Sunday, July 5, 2020

Fun Day

We had a fun 4th of July.  Jen and Andy brought lunch and the dogs...we had some really good quality time with Miss Miney and Little Elvis when Jen and Andy went down to the lake. (the dogs kept me company during my nap)

When they returned they had  Grandson Noah and his gal with them...we ate supper together out on the patio before everyone headed home.  It was good to catch up with Noah!

Good thing I made that potato salad!  We also enjoyed hot dogs and fruit...yes the kids even brought a watermelon!

It was a very warm day here.  87 F or 31 C eh!  Thank goodness for Air Conditioning!
 It was so good to see family! 
Far Side


  1. Nice that you all could visit outside like that...even in the heat. Does FG do okay in the heat for short bits? I know Rich has to head indoors and can't really take the heat and humidity.
    Anyway glad you had a good day! Yay!

  2. Glad you and your family had a pleasant visit.

  3. So glad you were able to spend the 4th with family and glad you got your watermelon too!

  4. I love that flag, did you buy it online? We enjoyed our day at son's pool party but I suffered with the heat and humidity and was glad to get back home! So nice to be with all the family in one place though.💖

    1. I bought it years ago most likely at a Hallmark store:)

  5. Sounds like a great time with family. I like your flag, too.

  6. How great to have a visit. It's too hot and buggy here to do any outside distancing so I guess we're alone for the rest of the summer. Ugh.
    Potato salad AND watermelon? Yum! Araignee

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day. Time with family and watermelon, priceless!

  8. I'm so happy for you that you got to have a little celebration with family. We did too, and I'm so glad we decided to make the day a special one. Too many things have had to be skipped this year.

  9. I stayed outside too long when my brother and SIL were here and am quite sunburned--LOL! But it was worth it. Glad you had such a nice 4th and that you made that potato salad. :)

  10. How fun that you got to spend time with your family, even if a little different than usual. We watched fireworks at the lake from our own backyard at the trailer. People were putting on quite a show all around the lake and it was nice to feel a little bit "normal" for a change of pace.

  11. What a wonderful day you enjoyed! Sometimes it's nice to spend time with just a few family members like that so you can catch up with one another better. I know you enjoyed spending time with Miss Miney and Little Elvis too! The last watermelon I had last summer was not very good so I was hoping for a good one this year. The one we had yesterday was delicious! That first bite of watermelon made my day yesterday!

  12. Happy days. We are finally allowed to get together with family again too, not too many of them still and rules have to be obeyed. there has to be distancing and masks must be worn. That’s only common sense and not too great a handicap.

  13. That's been our temp for the last week - no relief until next weekend they say!
    Glad you were able to have a small get together!

  14. That was a good surprise to see Noah. It sounded like a good family time.

  15. Cool flag, sounds like a great family gathering

  16. So glad you had such a fun fourth. Sounds like seeing everybody and even their dogs made it a special day. You even got your watermelon! No pictures of everybody though? Aw shucks.

  17. That's way too hot for me, but I could probably bear it if I had some good potato salad. So glad to hear you had a good time! :-)

  18. You are having what I call "ugh" weather! We are in for some of that this week... I may melt!

  19. A good way to celebrate with family and the pups. Nice that you could have Noah ( and his friend)there too.

  20. So you got your watermelon, after all! Sounds like a pleasant Fourth!

  21. Sounds like a wonderful day! (and some dog time too).

  22. You did have a nice 4th! Mine was quiet until I went to bed and then the noise started but that's was the 4th after all!

  23. Two of my students married, had kids, and live in Minnesota now. I saw pictures of a quarry lake they were visiting. I didn't know that they did that. Grand
    Rapids had a beautiful one with turquoise water.

  24. That's WAY too hot for me, but glad you had a fun day, despite the heat and need for social distancing.


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