Monday, July 6, 2020

Just one

Just one Lupine bloomed this year.  Here in Minnesota at least in our wild gardens the Lupines can die out from the frost heaves during the winter or freeze in early spring...I have see a number of seedlings in early spring and then a freeze will take them out.

So we appreciate this bloom ever so much as it was the only one!

We had a quiet Sunday, we listened to church, we carved on the Christmas Ornaments and I took care of some weeds.  I did some laundry and in the late afternoon I watched Ride like A Girl on Netflix...a wonderful show I enjoyed very much...I give it a 9 out of 10 kind of show!

I crocheted for awhile, I have several projects going at once...which for me is not always a good thing especially if I am watching TV and they all use different stitches...sometimes my fingers don't get the correct message from my brain.

Far Guy made supper;  BLT's fruit and potato salad.

Last winter when I was checking out the canned goods in the pantry apparently I missed a can of sauerkraut...who knew that just one can could go that bad and mess up a shelf and be so smelly.  I checked the expiration date...2011...that was certainly on the shelf for more that one pantry clean up.

Far Side


  1. I recall going through MIL's pantry two yrs ago and finding some old chocolate chips in a can that were really nasty and I tossed them. She was so angry with me! However, I do keep an eye on things and glad you do too!
    That Lupine is pretty! I have some coming up in the garden!

  2. The can of Kraut on the shelf sounds like me. If I put something on the top shelf and it gets shoved to the back, it will sit up there for eternity as I seem to be shrinking and I can't see items up there any more. The Lupine sure is pretty.

  3. Your Sunday sounds wonderful and relaxing. We have had so much rain this year that a lot of my plants went by the wayside, the lupine is so lovely, I have always wanted to grow them but haven't tried as yet! Zinnias seem to be where I am having my booms this year, though I did buy a couple of perennials which are doing well!
    Mr Far Side reminds me of my dh he likes to cook, especially if I am busy with projects, sorry about the sauerkraut incidence.
    Thank you for visiting.

  4. When we started the remodel on the kitchen I tossed everything and I was surprised to see how outdated most of my canned goods were. Right now I have everything in boxes on the floor labeled with their expiration date. Until I get my new cabinets this is how I am going to have to live and who knows how long that will be since I am NOT letting anyone in the house until this nightmare is over. It's crazy. Araignee

  5. That little Lupine is so pretty! The dinner Far Guy made is a perfect summer meal. Sorry about the sauerkraut, that had to have been a huge stinky mess. I'll have to check out that show, I need something to distract me from watching the news. Have a great day! :)

  6. You reminded me that I might one day get into the High Country and see lupines up there. Right now there is still too much snow and the plants are still buried. :-)

  7. We went camping over the weekend in the Big Horns of Wyoming. The ground was covered in lupine. I had never seen so many. Beautiful!

  8. Gold star for representing the others who froze out!

  9. The lupine is so pretty! Apparently 2020 hasn't been good for them either.

    My mom passed away in 2003, while Dad was still living in the house my younger brother and I knew there were things he wouldn't eat so we did a clean out of the fridge and pantry. The oldest thing we found (and there were many) was a container of salad dressing. It was dated 1989! Mom and Dad had moved from the farm in 1991 so it was old then. Obviously it wasn't one of her favorites.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. My kids all took turns working at a local grocery store. When they were in high school it was great sport to go through my cupboards and check dates on pantry items and pitch them the day they expired. It drove me crazy. Now I wish I had a date checker back!

  11. Thank you so much for your Movie reviews I love seeing what you suggest then watching them.

  12. I just gave my pantry a good clean and organized all the cans. Now, I hope I can keep it that way.

  13. Sauerkraut is probably the worst can that you could miss, stinkwise. Oh boy!

  14. Oh, what a mess that was and stinky, I bet! The movie sounds good. I put it on my list. I've been watching Yorkshire Vet on Acorn and I love it! He's a young version of James Herriot and works in the same town/area and his partner did work with Herriot who's real name is Wight.
    I know, I think I am better focusing on one craft at a time or I get confused too. Your dinner sounded perfect for the hot weather!

  15. I've worked in grocery stores so I always put the new groceries in the back and move the older ones to the front and check the dates. I was also a waitress so I still tend to scrub off the caps on condiment bottles like ketchup. But I have spices as old as Methuselah--LOL!

  16. PS I also "face" all my pantry items and can't have a rag so wet it leaves swipe marks on a counter. I guess I have acquired several habits from old jobs. ;)

  17. I started watching Ride Like A Girl yesterday, but fell asleep before it was over. I'll try again tonight, LOL. I have seen the beginning of many movies . . . I actually did a lot of napping on and off yesterday.
    Have a sweet week, dear friend.
    God bless you.

  18. It took me a bit to get my Lupins going here, but I've got them now. I have purple ones, and they are so pretty. I planted some yellow ones last year but they haven't bloomed yet. Maybe next year.

  19. BLTs... oh how I love them.... with about a quarter pound of bacon on each sandwich!! *lol* Your Lupine is beautiful, Connie, and yes.... with just one it makes that one all the more beautiful, doesn't it. Love, Andrea xoxo

  20. Perfect yummy summer supper. My son-in-law grilled yesterday - burgers, hot dogs, jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon - it was all delicious! And I just brought the deviled eggs and the fixings for s'mores. I always love it when I don't have to cook!!

  21. Our lupine is long gone, and we had fewer then normal too. Remember we had that heavy frost very late in the spring. Maybe that's why. Ours are blue/purple...I like your rosy pink!

  22. There may just be one Lupine but it sure is beautiful. Your Sunday sounds relaxing after a busier, holiday Saturday. It's funny that you mentioned BLTs, I was just thinking how long it has been since I had one.

  23. I really like the lupines. I think we should plant to visit the north shore during lupine season and then again during fall leaves. We had a can of leftover pineapple juice for punch. It was crowded to the back of cans. We came home one summer from Minnesota and it had exploded all over the shelves, running down the back wall.

  24. Only yesterday I was cleaning out a tin food cupboard and found a few well out of date items. I am not one to worry much about use by dates but if something is a couple of years out of date it should be binned

  25. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday. Our family had a good one, too. Tom always liked a family get-together in July. This year all of the members who live close got together at the home of granddaughter, Samantha. Maybe next year the far away members can be with us, too.

  26. Love your one Lupine! So pretty....glad you got a picture of it! Sorry to hear about the sauerkraut....those things happen. Sounds like a nice Sunday, otherwise. I just redid a bunch of our water jugs so they'll be good for another five years. Don't know if I'll be around that long....but somebody will be! Take good care!

  27. What a smelly mess that can must have made when it burst. We had a bottle of wine explode in a closet but I'm sure that wasn't nearly as bad as sauerkraut.
    Pretty colour of Lupine. I have just one plant ( purple) and the aphids did a number on it before I noticed. Now it's trying to bloom again and I'll keep a better eye out for those aphids.

  28. Your one lupine is very pretty and I'm sure it's appreciated all the more. BLT's are my favorite sandwich. I even order one when we went to Subway or a cafe in the good old days when you could eat out once in awhile.
    I'm sorry about the sauerkraut. When I was cleaning out my pantry last week I'm embarrassed to say I found a jar of zucchini relish I canned in 2008. It was thrown out. I know I've cleaned that pantry out since then but it must have been clear in the back or something and I missed it.
    Take care.

  29. That's quite some time to miss that can for. Hope there aren't any others hiding back there. That's the one positive with our small kitchen: we don't really have the space for loads of stuff in the cupboards, so it's harder for things to be pushed to the back and forgotten.


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