Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 I am feeling almost back to normal after that horrid flu shot. Is there really a normal anymore...sub and ab the normal brothers seem to make themselves frequent visitors. 

I blew some leaves around on the East side of the house and mulched some of those leaves. It rained almost two inches the night before so the leaves from a Popple tree that are bunched up on the North side are wet...I can either rake them into the woods or wait for them to dry out.  I will wait. 

The grasses on the East side of the house still look good....we leave them alone. 

I finished unpacking the last of those suitcases...that is a done deal.  I did some laundry...  we cooked supper together ham, tator tots in the air fryer and baby peas. 

Covid cases are on the rise...two local eating establishments are closed for cleaning because of exposures.  We have not been to either place since last February.   Even the UPS Driver said that Covid is everywhere. 

I was feeling a bit down so I took a walk along the back road...I walked alone ...yet two shadows show up...Far Guy says it looks like the other shadow has wings.  My shadow is on the right.

Far Side


  1. Glad you're feeling back to whatever passes for normal these days, and have the suitcases unpacked. Interesting about the shadows.

  2. Yes, it does look like wings. I think your guardian angel was taking a walk with you! I'm so glad you're feeling better from your flu shot side effects. Another thing behind you and that's good. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Covid is on the rise here in WI also.Despite the Governor's strict rules and regulations. Since this is also the beginning of flu season I am not surprised. I agree with you about the "norm" brothers, sure wish they would leave for good. Have a great day.

  4. I walk alone a lot these days. Well if it is cool enough, Charlie goes along so I am not alone. Just a thought? A dog?
    Our neighbor's workplace is shut down, due to covid. I'd doing another trip to the store but hopefully the last for another few weeks as I am getting better at knowing what to get.
    The UPS guy is the only one I see come to our place now. Even the neighbor's hubby is quarantining as his place of work had multiple infections, yet his team were strict on masks and distancing.
    He is working from home now.
    Stay well, love the shadow photo, it says SO MUCH!

  5. Seeing that last photo gave me the chills. The second shadow does look like it has wings!

  6. Tough times for many. All the best.

  7. It does look a little like wings. Glad to hear you are over the worst from your flu shot. :-)

  8. Take that angel shadow as a good sign.

  9. Yes, the other shadow definitely has wings. Nice to know, yes?

  10. Your guardian angel was with you! We all need to hang in there as this gets worse. I'm trying to be optimistic but it's hard. I've eaten in a restaurant once since March and felt nervous about doing that. We don't even do take out very often - but I'm so sick of my own cooking!! I keep wishing our county would share some kind of info to suggest where the hot spots actually are locally - at the college, in the nursing homes, the K-12 schools, manufacturing, restaurants? But we get no information other than the numbers of active cases went from 22 to 231 as of yesterday - in just 3 weeks. Our whole country has a population of under 20,000.

  11. You needed an angel this week. The photo says so much. Keeping you in my prayers.

  12. WOW! Those shadows are interesting. I do think an Angel was with you!

  13. Love the photo of you and your guardian angel - it’s comforting to know we are not alone when we are down. Hope today is a better day.

  14. There was definitely someone walking with you, an angel is a possibility. Glad you are feeling some better. I agree, nothing is as we knew it just a few short months ago. All we can do is adapt until, if ever, things are as they once were.

    Take care and stay well.

  15. Definitely your guardian angel! I truly believe that we are surrounded by angels always, we just usually can't see them. What a wonderful visual reminder for you to keep always.
    Our cases are way up too. I had been brave and went to the grocery store instead of ordering two weeks ago. I was tired of being told things were out of stock. When I went inside, everything on my list was there. But yesterday I did a pick-up order again because of the rise in cases. I'll be hibernating at home as much as possible again.
    Blessings and a huge "virtual" hug,

  16. I'm glad you have an angel with you. I know it must be hard. I hope you have better days soon, though I guess we have to redefine what better days actually are.

  17. Yes, looks like your guardian angel went on that walk with you! :)

  18. It does look like wings....we are never alone. That is really special and I hope the walk cheered you up. Your woods are so pretty. Please stay safe and well!

  19. I walked alone yesterday, since Tom hurt his knee a few days ago and is being careful. I had no angel, just a little voice telling me to keep going. I like your back road pathway better than my suburban sidewalk.

  20. Glad you are feeling better. Good to see your Guardian Angel is beside you on your walk. :-)

  21. So glad you are finally feeling better. Two shadows... whoa! I was just talking to a friend about COVID making a repeat visit. We are seeing an increase of cases already. My feeling is that I need to accept that it is coming again because if I am not mentally prepared for it to happen it will be devastating. If it doesn't come back, well, all the better and no harm done in being prepared. So I'm trying... stay safe and well.

  22. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. But I am sorry to hear there is more covid in your area. It has been bad here and now it is getting worse daily. I was afraid this would happen when we went into winter. It is good that you two live out of the city and away from people and I know you are careful about cleaning your groceries and all. This all gets so old and tiring for us all but it makes me appreciate all my blog friends even more than ever!

    I agree with the others that said your Guardian Angel went with you on your walk!

  23. That road looks like a fine place to go for a long walk. Interesting about the shadows. Makes you wonder... It sounds as if you're over the worst of the effects of the flu shot. That's good news.

  24. Weeks like that makes angels work overtime

  25. Hmm.....you may have had a walking companion after all. Perhaps your guardian angel? I really dislike how quickly it gets dark in the evenings now. I guess I go thru this every Fall but I still don't like it. All the BEST to you until tomorrow!

  26. I'm glad you are feeling better. That shadow is rather an enigma isn't it?

  27. I came over to see that shadow shot! How amazing! One of our blog friends mentioned it on my blog today and I just had to see! It makes you feel good, doesn't it? We are never alone!

  28. Oh, those suitcases...must have been a lot of thinking while you wrapped up that task... Glad you are finally feeling better after that flu shot. I try to keep away from those. I never do well with them. Very encouraging thoughts with that photo!


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