Sunday, October 11, 2020


 The flu shot made me tired.  I had a fever for a short time... and my bones hurt. I will live to see another day or so. 

Far Guy worked on his new old car...not sure what he did out there...something about ignition wires. 

I forced myself to work on Christmas Cards...and then I had a four hour nap.  I was watching The Great British Baking Show before I fell asleep...perhaps I will be a better baker now....although they make cakes and breads I have never heard of.

Thank goodness for meals in the freezer.  

Far Guy has no side effects from his flu shot.

Far Side


  1. Isn't it funny how some people can have rotten side affects and some don't feel a difference at all. I hope you feel better very soon. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Luckily my only side effect this year is an ache in the arm. It honestly feels like my bra strap is rubbing it. But I go to adjust and nothing is there LOL. A nice weekend to stay in and rest. I am all about the freezer meals too.

  3. Sorry you're having some issues from the flu shot again, but glad they seem to be milder than last year. Also, glad Far Guy isn't suffering after getting his.

  4. We were watching the same show. They do use different things than us!

  5. I sure hope you're feeling better soon. About now, a four hour nap sounds good to me. This head cold has me feeling exhausted.

    Take care and stay well!

  6. Sorry the flu shot hits you badly every time. Glad you are feeling better.
    Really windy here today...thought of you and your leaf mulching.

  7. I hope you feel better soon! Thank goodness for naps and freezer meals!

  8. Sorry to hear you had such a reaction but also happy to hear Far Guy did not! Rest rest rest girl!

  9. I always end up with a very sore arm from the flu shot... but having the flu that turned into a three week bout with bronchitis a few years back... it's worth the sore arm!

  10. Flu shots always make me tired and achy for a day or so. Nothing as bad as the shingles shots, though! Those made my arm swell up, turn red and was sore for weeks.

  11. I had a sore arm for three days, but nothing else to speak of. I'm glad you are not as sick as last year and that FG is having no side effects. :-)

  12. The 4 hour nap was probably exactly what your body needed. Glad you had a chance to do that.

  13. Hopefully tiredness will be your only effect from the flu shot.

  14. Feeling tired is so annoying when we have things to do but such is life as said by old Ned

  15. We love The Great British Baking Show... and you are right, most of what they bake we've never heard of! I hope you feel better soon.

  16. A good sleep is good for you at anytime.

  17. I'm sorry to hear that you got sick and tired from your flu shot. I sure hope that all goes away very soon for you. I never heard of the British baking show....that sounds like something I would enjoy watching. Glad you had a good long nap. Take care!

  18. I look forward to watching the new season of the Great British Baking Show, I always like it, for the personalities and competition, not so much for the baking. Lots of white flour, sugar, and calories I am avoiding. I was tired after my flu shot, the mega shot for seniors like me.

  19. I'm glad you're feeling better and had a good nap. I had the same exact symptoms as you did plus a sore arm for about 4 days. It was finally better yesterday. Dennis had no side effects except the arm with his tetanus shot. It was pretty sore for a few days.

  20. So sorry you and Betsy both have bad side effects from the flu shot. I had mine Friday and my arm wasn't even sore...nada. I can't watch t.v. without falling asleep unless I am doing handwork. I hope you fell "renewed" today.

  21. I thought I replied, but maybe I didn't. Just glad you aren't sick like the last few times. Each year the flu shot is a different cocktail of sorts so perhaps this one wasn't as bad?
    Get better.
    Glad FG is enjoying his new old car!

  22. We thaw out pot pies and pumpkin muffins. Always cut up some tomatoes while they last.

  23. Hope you are over the flu shot effects... I am hoping I get no more than a sore arm (fingers crossed). Sounds like Far Guy is enjoying his new old car!

  24. I've learned so much from cooking shows!
    I'm sorry you weren't well. I tried for a shot, but they were all out.


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