experiencing. Thankful we only have a few small plants to water this summer.


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