Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4

I cooked up some eggs and potatoes to make potato salad...what is the 4th of July without it...and watermelon?  I put watermelon on the list for pick up next week better late than never!

The wreath outside the door.

There will be a fireworks display...not sure we will go to the edge of town and watch.  We heard fireworks over on the lake for a few nights now. My first reaction is where is the dog...old habits die hard. 

Years ago old neighbor Paul and Kay had a cannon and they would shoot that thing off and stir up the whole neighborhood.

 No parades locally this year...there may be a floating parade down on the lake...some years they have it and some years not.

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!
Far Side


  1. Wishing you a happy Independence Day :)

  2. I love your wreath. We've had a few neighbors to scare the dogs on our street with fireworks. I hope you find a delicious watermelon to enjoy on these hot days. Blessings to you both this July 4th.

  3. Happy 4th pf July! We have a boat parade on the lake too and fireworks but I never attend. There have been fireworks for the last few nights here. I love your wreath. I need to put my flags out today. I have a recipe for a watermelon salad I want to try this summer. Enjoy!!!

  4. Everything is cancelled here. I forgot about watermelon in my delivery too. It's hot as blazes here and it would have been such a treat.
    Happy 4th.

  5. Somewhere around here they are doing a reverse parade with the floats that are parked and you drive by the floats? Most fireworks and events are cancelled so I will go up and watch the neighbors do their fun thing with their kids from a distance.
    Everyone around here has spent the last week shooting things off.

  6. Everything here has been canceled so it will just be another quiet day at home for us. I did remember our watermelon so it's all good lol. Have a happy 4th!

  7. We are able to see all the displays from the Meadow. It is horribly hot and humid here. Hard to enjoy watching.

  8. Happy 4th of July! Enjoy your day.

  9. Happy 4th Connie! Our town is having Fireworks but they told everyone to STAY HOME....go figure....only the Fire department, police and City management allowed to watch. Everyone else is not invited. Who ever heard of that time of a celebration?

  10. Happy 4th of July! Our local fireworks display was cancelled early on in the virus... not that we ever went. *haha* But we have plenty being set-off out in the country here. Too many, to be honest. Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. We have a steak thawing ready for supper meal. We are eating hot dogs for lunch. Now that we found the kosher hot dogs we are eating them again.

  12. Wishing you also a happy and safe Fourth of July. Our fireworks have been canceled, but I expect there will be plenty of people shooting them off in the neighborhood. I am now hungry for potato salad! :-)

  13. Wanted to pop in and say hello and catch up on all your news. I am SO FAR behind in reading blogs so this morning I'm having coffee, got my blog post done and am determined to catch up. Thank you for your comments on my posts (I do appreciate them) and love to you and the family and I'll go get caught up on your news!

  14. Our Canada Day was so wet but I still heard fireworks in the late evening. Brave souls. Happy 4th to you and FG.

  15. I really like your wreath. We decorated the golf cart for the holiday, I made a macaroni salad and we'll probably grill hamburgers. There will be fireworks to watch around the lake too so all in all, it should be a good day.

  16. I made berry pie, we are pre-cooking the ribs, and the macaroni salad is chillin' in the fridge. The sun is trying to come out. We'll pack up and travel to our destination on the sound. Our Fourth will be simpler this year, but it will still happen. We need a little celebrating.
    The best to you and yours.

  17. We used to have big family celebrations but now the grandkids are grown and everyone does their own thing. I did get watermelon though as that is my favorite part of this day and we will grill steaks tonight. I love your wreath! You two have a wonderful Fourth whatever you decide to do!

  18. I hope your 4th was all you wanted it to be

  19. Happy July of Fourth to you. I hope you have a great day.

  20. We're having a local family get together on July 5. Maybe next year we can have a big get-together. This year part of the family is in Colorado, North Carolina, and London, UK.

  21. Happy 4th! Better enjoy those fireworks! Ours are cancelled.. which makes me very sad, because we can watch them from our front lawn. One of the perks of being in a small Iowa Town.

  22. A very Happy 4th to you and Far Guy too. Ooh we love watermelon too! We have a houseful of company....spent the day on the lake, tonight a water ski show and then fireworks. Then we're planning to play a couple of games before bed. We should be tired tomorrow but haven't seen family for many months. All the very best to you.

  23. Hope you got to enjoy the fireworks from a safe distance! Happy Fourth!

  24. I love watermelon but Ted doesn't so I rarely buy it unless I can find a very small one. Happy 4th!

  25. We thought maybe Bob‘S nerves were going to have this year off. Everything was cancelled here but of course that doesn’t stop the neighbors from blowing up hundred dollar bills. We have a calming collar and between that and smooshing herself into the corner of the bathtub under the faucet (???) Bob made it through one more Fourth of July.


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