Sunday, July 26, 2020


We finally have some Milkweed in our Wild Gardens.
Common Milkweed  or Asclepias syriaca a Native Plant

I spotted this Monarch caterpillar munching away. He is pretty large and will transition to a chrysalis soon. 

It was a terribly warm and humid day yesterday...the Heat Index was way up there. 

Christmas Card "stuff" was spread all over my desk and the dining table. I made little headway. Far Guy woodcarved and we went to the transfer station with our garbage ...and stopped by outside the Post Office to mail some cards. 

The milk can project has to be worked on outside when it isn't windy.  Maybe later this week.

Far Side


  1. It was pretty yucky yesterday. How do you like that technical term? I need to get my things together to do a Still Life shot for Xmas Cards or perhaps look through my winter photos.
    You are inspiring me on these hot hot days!
    My gardening was done after sunrise! And Charlie and I walked the woods just before that.
    I can't wait to see what you are doing on your milk can. I have a few milk cans that I am going to 'redo' some day!

  2. Probably better to work on the cards instead if it's so hot outside. Hope you get lots done today. Happy Sunday :)

  3. The heat is oppressive here. I walk in the early mornings and I can't seem to beat the humidity. I'm always ready for fall. Have a nice Sunday!

  4. Outside when it isn't windy? One envisions spray paint and /or glitter..... can't wait to see that as a finished project!

  5. Temperatures in the 70s this week - so pleasant. You’ll find me working on the twined rug project on the patio.

  6. YAY! YAY! YAY! You are good folks for butterflies!

  7. Milkweed was such a common plant found in central Minnesota when I was growing up. Wonder if that is still the case? I've been told that a few gardeners in our community (in SD) have planted milkweed in their flower beds to attract the butterflies. We have a "wild" area at the back of our property that would be a good place to do that. I should look into it.

  8. We have had some lovely cool weather, but starting today it's going to start getting hot. Which is a relative term. It's going to be in the mid-eighties. :-)

  9. Yes, it's ugly-hot here in northern-most Indiana too. I feed & water my wildlife and then I'm back in again. I can NOT wait to see your milk can project. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. That is wonderful that you have milkweed growing. I'm going to see if I can get some to plant or at least seeds. You've already got a caterpillar too! It's hot here too but by Tuesday there's supposed to be storms and then down to the 80's which I will be surprised at but appreciative if it is! It seems we usually don't cool off until November.
    I am mighty curious about that milk can project! LOL! Stay safe and cool!

  11. Terrible heat here in Iowa the last two days. Oh! I found a Monarch larvae on a milkweed plant last week. We were biking on the trail, otherwise, I'm sure I would have enslaved it as my "pet" until it hatched. I would have released it after a HUGE blog post and lots of pictures. Too bad Cheryl was with me, otherwise I still might have attempted to being him home.

  12. "Milkweed" not something I know anything about but nice photos

  13. We grow a different form of milkweed (called swan plant) for our monarch caterpillars. They are such lovely butterflies to have around :)

  14. The Monarch caterpillar is huge! I wonder how big he'll be as a butterfly. What a neat thing to see.

    Take care and stay well!

  15. Congratulations on your milkweed and spotting a monarch caterpillar. Many years ago when we lived in Northern Minnesota we had a bunch of milkweed in our backyard. It's supposed to cool down to the 70's all this coming week. I hope you get that weather too. A great way for us to end the hottest month of the year! Take care!

  16. Our thermometer read 32C today which I believe is 90F. These are definitely the hot, sultry days of late July. Tomatoes ripen almost overnight and flowers need daily watering. Have a great week.

  17. Well, I know what photos to expect next!

  18. I was absolutely dripping last evening at the kids' while I was outdoors with the grandson for just five minutes. Ugh. I did not like that feeling. // If we see the milkweed in the kids' yard we have to get rid of it... three of us are allergic to it. But we've had the monarch and black swallowtail caterpillars all over the dill!! The grandkids love to watch those!


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