Friday, July 3, 2020

A New View and Possibilities

My baby brother has a drone... he was over here playing with it.  He got a great photo of the lake.

Ah the possibilities...

We had a busy Thursday.  Far Guy had to wait quite a while at the Infusion Center.  I ran the usual errands ...curbside pick up at the grocery store, then Drive Thru at the bank and a stop by the mail drop off box. To the gas station to buy our monthly gasoline.   I went to a different grocery store and picked up what has not been available at the other grocery store.  I wore my mask, disinfected as I went and stayed six feet away from everyone. What fun it was to pick out some more fruit!

It was too warm to disinfect everything before putting it in the car so I did that at home.  By the time I washed all the fruit it was time to put my feet up and rest crochet a bit.

I am working on a new crochet own design.  I think it will be a keeper...not sure yet.  I know what I want it to look like...

 It is not freeform crochet but that is an art form I am thinking of trying...think using a yarn and a crochet hook like paint and paintbrush.  I saw some beautiful works of wearable art...and I have yarn...and more squishy mail will come next week....possibilities are endless when you have a real good yarn stash.

We are having quite a heat/humidity wave.  It was 87 F or 31 C eh and the humidity was about 80%.

Far Side


  1. I tried on an amazing crochet dress once. It was all cream or ecru but covered in crochet flowers and corkscrew curls and bobbles and squiggles. Truly fabulous. But heavy.

  2. I really like that great picture of the trees and lake! I have a few Japanese flower patterns that are exquisite when used in shawls, sweaters, etc. Have fun with your squishes.💖

  3. I would like a drone so that I could to see everyones gardens! I never got the hang of crochet, I used to do a lot of knitting. Enjoy your freemform.

  4. I look forward to seeing the finished creation. And I too love the lake picture.

  5. Sounds like another buy day in the Far Side world. Your weather sounds almost as hot as it is in Florida. Looking forward to seeing your new creation. Have a great day! :)

  6. Such a wonderful photo! I feel better just looking at it! When I went to therapy yesterday my phone told me it was 85 degrees, feels like 95 degrees. I believe our weather forecast is exactly the same for every day through next Wednesday. This is a good week to be retired and forced to stay home, that's for sure.

  7. Fun drone picture! I have never heard of free form crochet...though when I was a kid and my grandmother was trying to teach me to crochet as we sat out on the front porch in the sing, I think she'd say my potholder was pretty free form. :)

  8. That looks more like a river than a must be huge! Free-form are talented! I wouldn't know where to begin. I struggle with patterns! LOL! Yes, I am beginning to realize the benefits of a healthy stash!
    You're having the same weather as we are down here. I noticed even New York was going to hit 90 today. We've had storms too which I love but then there goes the humidity. I can't wait to see your crochet!

  9. I love the picture of the lake. Minnesota has so many beautiful lakes and it is wonderful that one is close to you. How cool that you are designing your own crochet pattern!

  10. Drones can be fun, and it's interesting to see what things look like from above.

    We're not quite as warm as you, but we're supposed to reach 29C/84F today. Humidity has dropped to around 60% so quite nice!

    I am interesting in seeing both your pattern and your free form crochet. You do such beautiful work!

  11. I love that word "Possibility" I woke up this morning feeling that word from head to toe----it was exciting!

  12. I will be interested to see your new crochet pattern once you have perfected it. I used to enjoy crocheting runners, doilies etc., but can no longer see what I am doing so have given it up. I was never really that good anyway! :)

  13. It is hot as blazes here to which is making all the disinfecting not much fun. I am seriously wondering if we can go the rest of the summer without a delivery. It's just too much work in this heat. Araignee

  14. It’s good to have a change of prospective. ❤️ the drone image of your area - so many trees!

  15. 80%!......Aaargh! Great photo from the drone.

  16. Oh what an absolutely gorgeous picture, Connie!! So tranquil and serene! Yes, it's hot & humid here in Indiana too. Uggghhhh! I trek outside, feed my birds & squirrels, give them fresh water, water some plants that need watering, and back into the house I go... and stay! I love your idea of "resting". :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  17. Ohhh! Painting with Yarn! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I have all this thread for my "free hand embroidery" plan. it has been two years now and I just can't seem to get into it. Last year was the time, this year... well, everything else I guess. Gotta have the passion to do those long art projects. Good Luck! Can't wait to see it.

  18. I sure hope you didn't buy ice cream or anything else that would melt while you waited in the heat.

  19. I am playing around with a landscape design using fabric scraps. It will not be a masterpiece, but it is something creative to do when I need a project.
    I would like to know what lake that is. I like finding thins on computer maps.
    And yes, I do like picking out my own fruits and vegetables too. I'm glad you braved it. We feel safe enough when we grocery shop each week.

  20. There isn't a break from this heat for at least a week!

  21. Could be that hell's weather is better than yours..

  22. Humidity makes everything feel hotter and stickier. Around here, 87 would be paradise...but only because we don't have humidity issues (well, at least in the summer).

    Yes, that drone will open up all sorts of possibilities. That was a great photo he got!

  23. That drone shot is beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing your crochet project. We're having unusally cool weather. It's supposed to be 44F tonight and the highs are supposed to only be in the low 70's for the next 10 days. My kind of temperatures. We almost always have low humidity here in the summer too. I love the summers here in the mountains.
    I'm glad you have your errands done for the week. The numbers coming out are sounding terrible.

  24. That is too hot for Minnesota. I remember how humid it can be up there anyway. I made it to the grocery store on Thursday. I forgot napkins but we have plenty of paper towels. He will like the drone.

  25. OOOOOOO cannot wait to see your new creation!

  26. Just getting around to catching up. Glad the errands went well, I wonder about sitting out in the car now with this heat?
    Have a good rest of your Holiday!

  27. It's super hot here too....would like to see a little rain mixed in to give us some cloud cover. Glad you got some fruit you wanted at the other store. Your new crochet idea sounds interesting. I'm sure it will turn out beautiful. Take care and stay cool, you two.

  28. Hope your brother has fun with his drone. Glad you had an uneventful trip to town again. Have fun with your crochet projects... I could never get a hang of it, personally, but do knit sometimes, since I can do that.


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