Friday, October 2, 2020

Fall stuff and frustrations

 It seems the Cardiologist prescribed a medication for Far Guy that made him really short of breath.  We finally got it straightened out and a new med will be started today.  If it isn't one thing it is another.   Late in the afternoon we went to town...the Pharmacy we go to has a walk up window. Thank goodness! 

Earlier in the day I got a wheel chair at the Clinic and wheeled him up to his Infusion appointment.   He really didn't like it...but it was necessary because of his breathing difficulty. Afterwards we dropped off some stuff for my Mom, picked up our groceries and went by the bank. 

Groceries were an adventure Dawn dish soap, apples, pretzel buns or Outshine Fruit Bars. Who knew?  

Back at home I disinfected everything and washed all the fruit.  We had one shortage this week so I had to call and have them credit my account.  They never seem to achieve perfection. 

After lunch I mulched leaves for a couple of hours...our leaves are about 75% down.  So that was mulch number 4.   Our weather is cool and windy.  The high yesterday was 49 F or 9 C  eh!

We will probably freeze tonight.  I heard someone mention the s word. 

I decorated the wreath for fall.  Today maybe I will go for the gold and get a new flag up!

Far Side


  1. Pretty wreath!
    Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Sounds like my life - always something. I start out for a walk and it rains. Try a new med and I get the side effects. We had an overnight low of 42 degrees this morning. Fall is in the air.

  3. Sorry the medication made Far Guy so out of breath. Hope the new stuff doesn't do that.

  4. So sorry Far Guy is having such difficulty but maybe they have it all straightened out now. Oh, my I am sorry... that was me saying the s word. hehe.

  5. All that medical crap is just so frustrating. I feel your pain!! Those of us with chronic illness have a rough row to hoe! My prayers to you both... and I love your wreath! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. I like your wreath that is changeable with the seasons.

  7. How frustrating when the meds change and cause new problems. Hopefully it will all be under control again right away.

  8. There’s always something isn’t there. We can’t seem to find coffee beans - not for months - but the shops are full of ready ground coffee. They haven’t had any pints of milk for 2 weeks and we don’t want gallons. Paper tissues are rationed. And loo paper too I think although there is plenty of it on the shelves.
    But we saw our favourite server Katie this morning. First time since March. She got a promotion. And we got a free spit roasted chicken. So, despite the very nasty weather I think we will count this as a good day.
    Hope Far Guy’s new meds work.

  9. Hoping the medication issues are resolved quickly. I am glad you could use the window.

    I find grocery shopping so frustrating too. With a house of preschoolers, milk disappeared from my out of town pick up order last week. I know I ordered it - was it the internet pixies or was it the store's system? Who knows. I had to go inside our local grocery. Everyone was wearing a mask, but of course I ran into people I know and they wanted to talk and visit. It's a small town and that's what we do. No stores in my town have curbside to avoid this.

  10. I'm sorry Far Guy had that trouble. My brother in law is on a whole bunch of meds, and is staying with us this week while the interior of his house is being painted. Yesterday, all of the sudden he was very short of breath (he's on oxygen). We don't know if it was stress of being out of his home for almost a week or a new med he got. But shortly it was gone, so we're just watching for now. I know this maybe be stressing him out but I'm over the top stressed too, being responsible for him. Being a caregiver is not easy. Hugs to you and your man.

  11. Praying that Far Guy feels and breathes better soon!

  12. I hope the new med is good for your husband. I am glad the store credited your account for the missing food.

  13. So sorry FarGuy got meds that didn't agree with him. I sure hope the new ones work fine and he has no more issues with his breathing.
    The wreath looks great. :)

  14. My prayers are with you and Gene! Always

  15. Dawn blue is usually in short supply I have been using a generic brand instead and have had good results.
    Ahhh med reactions are horrible. We spent nearly a year with a doctor going through the many meds Rich was prescribed.
    Hope FG gets to feeling better quickly.
    I'm sure it is frustrating to you also.

  16. New meds can be so frustrating. They doubled one of my heart meds a year or so ago and I went from feeling fine to being lightheaded and so dizzy I refused to drive anywhere because I was afraid I would pass out and hit someone. Luckily in my case my body adjusted eventually to the new dosage and I feel fine now. In fact, I feel better than I have in about 6 years. I sure hope the medication changes fix things for Far Guy. I can imagine how he felt about the wheelchair. My Dennis would feel the same.
    I can't believe you said that s word. Nope. Nope. and NOPE. I am not ready for that at all. I guess after our next camping trip we'll need to get the shovels out of the storage unit and bring them to the trailer. All too soon we'll be digging ourselves out.

  17. It's always something, it seems. I hope the new medication works better for FG. And I always enjoy hearing about which mulch episode has been recently finished! :-)

  18. It's a tough time to be managing healthcare. Good luck to you.

  19. Hopefully the docs will get FG's meds straightened out so he can go back to functioning like he was. It's hard to be even more limited than he has to be.
    My autumn wreath is out of the attic and waiting to be hung, along with a tum of decorations for the house. Hopefully I'll get to it this afternoon.

  20. What's the deal with Dawn dish soap? Same here! Hope Far Guy is back on the mend.
    Sherry in MT

  21. Well, you got all your errands run. Thank goodness far guy is getting new meds. Glad you got a wheelchair to help him out right now. Sorry about your missing groceries, once again. I have to try those pretzel buns sometime....they sound good. Our granddaughter drove down here from Duluth today and ran into the S stuff on her way! Now it's just raining. It think it has rained every day this week here. Hope you guys have a good weekend!

  22. You got a lot accomplished for a grocery shopping and Infusion day! It does me in just doing the shopping and then getting it all in, cleaned and put away.

    I hope the new medication works out better for Far Guy. Those post-stent medications are pretty strong blood thinners so he should be extra careful wood-carving. I've had to stock up on band aids for Tom as the smallest scratch will bleed so much.

    Your Autumn wreath is beautiful!

  23. Medications can be unpredictable when al mixed together in a soup.

  24. You'd think a cardiologist would know what side effects would be and that it was not the med for Far Guy.
    It's hard to understand why in this season of apples there were none to fill your order.

  25. Medications can be so difficult! You would think that after all he's been through Far Guy would get a break. Hope he's feeling better soon with the new med. I love your wreath... can't wait to see the flag! Happy weekend!

  26. Such a pretty wreath using a wheelchair at times is needed

  27. That must have been a very unpleasant experience for Far Guy. I'm glad the med issue was straightened out quickly.

    We don't seem to have many shortages at least not as I've noticed. But with the second wave appearing to be on its way, I anticipate a run on toilet paper again. My plan is to stock up on cold and flu remedies instead.

    Take care and stay well!

  28. It's so crazy what the shortages are. I've given up finding some things ever again.

    And I do love the wreath, perfect for the season! ❤️

  29. With those sort of temperatures it sounds like your fall is about to turn into winter! I'm glad that Far Guy has got his meds sorted out now. I used to hate it when hubby's meds got changed as it always took time to get things settled down again.
    Stay safe and happy mulching :)

  30. As if you haven't been through enough. Medicines can be scary! I'm glad you got it worked out and got all your errands done. You get so much done you amaze me. I am really slowing down...I'm blaming it on the cool weather which I love but I must be going into hibernation mode as I am sleeping more too. Take care.

  31. how frustrating for you buys, I am happy it has been straightened out and hope he is feeling better. Those leaves in your yard must seem to go on forever :)

  32. Medications can be a nightmare. My husband has side effects from the anxiety meds he takes, sometimes I wish he would just stop and trust that I can put up with him the way he was before- which wasn't that bad, I thought. But the withdrawals would probably be worse. I hope everything is better now with the new meds for Far Guy.


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