Monday, July 27, 2020

11 and 14

I took family photos over at my other baby brothers yesterday.  My other baby brother has four children and between them and their spouses they have 14 children.
2 + 4 + 4 =14 ha!

Number 11 was wearing a Coonskin Hat...he took it off for the group photos.

His baby brother Number 14 is getting bigger!

This is Erwin...he has two older brothers and a older sister.  So far Erwin holds the baby spot...he is 15 months old.

Always fun to see the children of my other baby brother!   Some of the older ones are driving cars now!
Far Side


  1. Those are some very cute kids!

  2. Someone after my own heart! I love hats! Cute kids! I be it was nice to get out too.

  3. They are fine looking children, all right. Thanks for the great shots. :-)

  4. It's probably always fun when you get to see all of the little ones and the not-so-little ones.

  5. Awwww... I love that coonskin hat. Number 11 looks like Davey Crockett! Darling. Both boys are just as cute as can be. Love, Andrea xoxo

  6. Number fourteen looks serious about something or someone in his line of vision.

  7. Can you say beautiful boys? Well, they are!

  8. So cute! I love the coonskin hat! Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. My hubby was in the hospital and I kind of lost my blog schedule for a bit. We're working on getting back to normal!

  9. Cute kids! I'm sure it's a lot of fun when everyone is together.

  10. Handsome boys! Funny math. LOL!

  11. What adorable little boys, lovely photos :)

  12. Such cute boys, although Erwin looks like he's thinking "Just wait until I'm a bigger boy!!"

  13. Handsome boys although your math is off 2+4+4= 10 not 14, just saying

  14. Doesn't the time fly though! Kids are growing up, driving cars. Love the pictures of your baby brother's family. That baby sure is the coonskin cap too!

  15. Such cute photos. Our youngest, Alex, had a coonskin hat too that we bought him on vacation one year. Your family is wonderful and I'm glad that a lot of you live close enough to see each other.


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