Monday, October 12, 2020

Fall Shawl and Unpacking

 I am not a real fan of anything camo.  However I did like the colors of this shawl...they said "Fall" to me. 

As you can see from the photo the colors blend with the woods. 

I finally took the time to take this shawl off the blocking mats. After the photo shoot I tucked it away in the shawl drawer upstairs...I might have a person in mind for this one. 

 I felt a bit better yesterday so I cleaned the bathroom, did some laundry and unpacked the craft suitcase that I have had packed for fifteen months. (There are three suitcases that were packed...crafts, toiletries and clothing.)  So far the craft one is the only one unpacked...I forgot some of the projects that I had in there....I was quite excited with some of the finds! 

Far Guy watched as I unpacked...he thought it was remarkable the stuff I had crammed in there. 

Perhaps I will get the other two suitcases unpacked this week. We will see. It took me days to will probably take me days to unpack....hope was there when I packed and now hope is lost. 

I have mixed feelings about Far Guy coming off the transplant list.  Happy that we don't have to live in the cities for three months, sad that he won't get new lungs, happy that he is feeling as good as he is.  In the end God is in charge and we have to deal with whatever comes next.

Far Side


  1. There is always hope! Maybe not for new lungs, but hope that we get one more day.

  2. Glad you got to enjoy the excitement of forgotten craft projects. Have fun getting those done when it's their turn on your project assembly line.

    I'm glad Far Guy is doing well at the moment, but still sorry he's no longer able to be on the list. Whatever this means his future will hold, I'm sure you guys will make the most of the time you have left together - whether it be only a short time, or many more years.

  3. That shawl does blend in with the woods....don't wear it out in the woods during hunting season! I should get my suitcases out and use them to store "crafts" in...great idea! Sometimes unanswered prayers can be a blessing in disguise. I will continue to pray for Far Guy's health. My Dad insisted on open heart surgery to improve his golf game and he got through the surgery but never made it out of the hospital and needless to say never played golf again. Plus, what he went though I wouldn't wish on my best friend. Take care of each other.

  4. I have found through my own cancer journey that with faith in God, hope is never lost. Praying for you both.

    1. And if you don't get what you hope for, God has something better for you!

  5. We are all still with you keeping Far Guy in our thoughts. We will be there no matter what.

  6. It definitely has a fall look. And I too am a little sad that FG is no longer on the transplant list. But as you say, God is in charge, not us. Sending you both lots of love.

  7. I would have a hard time unpacking those suitcases too. But I'm glad that FG is feeling good and enjoying that new old car. My friend (on oxygen 24/7) had a period of grief too when it became clear that she couldn't get new lungs, and wouldn't be cured either. But she decided to move on and do the things she enjoyed as much as possible. The side effect of this quarantine is that she is also feeling pretty good which she says is because she doesn't go out and be around sick people.

  8. You both are in my prayers. I understand your disappointment. My dad had a virus permanently damage his heart and was told the only thing that could help was a transplant. And he was too old to be put on the list. He outsmarted them and lived over 12 more years, knocked down by cancer with the damaged heart still ticking. Hoping FarGuy outsmarted those lungs, too.

  9. My prayers are with the both of you. Daily and often.

  10. I definitely has to be hard unpacking those suitcases. I'm glad you are feeling better and glad Far Guy is doing so well. Love the beautiful shawl too :)

  11. Such a bittersweet time. I’m sure God will open a new door for you and Far Guy when the time is right. That shawl is definitely camouflaged: I had to do a double take to see it.

  12. Hope is never lost. We never know what might turn out to be an unanswered prayer. FarGuy is doing really well with the isolation and maybe covid has accidentally shown a good way forward to stick with. Staying away from other people with their germs and scents has been a good thing for FarGuy. Maybe we will all be able to keep doing grocery pickups (hope so)...and...maybe now you could get another dog! That would bring such life to your home.
    *love and hugs*

  13. I'm sorry to hear that a lung transplant is no longer an option. I hope and pray that you and Far Guy have many years together yet. Best wishes.

  14. I would have mixed feelings also. I am like Sara above. Rich has better days more often this year than in the past 3 years. I don't know if it is because we are Hermits or because he got hit so hard for 5 yrs in a row of medical issues and we finally had one year of quiet.
    I don't want to think that I know how you feel. But I think I get it.
    Enjoy each day as best you can.
    I am so glad you are doing better!

  15. I'm sad too, that he's not getting new lungs. I must have missed that post, I'll go read further back. I hope this all works out for the best. You guys deserve the best.

  16. You put so much hope into the transplant and it has to be terribly disappointing that it cannot happen for him. But you know God works in His own way and it could be that the transplant was not the best thing for Far Guy. I am also grateful that he is feeling good and maybe this quarantine is giving his body a chance to improve even more than you thought would be possible. You are wise to trust in God and that trust could lead you to a much more positive, healthy and happy life than you thought possible.

    I love the new shawl! Are you sure you don't need to have two "shawl drawers" by now? ; )

  17. I had to actually hunt for the shawl because it blends in so well.
    I'm sorry that you're have to unpack those suitcases. With God all things are possible and He knows what is ultimately best for us all. I'll continue to pray for you both my dear friend.

  18. I didn't even see that shall at first glance.
    Being removed from the transplant list is certainly cause for mixed emotions. At least unpacking the craft suitcase gave you some cause for excitement.

  19. I, too, am sorry that Far Guy is no longer on the transplant list, but I am glad that he is feeling well enough to do some of the things he loves. I'm glad you are feeling better too.

  20. I'm sorry that things didn't work as you'd hoped. With the heart issues hopefully resolved I wish Far Guy and you many more happy years together.

    Take care and stay well.

  21. The path is not always so clear and it sure takes different turns and twists. I was hoping it would work out. Prayers being lifted.

  22. Bitter sweet moments. Some things are good since the transplant is cancelled and some things are bad. I hope it works out for the best.

  23. Dealing with what comes next next can be hard

  24. So bittersweet to be unpacking your suitcases. My prayers continue for you both, the shawl is gorgeous.

  25. As usual....this is another beautiful shawl that you have completed. Glad to hear that you were feeling good enough to do some cleaning, laundry and unpacking. I'm sorry about far guy coming off the transplant list, but praying that you will have many wonderful years together yet.

  26. Such a mix of emotions the unpacking of your suitcases is causing you, Connie. I'm so sorry about that. Yes, God's in control and He can be trusted with your husband. But it's still hard, I know. The maid of honor in my oldest daughter's wedding received a lung transplant shortly after the wedding. I don't know how she survived and she was young. I can't imagine going through what she went through, at an older age. The cancellation of your husband's lung transplant very well may be a blessing in disguise. Hang in there... you both are in my prayers. ~Andrea xoxo

  27. My JB has cancer and there isn't a day we aren't grateful he is still alive.
    One day at a time.
    Wonderful treasures, things forgotten and found!

  28. I didn’t even see the camo shawl until I made the photo bigger!

  29. I’m so sorry Far Guy has been removed from the transplant list and hopes for new lungs are gone. Such a letdown, I’m sure. I hope in spite of this setback something new will come along, something that will make him healthier and comfortable for many more years.


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