Thursday, October 1, 2020

Tuesday report

 I know that title sounds funny...but I needed a bit of time to digest Tuesday happenings. 

We left at 4 AM to travel to the University of Minnesota for appointments with Far Guy's Lung Transplant Pulmonologist and for a Heart Catherization and Angiogram that the Transplant Surgeon requested. Far Guy had his last angiogram in June of 2019 that showed one vessel 55-60 % blocked and not bad enough to do anything about. The Transplant Surgeon wanted to see if anything had changed in the past 15 months. 

Our early morning appointments went fine...Far Guy is feeling pretty good...being a hermit agrees with him as he hasn't been ill since January the Doctor thought that was fantastic.  They discussed what his feelings were toward a transplant...we had decided a long time ago that God was in charge.  The Doctor said she could understand and that after the heart procedures we might be encouraged one way or the other.  He would be taken off the list in February when he turns 71 anyway.

The heart cath and angiogram was supposed to begin at 1 PM and it was 2 PM before they took him away.  The nurses said the Doctor would be out in about an hour to talk to me.  Well that time came and went.  Eventually at the two hour mark a very nice young surgeon came to talk with me.  Far Guy was okay he said...the three main vessels that supply the has tiny areas like bumps, the middle vessel that was 55-60% blocked last time is still the same with no change...however the third vessel was 70 % blocked.  He said Far Guy was apprised of the situation and his Lung Transplant Doctors and Coordinator were brought in on the discussion.  Together they all came to the conclusion that a stent was in Far Guy's best health interests.

It was not a decision made lightly.  The medication you have to take daily to keep the stent open is one that is not allowed before, during or after a lung transplant.  So he is not on the lung transplant list anymore. 

Far Guy is okay with the decision although he is pretty miserable with pain from the procedure.  He is taking it real easy.  One day at a time. 

I have conflicted feelings...happy that he is okay and they have fixed the problem with his heart.  Sad that the journey toward new lungs has ended.  I will unpack the suitcases that have been packed for the last 15 months soon.

One day at a time.

We are both tired.  It was a very long day with four hours drives on each end of the day.

View from the clinic at the University of Minnesota

Far Side


  1. Connie, Thank you for sharing this. I know it was a difficult and bittersweet day. My prayers continue for you both. Sending my love. Mildred

  2. I don't know what to say except... my heart & prayers are there with you both. You gave it to God all that time ago and He still has it.... and this is His decision. Acceptance is so hard sometimes, I know. Much love~ Andrea xoxo

  3. What a day you had! Life decisions are never easy and are like travelling on a bumpy road with twists and turns. I'm sorry that a lung transplant is no longer a possibility but you are accepting it and moving on. I believe God has a plan for each of our lives if we only believe and it sounds like you do. 💖

  4. I am happy that Far Guy is doing okay and they were able to put in a stent. I am sad that he won't be getting a new lung. But as you said all this is in God's Hands and He knows what is best for us. I will continue to keep Far Guy and you in my daily prayers.

  5. I've been to the Univ of MN in the late 1980's when my father was transferred there. That was a long haul from his place to the cities. Phew, I did not like that trip at all.
    Good that things are going well for FG as a Hermit. My husband is doing better being a Hermit also.
    Me? Not quite so well. But neither one of us has been sick at all.
    Unpack your bags and take some time to take it all in.
    Be well.

  6. I'm sorry to hear things have gone this way, and Far Guy is no longer a candidate for a lung transplant. But I'm glad he's doing OK right now (even if he's in some pain from the procedure) and that he's OK with the decision.

  7. Very thankful that they fixed the third vessel but I'm so sorry about far guy being taken off the transplant list. I'm glad far guy is ok with the decision but it still sucks. Sending hugs and prayers!

  8. It is a mixed bag, one to have his heart working better, but two to lose his chance at new lungs. As you said, God is in charge. I am sending you both lots of virtual hugs and real prayers.

  9. Oh goodness, health decisions. I like y'alls decision that God is in control.

  10. I'm so sorry about losing that option of the lung transplant. It must be so hard to not have that hope of new lungs out there in the future. Hopefully he heals quickly from the heart procedure, and can be back to working on his new old car soon. Hang in there!!

  11. You need time to adjust to all this. Good that the stent went well. My husband has one after a look-see that could have lead to a "widow-maker" if it had been left and he is doing well. You know you have lots of people on Far Guy's side in dealing with the lungs. We all have you both in our hearts.

  12. So sorry to hear the news that Far Guy not on list anymore for lung transplant, but glad they feel stent will help with heart. My mom had stent in her early 60s and lived 20+ more years, with advanced COPD too. You are both in my prayers and that all goes well, one day at a time.

  13. I'm sorry to hear that the option of a lung transplant isn't possible, but grateful that the doctors were able to place the stent. Your attitude is good and I know it will see you through whatever comes. Take care and stay well.

  14. Sorry for the bad news. Hopefully fixing Far Guy's blocked vessel will buy him more years. You are right, God is in charge.

  15. That's a lot to deal with. Hope FarGuy is feeling better soon - my Dad had a stent put in and he was pretty grumpy for a week or so. Sending lots of good healing thoughts.

  16. Live and cherish each day you have...
    Mine are gone.

  17. This had to be such a difficult trip for you both. I am sorry he is no longer able to be on the lung transplant list. I agree with your feelings of God being in charge. When in a difficult situation I always remember to "Let Go, Let God".

    I'm surprised they did not keep him overnight since he did have a stent. Tom has had two Heart Catherizations and each time they kept him overnight due to getting a stent. I'm sure Far Guy is uncomfortable after this procedure as it is not an easy one. I hope he is able to rest and feel better soon. I also hope you are able to get some rest and take it easy too. You have had a stressful and tiring couple of weeks! All the driving you've done is enough to wear anyone out aside from the stress.

    Sending you both love, hugs and prayers.

  18. I guess I didn't realize that they would take him off the lung transplant list when he turns 71, regardless. Another reason to dislike getting older. :( But I am so glad he got his heart tended to. The quarantine and isolation is doing him good, though. Probably something to basically keep up in the future, regardless. It is working well for keeping him from getting that's marvelous. Worth visiting six feet apart. :)

  19. That’s a lot to process in one long day. Another path will be revealed to you and Far Guy that will lead to a alternative to a transplant.

  20. Oh. I am sorry about the loss of a lung transplant, but grateful for the heart procedure. I am praying for you and for Gene. You, both, are in my thoughts, mind and prayers.

  21. This is really tough, I know. We've been keeping a low profile, too.
    Take it easy.

  22. We're sorry to hear the lung transplant is no longer on the table. Stents can be tricky things (Jerry's dad has five!) but thank goodness the doctors can help Far Guy. We serve a big God who is always watching over us no matter what's going on -- we're continuing to keep your guys in prayer for all of these things! Hugs and blessings!

  23. Well I guess it would take your head some time to get around this one. All choices re debatable for one reason or another. all the best to you in the next part of the journey.

  24. So sorry to hear about the transplant but know that it is all in our higher powers hands.

  25. You must been somewhat torn between emotions sadness, haoppiness and frustration thanks for keeping us informed

  26. Thank you for sharing this. I know it must be hard to come to terms with this new development. Unpacking those suitcases will be hard because it's like unpacking your hope.
    Sending positive thoughts your way. You will need to find some joy.

  27. Happy to hear everything seems well. Cheryl says that the Lung Transplant seemed a little to "dangerous" to her. (I'll try to take better care of my lungs... just in case.) Being a Hermit suits him.... I had to chuckle. It suits me too. Good Health to Both of you!

  28. Oh dear.....taking care of the heart means no lung transplant. I'm sorry to hear what happened but I trust that you made the right decision for far guy. Hopefully he will have many good years ahead with you, Connie. I'm praying for that. God Bless you both. May he feel much better soon.

  29. I'm so sad that the possibility of a new lung is no longer an option but I'm glad that his heart was taken care of. I had three stents a couple of years ago and it made such a difference for me. I hope it is the same for Far Guy, as you said, God is in control. My best to both of you as you adjust to your new normal.

  30. I'm sorry that the lung transplant is now not possible but glad Far Guy got the stent put in and soon will feel better. Wishing both of you all the best.

  31. I hope you both get plenty rest after your trip to the U. You never know, the stent procedure might make a good difference all around. Take care and wishes for peace and a good winter to come. Phil

  32. I have not commented because I had no clue what to say - - as you said, it takes time to process even for your blog followers. I feel like a lot of the rest who commented - - thankful the heart is fixed but sad to know he can't get new lungs. You all will continue to be in many prayers. I have often said, I am glad God only lets us know life moment by moment because we often don't want to know tomorrow until it happens.
    It is good that he has been able to stay healthy for so long. Lots of the rest of us are experiencing that. There have been many good things due to increased hand-washing and wearing masks for sure.
    I just read your post for Oct 2 - - - scary stuff with the breathing due to the drug. Drugs are interesting - - - they don't always affect all the same. I can attest to that, too.

  33. I am glad the stent was put in as that would be dangerous. I too believe that God is in charge and he does things that we can later look back and enjoy what he has done.

  34. My two stents sound like small potatoes. So glad you all made the decision to Leg Go and Let God. Prayers for you both. Rest a lot.

  35. Yeah, after reading all that, I needed a bit of time to digest it all, too! That has been a lot of heavy decisions to make, all in one day, but trusting God has His hand in all this is so important. Heart and lungs are such a tight partnership, hopefully this treatment will end up making things so much more tolerable for Far Guy.

  36. Oh! Every time I skip reading blogs for a day or 2 something major happens! I should know better! So, they put the stint in while he was there I take it. Good thing...70% is not good. You left it up to God and evidently this is for the best. I pray that Gene is feeling better soon and that maybe the stint will help him feel better all around. Like I always say; rejection is either direction or protection or both. Hugs to you both!

  37. Sorry to hear this news on the transplant ~ hope Far Guy continues to feel better with this heart procedure done. Always have you two in our prayers.

  38. I guess one has to have faith that this is all part of God's plan. I hope the surgery helps. Still keeping you both and your sister in law in my prayers.

  39. I so rarely miss one of your posts. How in the world did I miss this one. My heart aches for you and Gene. God is still on His Throne and knows what is best but I can imagine your shock on that day. Lots to process through.


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